General Discussion

General DiscussionDota is not 5v5, it's 1v5

Dota is not 5v5, it's 1v5 in General Discussion

    Ok, OBVIOUSLY there are a lot of exceptions.. sometimes you will party up with friends who are competent / good.. or you will solo que and be placed in a team with competent / good players..

    But after playing 1700 hours of dota on my main.. after watching a lot of arteezy games on his twitch.. after playing a lot of games with my 5k MMR friend.. I have learned something..

    The best thing you can do sometimes, is completely fucking ignore your team.

    Depending on the situation this can mean..

    1. Don't even help them fight. (sometimes your team walks right into a death trap over and over again)
    2. AFK farm (to farm while enemy team is grouped up trying to kill your team)
    3. Buy wards as a carry (to prevent yourself from getting ganked, if ur support is too noob to buy them)
    4. Upgrade courier as a carry.

    Let me give you a realistic scenario.. The enemy team picks pudge, tusk, blood seeker, brood mother, and ursa..
    That team is absolute cancer in the early game. Unless you have good players on your team who picked heros to counter them.. you're gonna have a bad time.. A lot of noob players like to begin 5 manning at around 12 mins .. non-stop.. even if they aren't taking towers once they kill a couple of heros.. because all they want is kills.. right..

    So this is the scenario.. it's 12 mins in.. your team is already losing like 18 kills to 4 kills.. the enemy carries are so strong u cant even touch them..

    you have 2 choices. A. Tell your team they are fucking noobs. (Which i can be guilty of sometimes)



    If you choose A. it's a guaranteed loss. your teammates suck so bad that they fed a lot already, if you're cursing at them and being negative, they will play even worse, help you less, and you lost.

    If you choose B. and you completely ignore them.. you keep your chances of winning alive..

    This is so important for people who aren't in high mmrs because you will get a lot of these 100% useless teams.. or just teams who get out picked in the hero selection.. and are useless as a result..

    If your team is feeding, or just being straight up stupid, treat dota as a 1v5 game.. this does not mean don't help ur team get kills when ever you can.. this means.. just focus on your self.. your own farm.. your own development over the game.. because you might kill that enemy carry who has a kill steak.. then BOOM .. you have 1800 gold instantly. then you get another kill.. boom another 1.2k gold.. now u just buy ur next item and the enemy team is like "FUCK DUDE WE JUST FED TA LIKE 3k GOLD WTF" .. then u are 3 shotting everybody.. or you are pushing towers.. or you can split push.. WHAT EVER THE FUCK YOU HAVE TO DO..

    You want some good practice? play unfair with bots.. Keep starting the match over until both teams have their heroes.. and the enemy team 100% counters the bots on your team.. then play.. with no cheats.. try to win the game that way.. if you can win consistently.. you will get better at 1v5 online with real players.. then you obviously have to practice wit the real fuckin noobs..

    1v5.. 1v5.. 1v5.. this game is 1v5.. fuck relying on your teammates.. start asking yourself.. how can i win this game alone??

    do i need to get boots of travel and buy wards so i can split push safely? do i need to get an mkb to go thru the enemy carries evasion / bkb? do i need to make a scythe of vyse because that ursa is raping everyone? do i need to make an etheral blade so i can stop that hero from attacking us allowing my team to nuke him down with spells?

    Shit like that.. enemy is 5 manning.. THEY ARE NOT FARMING CREEEPS.. Whenever your enemies are not farming creeps in lane.. YOU GO FARM CREEPS IN LANE.. each wave is what? 200 gold? if you get 2 waves thats about 400ish gold.. that its self is a kill.. so even though your enemies have high kills.. you have more last hits.. so when you come face to face.. they are dead.. you take their kill streak.. and rape everybody.. anyways.. hope some people can learn from this.

