General Discussion

General DiscussionMmr range for me

Mmr range for me in General Discussion

    I am very new to dota and have only watched games and my friends play. I started this account and played based on what I got watching my friends play. I believe i have been mainly supporting. Could you guys help me determine what my calibration in the near future if i play at this rate is?


      I read around that the high skill mmr was ranging from 3.1 to 3.8 and that normal was 3.1 below. I have random games of normal in the midst of high skill so would my mmr (at this point) be in the 2.9 - 3.2 range?

      King of Low Prio

        below 3k


          straight to leaderboards mate youre a flower


            You could try and make it a little less obvious


              New to dotA sure. You're still gunna be 2k


                low 3ks

                also to all the haters out there - "new to dota" doesnt mean this guy hasnt played other moba games b4


                  I mean like I said, I have had friends who have played before and asked me to try basic mechanics. I recall my first game out of the few to be playing juggernaut. Then i often hear my friend complain about the lack of supports so I said I want to learn support to help them when I play. Thanks @triplesteal for not hatin and the feedback. Obviously I am not gonna start out in 4k or so.