General Discussion

General DiscussionHidden Pool

Hidden Pool in General Discussion

    I'm pretty sure i'm in it, once you're in, is there any way you can get out?

    I don't even know why i am in it.
    I don't flame, feed, whatever.

    King of Low Prio

      Who the fuk do u think u are

      the realm's delight

        i dont think so


          kneel before me peasant


            Get on my level

            Giff me Wingman

              an idiot for believing there is such a thing like hidden pool.


                what? wasnt it confirmed by a valve dev?

                King of Low Prio

                  Pretty sure ur just dumb as fuk, but that's just me


                    15 min long queues, 2/20 cm idk man

                    King of Low Prio

                      Valve doesn't care about Mexican dota, that was confirmed


                        who u callin a mexican


                          everyone below the US is either mexican or peruvian. Deal with it

                          Giff me Wingman

                            no it wasn't confirmed by a valve dev. It's something a dude named wavebave made up. The valve dev was refering to the shadow pool, which is a real thing, but there is no such thing as a hidden pool.

                            King of Low Prio

                              Everything south of Canada is third world


                                If you play good you usually win, if you play like shit you usually lose. HIDDEN POOL BOYS.

                                  Цей коментар був видалений модератором

                                    whatever plebs. see u at ti

                                    A waifu a day keeps socie...

                                      There is a hidden pool, I've been there once when I got muted for some reason. Basically the players there flame at minute 0 and will feed if you don't agree with them. I lost like 7 out of 10 games while in the hidden pool and got out of it once my mute duration expired.

                                        Цей коментар був видалений модератором
                                          Цей коментар був видалений модератором
                                          A waifu a day keeps socie...

                                            Nah there definitely is a hidden pool, I didn't even realize it until my friend mentioned it jokingly. We just paid really close attention at that point and it was over after my mute expired.

                                            King of Low Prio

                                              hidden pools basically just what retards use to justify losing games

                                                Цей коментар був видалений модератором
                                                A waifu a day keeps socie...

                                                  He's prob in the hidden pool for real, but he's the reason hidden pool was created to begin with.

                                                  Giff me Wingman

                                                    You are retarded for believing in something like a hidden pool. congratz.


                                                      the legend of hidden pool originates at the same place where all these "my team holds me back"-type thougts do - your ego.


                                                        Honestly, it makes sense from a logical point of view.

                                                        If i was a game dev, i would definitely create something like the hidden pool. Basically, you improve matchmaking by eliminating the griefers, cause i mean, if you get reported 150/200 of your games, you DEFINITELY are the problem.

                                                        Then, you put those retards with other retards, and they don't ruin other people's games. And the beauty of this solution is that no one knows if it exists for sure, because it was never confirmed by Valve. It's better than banning them/preventing them from playing the game properly like LPQ because that way they won't try to circumvent the system, given the fact that they don't know that the system exists.

                                                        But yeah, i'm not sure it exists either. People are willing to blame anything but themselves. I was not in the hidden pool, i just had an unlucky streak.

                                                        PS: Anyone remember that documentary on toxic players from RIOT, and how those toxic players contaminated others with their toxicity? So how do you solve this problem? You quarantine them (hidden pool).


                                                          ^the problem here is that you overestimate the importance of this stuff for steam and their will to improve the game as much as possible. they just dont care, and they dont want to work additionally if it is not needed. the mm system is incredibly simplistic (from mathematical point of view), and I dont think any1 would spend his time to add these complex structures there.

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                                                          Giff me Wingman

                                                            How does that even make sense?

                                                            Let's take ur logic. U flame = u get into hidden pool, get toxic and inferior players and play against superior players. If you do that, you will give normal players MMR for free and make your whole system even more imbalanced.

                                                            Makes sense? So much NoPe


                                                              Why would you assume you go against superior players?
                                                              Obviously you go hidden pool as a whole, not just for one team. Kind of how low priority works, except you don't get warned.

                                                              It's not just flaming as well. I meant griefing in general, feeding couriers, flaming, etc.

                                                              Also, i don't think it would be that complex. It would just be a revamped low priority.

                                                              Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                                there is no reason to hide it, it would work much better if ppl were aware of it and got a notification whenever they are placed there.


                                                                  well wahtever the case you dont get notified when your in shadowban pool 


                                                                    If they were notified, wouldn't they just create another account or whatever?


                                                                      shadow pool is very exclusive and it works only for ppl who are doing something VERY wrong, so ucant rly compare these two

                                                                      A waifu a day keeps socie...

                                                                        It makes sense that hidden pool talk originated from people saying 'my team holds me back' cause those people are toxic and most likely in it already.

                                                                        Giff me Wingman

                                                                          u are almost as adorable as benao