General Discussion

General DiscussionGuys how the fuck do you even win with invoker

Guys how the fuck do you even win with invoker in General Discussion
Gaming is Dead

    I'm actually so fucking pissed off that im about to jam a fucking knife in my earhole. If i go mid as qw, i cant contest for last hits.If i go mid qe, i just get harassed and i have no way of fighting back because the range of my spells is dogshit. If i go safelane and my team doesent flame/mass report me, i will do well and rape the enemy team for the first 20 mins, then i just get fucking dumsptered. If i go solo offlane as qw, ill gank a lot and get a shit ton of assists,but then i end up doing no fucking damage past the 20 min mark. Pls guys, i'm just a guy that wants to win some fucking games as invoker for once in my dumspter shit life.

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      \\  VintageR  \\

        U are playing the hero like without soul, u must adapt to ur teammates and enemies, if u dont have enough disablers , go qw
        If u have disablers, go qe
        If ur enemies are fking movile go qw for disrupting them going for orchid,
        If ur enemies are slow u go qe for land sunstrikes and meteors with euls.
        And overall get mid and fast midas, thats why i get only qe no matter what, the forge spirits coldsnap too good for harassing, catch enemies or even run meanwhile ur enemy mid gets hit by forge + coldsnap
        Exp on invo is the most important thing, thats the reason of solo mid and fast midas, here are some examples for possible vs. X hero:

        Storm : dont go midas, go orchid and go qw, concentrate in steal all his mana with emp+tornado +coldsnap combo (if u can kill him, do it actlly rofl)

        Sf: ez winlane, go qe and spam coldsnap + forge, if u are pretty decent, kill him with coldsnap+meteor (only 1 lvl of wex and NOTHING more, assure it 4/1/4 for 2 F spirits.)

        Pudge: to win agaist pudge with voker u must have alot of experience as invo (at least in my case) go qe and if u get hooked just get out with coldsnap, if he has ulti already, keep always ur forges to stop his ulti with coldsnap, dont focus on being agressive as i normally do with voker, focus ur farm for euls, once u have it, gank with the usual combo (suns meteor deaf)

        Leshrac; is hard to fight against this broken piece of garbage, just try to ask a teammate if he can roam to help u , but only if none of u two dies on trying, apart from that, try to lh/ deny the most possible and gank b4 him (in late u just fking destroy him if u are good enough, the problem is the early)

        Qop: same as storm, u need quas for regenerate from harass, if she blinks then strikes, dont waste ur opportunity, she is close enough for emp +tornado +coldsnap (easy kill) besides from that , finish fast ur orchid before she finish it first (if she does so then no much u can do, except if u counter it with euls on yourself or if the qop is retard)

        Thats it for now x.x
        One last thing, just dont give up , Karl is the most hard hero to master, the most adaptable also and is the player the one who decides how to play it, found ur way to play the hero , if u know very well this hero u will know the millions of different options he has for skill builds, combos, item builds and utilities for every spell
        (Srsly sry for my bad english )


          >make sick plays entire game
          >lose because team doesn't know how to push advantage


            As flashy as Aghs+Octa is

            it does very little for amount of gold you're investing into it

            Pol Pot of Greed

              get carried

              the realm's delight

                destroy enemy ancient

                Gaming is Dead

                  ^nice jokes mate real funny.


                    I play Invoker quite a bit and I go Quas Wex. QW Build has a window, the earlier you get orchid, the better. Invoker hits quite harder and attacks faster than most mids early on in the game. You go rush orchid, no midas needed. Don't gank too early, you need levels for your skills to be more impactful.

                    Destroy all tier one towers as early as possible to give you room to move, QW is an offensive build, so you need to gank a lot.
                    Don't focus too much on ganks though, farm in between them. I suggest farming their jungle. Don't show up on the map, this means avoiding common ward spots.

                    Before ganking, make sure your ghost walk is off cd so you can escape easily.

                    P.S. Invoker's a bad hero to play from behind, no recovery as he can't flash farm with any of his abilities besides Alacrity. It also seems that you know what you're doing with him.

                    Here's my Invoker record:

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                    pos 3 kokwhynoob

                      if you wish be a good invoker u may refer this guy, one of my team best invoker watch his replay


                        I miss old Grimorum vs Don John rants


                          Add me if you want to learn Invoker, I am told I am rather good at it.