General Discussion



    Im here to rant. Literally rant. In MOST of the games i play ranked. I've got almost an eight game losing streak. And i can ABSOLUTELY say the reason because i lose is because of team either

    a. feeding
    b. miscommunication
    c. just plain stupid reactions in clashes

    im tired. I cant seem to win in mmr. So i speak for all the people who judge people with threads here ranting about "My teammates are noob" etc. Give them some credit. It is hard as it seems. No matter how good you are. You just cant carry a team of idiots on your back. Its damn too hard.

    Giff me Wingman



        blunt so good kappa


          Rant all you like, but once you are in other games, forget about the bad games

          Oh did I mention that you should be expecting the sarcastic "K" comments?

          lm ao

            SEA blah blah the nth time to read a thread like this

              Цей коментар було видалено

                Lol get good less QQ more PewPew

                lm ao

                  Fuck you TripleSteal you just ruined my ultra-scholastic reply by blocking it from view

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                      <font size="100"> K </font>

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                        <font-size:1200px>gg didnt work 0/10</font>

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                          <span style="font-size: 1200px;">K</span>


                            gg will never work


                              just copy paste the big K

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                                          Quick maffs

                                            DAMM  THIS  THREAD  MAKES  ME  WISH  FOR  A  NUCLEAR  WINTER

                                              Цей коментар було видалено

                                                "less QQ more PewPew" should be everyone's life motto


                                                  Holy shit you are so fucking bad. You won't ever git gud. Please uninstall Dota and go play Heroes of the Storm.



                                                    change () to []


                                                      What Hero of the Storm, when I'm Storm?


                                                        i expected these kind of comments. Oh and another thing. I play on SEA server. Which adds to it.

                                                        lm ao



                                                            OK by the way, if you want to actually increase your chance of winning, focus on improving yourself. You can't expect to improve the other 21,356,987,302,549,012 players (OK the number is obviously fake), so you can only go with what you get, in this case the 4 teammates.


                                                              "Oh and another thing. I play on SEA server" Oh ok then, sorry my bad OP. I'm sure you'll win TI6 after you get 8k mmr and find the right team.

                                                                Цей коментар було видалено
                                                                No giggities?

                                                                  Your WR game LOL

                                                                  You got either mid or pos 1 by looking at the cs you have compared to others on your team and yet you managed to do no dmg whatsoever and feed like a BOSS.

                                                                  Of course teammates arent always good but i'm pretty sure you aint better ANDDDDDDDDDDDDDD you tilt so hard on them that you stop focusing on yourself and thus start feeding like a boss.

                                                                  Seriously git gud

                                                                    Цей коментар було видалено
                                                                      Цей коментар було видалено

                                                                        MUH MEEEEEPOOOOOOOOO SO HAAAAAAAARD


                                                                          all the threads in which ppl went full [size=1000]-mode, were closed by mods, sooner or later. also its rly hard to read the stuff on ipad/phone this way.


                                                                            i make it 999.


                                                                              Normal skill.



                                                                                Every few weeks/days some baddy opens a thread about how mm is broken and keeps him down, cause he always gets retards. This can not be true:

                                                                                Baddies before you:








                                                                                Simple logic:

                                                                                If you are better than your teammates (you are not) you will win more games than you lose, because on your team there would be 4 retards plus you (the better one) and on the other team 5 retards (most of the time). Dota gives every player a number for his skill. If your number is too low for your actual skill, you should climb by time.

                                                                                Since you do not climb and stay low, you are a baddy.

                                                                                Thats the bad news.

                                                                                The good news:

                                                                                You can improve in no time! You have so many big things you can work on, that climbing mmr is really really easy.

                                                                                1. Pick wise (heros that match your lineup or you are strong with; do not put too much effort in support below 3.5 k mmr)

                                                                                2. Learn to farm (Lasthits/Denies/Flashfarming midgame)

                                                                                3. Do not feed (Just do not)

                                                                                4. Built proper Items (Dagon Spectre might be fun, but might lose you the game).

                                                                                5. Adapt your skillbuild (there is no “right” skillbuild for every situation)

                                                                                6. Watch what is going on (Check minimap and other lanes often; use your tp if enemies dive)

                                                                                7. Make the right decisions (Push/Farm/Gank/Defend/Rosh when the time has come etc.)

                                                                                8. ALWAYS CARRY A TP

                                                                                9. Check your enemies Inventories.

                                                                                10. Do not rage (lowers apm, causes you to get muted, and nobody will listen to you anyways; If someone rages mute him)

                                                                                11. If you get tired by playing, you are hungry or angry, just stop playing.

                                                                                To do this focus on one aspect a time to improve:

                                                                                Watch your replays to see your mistakes; watch pro replays/good streams, to see how they do it.

                                                                                If you do not want to get better and make the effort, play on in your lowpool. But do not blame the system.




                                                                                  Reality Check - you can't see, think, and act as fast as players 1k MMR above you. If you could then the above "good news" would apply and "climbing mmr is really really easy". But really these don't apply to you or it would be easy and you would not be posting such a complaint.

                                                                                  1) Picks - if you were much better than current MMR any picks at all would win. Since you are not, you have to pick only your best 3 heroes or you won't climb MMR. Eventually this won't work either.

                                                                                  2) Learn to farm (you can't) - You are not physically capable of farming much better than you do now without taking your eye off the map and the game situation. It's possible you don't know how to flash farm, but more likely you just can't execute it if you try anyway.
                                                                                  Practice won't help much.

