General Discussion

General DiscussionMiss click bug?

Miss click bug? in General Discussion

    I don't know if this is really a bug or just my pc is a shit, but i'm having problems with miss click ,this starts after install the reborn, it's like the heroes are smaller than they really appear for me. Its impossible to play with heroes that needs a right click like rubick, sniper ,bh. Anyone have the same problem?

    Ps: its not a fingerless problem i have more than 4000 matches and this never happens before.

    lm ao

      Disable quick attack


        same here do you use windows 10?


          no, i still have windows 7

          Siegward of Catarina

            I have this problem too, and I try everything and nothing can fix


              According to r/dota2 it's because in Source 2 you actually have to click on a hero instead of just click on their hitbox. I've noticed it too.

              Riguma Borusu

                This is fucking retarded, sometimes I can't fucking click people who are just running too fast and I blink in and have a tiny window where I have to click to for example duel them.

                This is absolute garbage.

                Giff me Wingman

                  Yep, hitbox are way smaller in reborn. If you sheep someone it's almost impossible to attack them. I fail many kills just because of this shit.


                    i also felt like theres something wrong with hex
                    also i guess it might be the reason of Pounce becoming way harded in reborn

                    You Touched My Tralala

                      same problem for me....


                        same here


                          Same here. Thought I was alone

                          Bad Intentions

                            Any vids of dis?

                            Miku Plays

                              lel whenever i jungle and cut my chokepoints i cut other tree instead destroying my choke point


                                Experienced this for the first time playing invoker trying to use cold snap and orchid on a hexed enemy

                                Riguma Borusu

                                  I had trouble dueling riki and clinkz as legion. Those are so fucking hard to click and I literally used to click in those heroes' relative proximity to blik-duel them without any issues.


                                    so are they gonna fix this or are we supposed to get used to this

                                    < blank >

                                      Don't play Counter Strike you skrubs

                                      one syllable anglo-saxon

                                        Can confirm, I've even started a thread about that yesterday though it sunk. Like the above ^^^ guy I had huge problems playing LC because of that issue and with many single-target heroes it is harder to hit spells or target items.

                                        Source 3 will fix.


                                          yeah it made me use quickcast for duel


                                            i have that problem too.


                                              Aww, so that's why I've been running around -more like dancing around- a hexed enemy. Fok this.

                                              Agent T

                                                my teammates were laughing at me when i cudnt use ck stun


                                                  ive had no such problems


                                                    I figured it was some kind of input delay since it felt like I had to aim ahead of the person lmao


                                                      Yep had same problems. But i face it somethings, most of times dota plays fine