General Discussion

General Discussionranked should have a limited amount of plays a week or something

ranked should have a limited amount of plays a week or something in General Discussion

    it takes away nothing from the game; people can unranked and play as per normal but with limited plays on ranked will mean people take it much more seriously and less dual mids and dumb stuff. maybe 10 games a week, in the long run mmr ends up being much more accurate because most games will consist of ppl trying harder than usually do probably

    ranked right now isn't that bad but this would make it so much better imo

    kills boosters, kills throwers, kills smurfs sellers

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        computer games are a big deal


          kitrak if ur brain is too tiny to understand:

          By limiting the amount of ranked games a player can play within a certain period, it increases the quality of games because players would place an increased level of importance onto it.

          Riguma Borusu

            "By limiting the amount of ranked games a player can play within a certain period, it increases the quality of games because players would place an increased level of importance onto it."

            And you base this assumption on? Are you new to games? Are you new to internet communities? Because that would explain a lot.



              Based on many other pre-existing games that put limits and importance on key features of games? Are you new to games or the internet or do you want me to give you a list of games and proven theories that support this?

              shut the fuck you god damn normal skill shit if all you wanna do is shittalk without knowing any better

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                        agree wif kitrak, he rekt u


                          you could have a handful of games each week where you play for more mmr - 100 for example. that way everyone is happy :)


                            Ppl take it al too seriously already

                            Riguma Borusu

                              "Based on many other pre-existing games that put limits and importance on key features of games? Are you new to games or the internet or do you want me to give you a list of games and proven theories that support this?"

                              Please do, I am waiting. And hopefully it might even be like what you suggest.

                              "shut the fuck you god damn normal skill shit if all you wanna do is shittalk without knowing any better

                              Well, let's see, I asked you why you made an assumption that's hardly grounded in anything (indirectly by asking you what you're basing it on), and then I posed a rhetorical question regarding whether you really understand the core things you're trying to discuss. I haven't played DotA for too long (~9 months now) and I am not a particularly good player, which does not mean that I do not understand dynamics of communities, gameplay, addictions, human psychology, game engines, or giraffe mating better than you.

                              "shut the fuck you god damn normal skill shit if all you wanna do is shittalk without knowing any better"

                              If anything, the one shittalking is you. But Kitrak kinda also nailed you for that so I won't elaborate further.

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                              Pale Mannie

                                I liek eggs

                                I know this isn't related xD


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                                    It's a theory but here is the alternative theory.

                                    No one plays unranked because they see no point to it. Hidden MMR is considered a joke and every unranked match becomes a flamewar about whose real MMR is the highest. Slowly people become agitated and seek another game to fill their 3-4 hours/day. Valve loses millions.

                                    The players that only play ranked with the 10 games/week limit gradually become worse and worse because Dota is almost entirely about experience and practice. They start losing MMR, become discouraged and leave Dota 2 for good.

                                    The few people that train in unranked and gain MMR in ranked soon realize that MMR is devaluating as rapidly as the playerbase average skill level does. They enjoy the status of this higher MMR but as the quality of the games drop, they seek a more competitive scene.

                                    We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!