                                                                                  3) Do not feed... (may as well say "win - just do it")

                                                                                  4) Build proper items - its possible you could improve here. Useing more active items is better - but then you probably can't do it anyway if you try.

                                                                                  5) Adapt your skill build... I don't believe there are any games won or lost by someone "climbing mmr" by getting a skill point or two in a different order. If your build is completely wrong, then change it. Use a build someone who wins with the hero uses. Adapting skill builds can give you a slight advantage in one or maybe two fights early. It won't win the game.

                                                                                  6) Watch what is going on (you can't) if you could watch the map all the time while also playing your immediate surroudings correctly and quickly then you would "win easily". Since you don't, you can't. Practice won't help much.

                                                                                  7) Make the right decisions - its possible you throw the game by lack of focus on objectives. Some improvement may be possible here, but if your team feeds you will still lose.

                                                                                  8) always carry a ... actually no. Don't always carry a tp. Its nearly always the wrong time to tp (99% of the game). If you have the tp you will usually screw up using it and it will be a big mistake - probably it will kill you. Don't have one unless you really intend to tp back for a specific reason. Even 5k MMR players use tp scrolls wrong almost all the time. I like to laugh at them trying to tp away from their inevitable death and failing over and over. If you had to tp out... its already to late. If you carry the tp, you will stay to long and die hoping to use it. You will tp to die defending towers while everyone else does not and laughs at you. So don't always carry a tp scroll.

                                                                                  When the enemy team picks bloodseeker, venomancer, qop, dazzle, and razor - then always carry a tp scroll. When you are playing juggernaut or lifestealer - then always carry a tp scroll.

                                                                                  9) Check your enemies Inventories. This is very usefull if you remmeber to do it and can click them fast enough. Probably you won't because you can't. You are at 3k MMR afterall. Checking inventories of two heroes 3 times in a game is not enough to matter. It has to be done all game on all heroes - and when you try to actually do this you will realize you can't because you are too slow. But very high players can do it because they are faster - some of them don't because they are stupid.

                                                                                  10) Do not rage. Good luck with that while tryharding with a feeder team.

                                                                                  11) This is the one point of truly solid advice. Stop when you lose. This generally prevents losing streaks. But you have to stay in practice so, play unranked games until you are winning again.

                                                                                  Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                                                    OP dude - NICE 33% WINRATE IN RANKED DUDE, SUREEEE IT'S YOUR TEAM'S FAULT XD


                                                                                      lol take Standin. out of your name. It makes you look like a cocky piece of shit and its only more funny when you lose games with it in your name haha


                                                                                        I dont think so Relentless.......


                                                                                          >Learn to farm

                                                                                          1. Go mid.
                                                                                          2. Make as much LH and Denies.
                                                                                          3. Write and ping when mid enemy is gone.
                                                                                          4. Team-mates don't give a f""k not even trying to hide over tower (it is ~14 min of game)
                                                                                          5. Have a nice farm on mid.


                                                                                            Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                                                              How u can play if u told your team CARE just wait under tower and go fight when i will ult but all together?
                                                                                              U'r such a experts, i create new account, how in high skill, and i will receive very high skill bucket soon i'm sure, on my this account (1st one) i have only normal.

                                                                                              Bad Intentions

                                                                                                Yo OP, ok listen man, we both play in SEA, i started at normal skill too man! Anything is possible but you really have to focus and consistently be dat high impact player while grinding mmr! find dat hero man! 😨



                                                                                                  holy shit you actually had lower hero damage than the rubick, from looking at your games I dont think its your teammates that are the problems. If u are someone who flames ur team mute all at start of game, bc negatively impacting morale decreases ur chances of winning.

                                                                                                  Most of the advice here is from people who are very good at dota, and have never been 1k in their lives. I calibrated at 1.2k, lowest was 0.9k, and now im at 2.7k. Coming from someone who has climbed through that shit, (and I'm still not done) here is my advice to you.

                                                                                                  I dont know ur mmr, but if you are below 1.5k spam viper bc u can get solo kills on whatever retard goes mid. People won't have wards at this level, so u can just gank the sidelanes whenever. But remember, if you die once or twice after getting many kills and ur carry is stupid, you will lose. After 1.5k people know how to not get killed by a viper, so you will have to try a different tactic

                                                                                                  I cant remember what I did to get from 1.5 to 2k, I think that was when i discovered slark, but I dont recommend slark this patch, bc the basic idea is to prevent ur team from feeding in the early/midgame, and slark is not good at that. However, If you get a competent team and the score is even at 30 mins, you should win every game as slark.

                                                                                                  Once you've hit 2k I would say pick a role 1-5 and focus on that role. (in my case, I picked 1) and play that role only. If you plan to focus on mid, you must have a backup role because you will not be able to go mid every game. I strongly recommend that you only focus on one role though. Look at my recent games, I won most of my games when playing slark/am/pl, most of my lost games are from when I tried to go mid. Here are my recommendations for each role.

                                                                                                  1, I strongly recommend antimage and phantom lancer. These heroes are just so fucking good. Pick antimage if your team has good space creation and the enemy lacks disables. Pick phantom lancer if they lack aoe. If you dont have disables against a team with am, you've lost. If you dont have AOE against a team with pl, you've also lost. The only downside to playing carry is that your team might decide to hop on the feed train and the score will be 0-12 at ten minutes. At that point, youre fucked.
                                                                                                  2.Bloodseeker, leshrac, storm- I would explain why I chose these, but I think its pretty obvious.
                                                                                                  I dont really play support much but I think picking high winrate heroes like abba/omni will do the trick.


                                                                                                    spam earth spirit

                                                                                                    We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!