    THIS DOES NOT MEAN AFK FARM FOR 40 MINS. Be smart. carry teleport scrolls so if you're farming and your team is fighting, you can teleport in, help them fight, then get back to farming. Be smart. Don't fight fights you can't win.. Use good judgement.. Counterpick the fuck out of the enemy team. GOOD LUCK ON YOUR DOTEZ GAMES

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      Somebody call the ambulance.


        Support picker here, i like (and i have to) pick support everytime in order to not autolose because we havn't the courier.

        Guess what, i have no true impact to the game because literaly people doesn't know:

        1) That i have to gank mid too and i have to leave them alone in the lane but they want be babysitted when they pick bloodseker
        2) Carry doesn't realy know how to control the lane (starting denyng creeps from 50% of their life while waiting for a lasthit and they push the lane too hard so they get ganked and die)
        3) Carry can't lasthit at all
        4) Carry in the 90% of times build shit items for no reason. Ex: (Bloodseker Basher and Urn, WR Aghanim first item.)
        5) I have to be the only support in the game FOREVER AND EVER, so at the 10th min i could buy brown boots
        6) I'm shit, if i could be better i just would pick TA, Huskar and QoP for stomp everygame and have a full impact winning 1vs5, like my 5k friend do. But i'm shit and that's all folks, 3k forever.


          You can't be more shit than I am.


            So much text to say that you like to split push? Man im the same kind of player like you, just pick heroes with split push (not deathball or team push) capability and enjoy the game you want to play.
            Play Naga, Lycan, AM but if you do this plz be a nasty rat cause if you wanna win 1 vs 5 and you are not smurfing you have to understand that winning in teamfight with a "shitty team" isnt the way they are anchors objetive gaming is the key ;)

              Цей коментар було видалено

                wrong it is 1 vs 9



                  1) You have to gank mid when you know your carry will be able to farm there, if hes an absolute retard unable to last hit just leave him alone and focus on other things like ganking, stacking, pushing tower, pulling for yourself, so you can have impact as a support.
                  2) If carry cant keep the lane equilibrium eventhough their offlane is under the tower or something, just make a single pull and try to make your creeps survive, so you will get a huge creep wave to try to kill their tower as soon as posible.
                  3) Same as 2)
                  4) Bloodseeker basher and urn isnt that terrible even if he didnt get any other item all game, its not the worse items you can get on him, aghanim first item on windranger is excellent so I dont know why you complain about that.
                  5) If you cant get your brown boots before minute 10 playing support then you better dont play support anymore, I know there are games which become terrible as a support, but it shouldnt be the majority. You have to set goals during the game, let's say you start with 2 brances, 8 tangoes (2 pulled to your mid), 2 clarity, wards, curier. Then you have 3 minutes to get money to upgrade courier, I usually can get 500 gold easily simply by pulling, if you cant pull because it won't be good for your lane, then just stay with your carry and harass the hell out of the offlane without dying (you probably dont know how to do that properly), you will still get enough money to upgrade curier at min 3, go base if you need too, get smoke, gank mid, go back to lane if you dont think your gank will be worth and start pulling, you will get your boots soon. The most important thing as a support is to never chill in the early game, if you are losing 30 seconds here and 30 there, you will be lvl 3 without boots at minute 10 and you will barely have any impact for the rest of the game, when you should be at least 5 and close to arcane boots or whatever first item you want.
                  6) You have said it yourself, you are shit, so you can still improve a lot but you wont do it if you keep focusing on what your allies do. You can win mmr by playing support at 3k mmr simply by outplaying and being more active than your enemies in the early and mid game.
                  Obviously in your bracket you can grind mmr faster by playing core role, but it doesnt mean playing support is an insta-25, unless you suck every game.

                  Don't take it as an attack, but its tiring to see everyone complaining about their teammates, I also complain from time to time but when I lose I always feel I could do more to win. Hopefully this can help someone.

                  PD: sorry for my potato english.

