General Discussion

General DiscussionTips to improve my invoker

Tips to improve my invoker in General Discussion

    Im pretty good at making spells in a limited number of seconds, problem is which spell and what items should i get?
    I seem to be able to farm pretty well. Just that i dont seem to be winning games. Some games im even 6 slotted yet we lose.
    Another problem i cant resolve is how in the world do people play against 5 bkbs?
    I've watched so many of Dendi, Grimorum, Teunos, Virtune's games. Almost 200 games i've fully spectated, yet i dont see how they can land massive combos on 4-5 enemies at 5-6k mmr while i seem to be having trouble catching even 3 people in my tornado to begin the combo..

    Please give me constructive and effective tips.


      don't get 2 utility items. you either get blink, euls, or force staff for that. euls and blink dagger is a waste of a precious inventory slot.
      don't get aghs and octarine in the same game. octarine makes your ult 3 sec cooldown. while aghs makes it 2 sec cooldown. no point getting both.

      how is 5 bkb's a problem in high skill. I looked at your last 5 matches as invoker and 5 people on the other team have had bkb's.

      if you want to hit 4-5 man tornadoes, position yourself correctly to do so.

      late game there's no point trying to do a euls sunstrike meteor combo. unless you can invoke them quick and it's on a support. that combo wont work late. in a teamfight make sure to get your tornado inititation/counter initiation, followed by an emp/meteor into a blast/icewall with a cold snap on top. alacrity your main carry


        also nice boosting xd

        Swap Commends

          dont go for big plays you cant win relly on big plays

          casual player)

            what do you means by big plays? @avadoto

            Swap Commends

              you dont need to hit tornado + meteor+ blast on 5 heroes its enough if you kill 1 or 2 team fight is 4 v 5 already its fine sometimes you just wait for perfect momment and you end up doing literally nothing whole team fight


                The most inefficient way to play him yet currently one of the most popular is...

                Max Exort: Midas>Eul>Blink>Aghs>Octa.

                It's extremely flashy and you can make big plays but its dumb. Please avoid this build. Also, Aghs is somewhat overrated on Invoker. People make a big deal about it but really there only a handful of spells that are vital. Throwing one extra Sunstrike or Coldsnap or low levelled EMP per fight isn't that gamebreaking. 5 seconds CD is more than enough which is why you can see many streams of famous or high MMR players skipping that item. E.g. Singsing, Black or Smash. Instead a Hex or BKB or Mjolnir can change the tides instead of you being a cleanup idiot camping behind and doing 1 combo as your teammates die.

                Then you think you're awesome and make sick plays but in reality that's far from the truth. Absolutely do not become that kind of Invoker.

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                King of Low Prio

                  stop worrying about the 'big plays' the small plays are what wins dota

                  заебала энтропия

                    Saying that aghs is overrated and 5 sec cd is enough for invoker is SIMPLY WRONG. 2 sec vs 3.75 cd is huge. I am not saying that aghs needs to be picked up in every game, but it has it's advantages.
                    @Redefineme you don't have enough invoker games. 300+ is nothing for the hero. Just concentrate you attention on winning games, try new builds.


                      Now this is my play style but basically i recommend getting euls AND blink as invoker when you are doing quas exort. Mainly because you can use blink to join into team fights can do a tornado, meatball, and deafening blast combo. Eul's to just pick off people near early game. Sell it when its late.
                      Don't get octaine, one its better to have aghs, two all it does it give you spell life steal which is nice, but unless they have a full team of blademails, you wont really need it.
                      As for Quas Wex, get orchid, urn, and blink.

                      P.S. I would highly suggest getting 1 mobility item, either blink or forcestaff. It just better to have more movement especially when you have low movement speed in the earlier part of the game. Getting aghs also helps as you can cast more spells during teamfights in the later stage of the game.

                      Good Luck, Have Fun

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