General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy do you all hate techies?

Why do you all hate techies? in General Discussion

    Why does everyone in this forum hate techies?

    I mean he is a nice hero. Pick his counter like naga or NP or any illu hero and u will fail his early game.

    Pick a tanky hero and you will fail his mid game.

    NS fails his both mid and early game. Zeus is also a great hero against him. WARDS are always nice and if gem then u only need to be wary of techies ward.

    WHY HATE him when there are so many counter available for him?


      Cause it's extremely boring to play with and against. It's only fun for the guy playing Techies.

      Completely fgucks iwth youyr mind, and how you can play the game. Nightstalker is a shit hero. Zeus is a shit hero. Furion is a Shit hero. Naga is a shit hero unless the guy knows how to play it well (support that is) and has a team that knows how to play around it (eh, u dont get that in average pubs)

      Yes the hero is retarded. Fuck urself


        Except most people last pick techies when the situation is good for him, e.g. 4 melee heroes. There is no counterpicking a good techies.

        But like booster said, it's boring to play with him and against him. If he's on your team, you have to play 4v5 most of the time since the guy won't follow with his one track mining mind. If he's on the enemy team, then your team is forced to play passively or waste excessive gold attempting to sentry him off.


          OP is a techies picking cheesedick.

          Go use your E IRL.

          No one will miss you.


            ey calm down. One this is being stupid or uneducated. Another thing is being retarded, Defiance. :facepalm:



              ^ lol so you hate him bcz you werent able to control him?

              He is not an OP hero. This hero is all about placing mine at right position and timing.

              Yes, he fucks opposition mind, but that is all gone once opposition has gem. Dont hate a hero if u dunno how to handle him :|

              Yes, techies teammates used to hate him in past but recently in all games he is able to get early 3-4 kills atleast and that helps the team. Also opposition cannot push if its a good techies.


                well techies is quick useful in teamfights with his aga and stun. He can turn team fights around solo based on stun only.

                Dont hate him </3

                There is no sense in techies player if he doesnt comes in team fight even with his aga though and that would be wasteful and his team will hate him


                  screw that. When i queue up for a game i plan on playing dota for 30-45 mins, not minesweeper for 60-75. Its not dota.


                    Useless hero against somehow decent opposition. Personally, have never lost a solo mmr game vs tech. Just follow the following rules when you face him: 1) take ranged heroes 2) have summons to check fogged routes 3) use abilities, providing flying vision (zeus, sd, razor, venge) 4) upgrade the cour asap 5) never chase fleeing enemies, just let them back to base 6) don't buy sentries, buy gem asap 7) walk only where u have vision (careful with choke points, highgrounds), 8) have wards placed. When u play supports, take ranged heroes withmmobility spells: mirana, qop, Phoeni)


                      Some really nice gem holders are: tinker (with blink): global presence; night stalker (with aghs), kotl (same), slark (great vision+ward detection)

                      lm ao

                        I love techies. EZ win with TA


                          I never said I couldn't handle techies rofl.

                          It's just the correct way to play against him is really boring. Lel all you do is farm all day then group up and rape the under levelled techies that got next to no kills since nobody was being dumb enough.

                          Let's be honest, it's not about knowing where to put the mines but more like the enemies dont really wanna give a fuck about being passive cuz its so BORING.


                            Finally, when u have techies on ur team, bear in mind that he is likely to prolong the game, so pick heroes accordingly: u should always have better lategame than ur opponents. But u should be able to fight 4v5, which is painful.


                              because he is a fucking shit hero who ruines games for everyone

                              donesnt follow yoloswag :@


                                Because its not fucking Dota it's fucking Minesweeper. Like everyone in this thread said it's only fun for the one shit stain playing Techies and makes the game not as fun for the other 9. Get fucked OP.


                                  God, so many whiners.
                                  Reminds me how people used to cry about Riki being constantly picked.

                                  Mina Inverse

                                    Techies does not get all the fun. Ask the Magnus, Tusk, Vengeful Spirit, Pudge, Tiny, Dark Seer, Batrider, etc on Techies' team.


                                      Dota =/ bomberman, that's it.


                                        The problem with techies is that no matter how many kills u get u wont contribute that much to the team for the amount of kills u took...first and foremost if the enemy team has a strong midgame deathball lineup they will flat out win with a couple of sentries....

                                        Honestly i hate techies for as long as he is on my team i dont mind him being against me, the only part of the game where i like techies is on ultra lategame where ppl might have spent their bb gold and their carry gets blown up randomly which results in a won game, but that aint rly reliable. Id rather have a decent offlaner or support than techies anyday, its not that the hero is completly useless its just that every1 that picks the hero thinks that he is somekind of next lvl mastermind, which 9 out 10 times turns out to be the exactly the contrary.


                                        We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!