General Discussion

General Discussion@1234 :(

@1234 :( in General Discussion
Giff me Wingman


    she's so lucky she's a star

      Eh what are we supposed to look at? Looks like a Wraith King who had a decent game but lost. Shocking, really.

      Giff me Wingman

        22:54 - Mid or Duallane Mid: alright gn8, i wanna see on dotobuff how u smashed sub 3k trash.
        22:54 - 1234: gn
        22:54 - Mid or Duallane Mid: *tomorrow
        22:54 - 1234: its 3k
        22:54 - 1234: his mmr
        22:54 - Mid or Duallane Mid: mid 3k
        22:54 - 1234: y
        22:55 - 1234: well
        22:55 - Mid or Duallane Mid: ah u mean
        22:55 - 1234: 4.7k
        22:55 - Mid or Duallane Mid: his party
        22:55 - 1234: and 3k
        22:55 - Mid or Duallane Mid: it was 2k
        22:55 - 1234: its high 3k average
        22:55 - 1234: 3.8k
        22:55 - 1234: or 3.9k
        22:55 - Mid or Duallane Mid: i think since its reborn
        22:55 - Mid or Duallane Mid: prolly more like 3.7k
        22:55 - Mid or Duallane Mid: but it shouldn't matter
        22:55 - Mid or Duallane Mid: high 3k is as trash
        22:56 - Mid or Duallane Mid: we know how it is
        22:56 - 1234: YA ITS potato
        22:56 - 1234: but they were just bad
        22:56 - 1234: well see

        That's why i am dissapoint.

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        < blank >

          ayy lmao

          < blank >

            He might deleted me after this game xDD

            And this 5k mmr bounty hunter ....

            Giff me Wingman

              w8, bounty was 5k?

              < blank >

                Si, amigo

                Giff me Wingman


                  what mmr did the other 2 retards on ur team have?

                  Цей коментар був відредагований

                    you'd think after 370 you'd be good with a hero

                    Giff me Wingman

                      to his credit, aimstrong is sub 4k trash against prolly 5k trash.


                        against a pudge Spammer, lmao case closed

                        Giff me Wingman

                          i think potm camped mid :rage:

                          < blank >

                            She did and bounty was always looking for trouble so I went in with him, obv feed
                            After some feeds later, Pudge had blink, then he blinked and ulti'd ez set-up for arrow, gg
                            WK always farmed and we were 4v5 after that he fight solo 1v5, no mercy
                            No ez mmr :(

                            Average mmr was 4k

                            Giff me Wingman

                              u sure he afk farmed? I mean he had 555gpm.

                              < blank >

                                Well we had the advanatge as you can see in the early game, also he could eazy get the Blink and the Midas, but me and bounty threw hard, don't even know how much track-kills we got, 0? I though this 5k bounty must be pro let's try this => feed
                                Also he said that there are 7k mmr players that suck as hard as he do lel

                                Giff me Wingman

                                  Btw he didn't delete u yet, maybe he shows mercy and will carry ur heavy ass.

                                  < blank >


                                    Giff me Wingman

                                      y u no steam fgt?

                                      < blank >

                                        Because I am "working"

                                        Giff me Wingman

                                          right..... fokken f4gget.


                                            I cant even say enough how dissapointed i am in this fuckin mmr bracket and especially in myself unable to carry it. Game was just potato dogshit and i didnt really know how to win it. I joined asap i could and that was around min 15 with fucken godlike farm (120lh+) and 2 kills i believe, but till that point they were already so fuckin fed its insane. I dont want to hear about this bh ever again or i might find the kid, slay him and return stolen account to it's original owner.

                                            Master Blunt, i did my best and failed. Wk is shit hero in game like that (they 5 manned from min 15) should have picked magina and splitpush those retarded kids to death.

                                            Giff me Wingman


                                              Y U NO MAGINA? ;(


                                                I went safe pick, since when i saw their team i was like no fuckin way they win against my WK. But i guess i was wrong cause i didnt know that kids in this bracket group literally as 5 and chase you down with mirana ult across half map. If i had magina, they would just waste their time doing that and since they didnt really have that much lockdown i would splitpushed their brains out.

                                                It's my bad, i failed with pick and could have picked better :(


                                                  "high 3k is as trash"

                                                  The irony


                                                    what about we agree on that you're all very bad, including blunt

                                                    Giff me Wingman

                                                      even 2k player would rek u mid as wisp, y u even talking? :rage:


                                                        Rofl defiant talking about how other people suck, oh the irony... xD

                                                        bum farto

                                                          Nail. Head.

                                                          Warlock: you are one of the kids who farms without any eye for the game situations.
                                                          Warlock: you define yourself via your lasthits.
                                                          Warlock: and if farming doesnt work out its your teams fault.


                                                            I think im very gut actually ) :crazy:

                                                            ^true that kappa

                                                            Giff me Wingman

                                                              w8, did warlock actually write that ingame?


                                                                defiant worst playa eu

                                                                Giff me Wingman

                                                                  well he is 1k mmr, very normal skill.


                                                                    Wraith King: An autist support player teaching old dog how to play carry? xD Stay with supports Havoc, you're no good at other stuff.
                                                                    Wraith King: Midas gaming, fuck you all you all suck
                                                                    Wraith King: defiant you suck too no matter what you want to believe.
                                                                    Wraith King: AYY LMAO xD

                                                                    bum farto

                                                                      I probably will stick with supports cause of my pretty high win rate on a lot of carries, so I wouldn't want to continue playing them and put you out of job and an ego.


                                                                        Nice splitapusha 3k Magina Havoc AYY LMAO xD I'm actually terrified if you decided to start playing carries, i think i wouldnt sleep or eat 14 days straight, also i would join Budism just to be able to live normally withouth stress again Kappa

                                                                        bum farto

                                                                          I think it would probably do you some good. Breaks are always nice.


                                                                            I totally agree with you and not only that. I also think i'm gonna start playing supports, since carrying became boring for me lately. I'll just spam WW, Dazzle and Shaker or whatever kids play these days, i think it can do me even more good then joining buddhism =)


                                                                              you gonna get mad at ppl who will pkay cores then, i guarantee it


                                                                                Dude, my supporting is so fuckin legit i can have a monkey playing carry and we win xD Oh wait did i forget to add "_________".