General Discussion

General DiscussionHow could I have played this better?

How could I have played this better? in General Discussion

    I realize I played bad in general. I'm sick as a fucking dog but got nothing better to do. So yeah.

    I had good farm going on early, got my midas within around 10 minutes. Got Phase and was getting started on Armlet, but then Ursa tried roshing, we tried to contest. And got fucked up, cause for some reason he had fucking 17 armor for some reason. He then roshed and I got stupid, continuing to go on fights. Trying to do what I thought was ez cleanup on Drow, their attention suddenly shifted from SF and stuff to me the moment I did. My team most likely wasn't threatening enough to let me go unfocused. Turned out Clinkz had fed Ursa a few times after someone said Clinkz should be roaming. Which he had already died like twice in lane as he said he was fine with soloing the safe lane while I jungle. Then they were too beefy. I managed to go after Drow for like 20 seconds uninterrupted and she managed to tank everything I had even with my Armlet on, they pushed, we lost.

    So was this one of those unplayable games, did I play like shit, or was EVERYONE on my team including me shit?


      max rage and open wounds by 10 dont get hotd

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        Ok. But how would I have dealt with the fuck all tanky Ursa so early tho? I was only chipping him and all he had was a PMS and Vlads

        King of Low Prio

          why would you go midas if you want to fight?


            I figured I could get an easy pick and go back to farming, then I got pissed and forgot to go back to farming with my Midas.

            I'll admit to going full retard cause my sickness induced rage got the better of me.


              Frankly, You have a very bad English @Extvia


                Your team fucked up the draft. They got all the damage from Drow and Ursa, big disable from Void, area control from DP, tanky Pudge and Ursa and you all lost because you all do not have a single fucking stun.

                When your team has no disables AND lack damage, the game is lost.

                Not to mention HotD on a fucking Lifestealer. You wanted to go Vladmir as well? Or did you try convincing one of your teammates to pick Wraith King as well? For fuck, seriously?


                  @Mushi I was one of the first ones to pick. Cause no one else wanted to, so to avoid losing gold I picked LS. Then everyone went full retard and picked nothing good.

                  Also can you maybe not complain about the HotD? I realize it was a bad idea and someone in a more rational tone already pointed it out, but it was like 11 at night and I was sick. I figured I'd go for the free damage and armor. So the fact that you're overreacting beyond just saying it was a bad idea shows you kinda need to go off yourself somewhere Mushi, srsly.

                  @Kurosaki Says the one that slightly butchered the language with a single sentence.

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                    I found not playing lifestealer significantly improved my gameplay


                      I came to the same conclusion with my next game being as Bloodseeker and winning with 22-10

                      Dire Wolf

                        I do agree, lifestealer is in a really bad place right now. I even got a perfect game for him, 3 str melee heroes, enemy team was all melee and we still fucking lost cus the rest of my team picked like garbage and everyone kept clearing woods and pushing lanes and naix has zero flash farm. Like if your team doesn't leave camps and waves for you you aren't going to find farm cus he's slow and has no aoe to clear. I'd tp to a lane and pudge already rotted the whole wave. Stupid. But point is naix just kinda blows, gets kited, needs farm but can't farm fast, etc.

                        However your skills are bad. If you aren't jungle you don't need more than 1 point in feast for a while. Even if you are jungle you probably don't need 1 more than feast. And 10 min midas isn't fast. In lane try to like 7 mins, in jungle around 8.

                        And dominator isn't awful, satanic is a decent 4th or 5th pickup for naix, but you definitely need better items early and naix loves IAS so i'd go AC or s&y or moonshard or just get a basher.


                          10 minute Midas is still generally good for me. Since in the trench you're stuck competing with your ally for last hits. I wouldn't have had a midas within 15 minutes if I had to do that.

                          So basically LS is in the same place as Sven? Kited like fuck and generally useless early on if your team has no advantage at all?

                          And thing is, I don't think a different choice in skill allocation would have changed much, Ursa had 17 armor within his first rosh and my team wasn't problematic enough to keep their focus off me as I try to pick off their squishy ranged DPS in a fight.