                  Цей коментар був відредагований

                    "let's say you start with 2 brances, 8 tangoes (2 pulled to your mid), 2 clarity, wards, curier."
                    You killing me...


                      people who abuse the "..." do not seem to be trustworthy to me

                      also if you feel like you get useless teams and in the same time are not 6k+, it means that you are useless as well, but fail to realize and admit it; otherwise, you would have won ~60-70% of your games.

                      Цей коментар був відредагований


                        Windranger has literaly not good damage to justify an aghanim as first item, god if he has the rightclick of PL i would understand.
                        Otherwise i preffer A LOT take Maelstorm first, so i can farm and using my high speedattack to spam with it and then after build a Dedalus i would go aghanim.


                          Yeah, I cry and laugh at the same time. Just ignore me.

                          Цей коментар був відредагований

                            ^aghs first is purchased to push towers and get early tankiness, not to rightclick people


                              @TripleSteal- does this look like a push team ? Not to me.


                                @Frankie~~, you dont necesarilly buy it for the damage, you buy it for the tankiness + cd reduction + no damage reduction, its insanely good to go aghanim's first, maelstrom is good I agree but its not a must while aghanims is a must have on windranger, if you rush aghs you can get it between 15-20 min and then get crits very soon. If you get maelstrom first you will be walking around with 900-1000 hp till minute 20+ with like 3 armor she has? I used to go maelstrom first and it was good, but then I tried aghs first and it just feels so much better. You also dont need maelstrom to farm, you already have powershot and a good right click, 15 sec coodlown on ulti to damage towers all the time.

                                @Soultrap, Why do I kill you? if you're solo supporting thats pretty much all you can get to start as a support, 250 for tangos (or tango + salve), 120 for cur, 150 for wards, and you still have 105 gold to get clarities or branches, if you have another support you can get sentry and/or smoke.


                                  Support starts with 155 gold. =)

                                  All you can do is to buy 4 tangoes and give 2 of them to your mid. Now you are ready to beat the crap out of enemy offlaner. Arrrgh... =)

                                  P.S. The only way to buy boots before 10 minutes is to kill somebody (not always happens).

                                  Цей коментар був відредагований

                                    with 2 tangos and
                                    no stats you zone out enemy offlaner with the power of friendship.

                                    Riguma Borusu

                                      "P.S. The only way to buy boots before 10 minutes is to kill somebody (not always happens)."

                                      Or you pick something greedy like CM, and jungle for a bit.


                                        @Sven Bømwøllen
                                        There is a bug in game: every time I start jungling multicolored "X" signs appear around my hero with "ding-ding-ding" sound.


                                          @soultrap, well I dont agree that you need to kill somebody to get boots before minute 10, if you're decent at pulling you can get 100-200 gold each pull. And you say you save 155 gold after the starting items, then it shouldnt be too hard to get 300 more gold with the first 2 pulls, if you cant pull you kill the offlaner or gank mid and then I agree it can become difficult to get your boots soon if the gank fails. Anyways in 10 minutes you should always have boots at least.

                                          Riguma Borusu

                                            This is a known bug I'm afraid. However, they're not fixing it because you can just ignore it without any consequences whatsoever.


                                              X-s used to be red, and this bug is old af.

                                              lm ao



                                                  This thread is gold, I agree pretty much 500% with everything you said lmfao.


                                                    Pudge, Bloodseeker, Ursa, Tuskar, Broodmother solution... pick techies. ez game ez life


                                                      Pudge, tusk, blood seeker, brood mother, and ursa is your example of a cancerous meta team? Really? Not even a storm, lesh, pl, lina, etc....

                                                      EDIT: as the comment above me points out, you could counter that whole melee lineup with techies

                                                      Цей коментар був відредагований
                                                      average kebab enjoyer

                                                        ' with 2 tangos and
                                                        no stats you zone out enemy offlaner with the power of friendship. ' - Exactly and doing it whilest standing around in the woods concentrating on the enemy offlaner. I'v seen it happen. #mentalgamming


                                                          Mute everyone in game except for your party mates,
                                                          i've been winning many more games this way