General Discussion

General DiscussionHow not to blame my teammates

How not to blame my teammates in General Discussion
King of Low Prio

    Every 3k play watches or reads guides. You are like all the other clowns that pop up once a month spouting their delusions of grandeur


      Oh ok, thanks. Good thing I'm not watching or reading guides as those are not how you get into 4k+ bracket. Those hero guides and what not are only for basic understandings of Dota 2. I watched a few replay analysis of high level games and started applying the logic I saw in my replays to fix my game. I don't usually have a problem dominating mid, I suffer/suffered from mid game rotations on where I should be and what I needed to do to close out the game.

      If I ever get to a point where I'm stuck in 3k I'll make sure to make a thread to let you know my delusions got the best of me.

      Bad Intentions

        mannn its samps zues vs aye sirs invo! it will be a good fight! u guys shud get it on already mannn :D


          I also play a mad puck, problem is its been out of the meta for awhile so I've not really been playing it. I think I need to start playing it again anyways as it's one of my favorite heroes.

          Sexo Meister

            Fek i accidently press post

            when will the fight be on?

            King of Low Prio

              I really don't care about your games nor do I care about your next lv gaming strats (BTW lots of 2k and 3k players do that). You are not 'dominating' your games at all you are struggling

              King of Low Prio

                You had the 2nd lowest kda in your last invoker Mr dominant


                  Yeah KDA paints the whole picture, man will you coach me? Idiot.

                  King of Low Prio

                    Oo yea you created space all game for your team. Dunn Krueger is running on overdrive on this retard


                      nice cyka thread over here, as far as i see


                        This is shaping up to be the fight of the year, forget Pacquiao vs Mayweather!

                        Young rookie AYE SIR has had some good results but is still deep in the 3k scrub-bracket. We have yet to see if he can dominate at a higher level.

                        The heavy weight Sampson is honing his zeus mid and ember, but somehow has been losing a few normal skill games. Will we see another upset?

                        King of Low Prio

                          Those loses where after I cleared a bottle of rum n 2 bong rips. So unless I'm required to repeat that for the games he's in trouble lol

                          Bad Intentions

                            Yo samp damnn mann u gotta give the invo kid a chance :D im hyped for this match already :D u guys gotta do dis!

                            Bad Intentions

                              Yo samp damnn mann u gotta give the invo kid a chance :D im hyped for this match already :D u guys gotta do dis!


                                @bad intentions
                                do something to ur english, please. i dont mean mistakes, im talking about style; i always feel a dissonance whenever i see ur posts. the language you use and the meaning of your comments have nothing in common. u could speak about chicken wings or basketball in this way, but not trying to be polite and friendly to everyone around you, starting each of ur posts with "yo".


                                  Holy shit it's hard not to flame, when your highest mmr player with 5.7k mmr picks Batrider mid and proceed to feed and be totally useless throughout whole game, while people camp you every lane you go.



                                    @Triple - I don't find it disrespectful or unfriendly at all. I guess it all comes down to how you interpret it...

                                    If I jump on my phone and start msg my irl friends and start saying "yooo man want to catch up for a beer later?" this is nothing out of the ordinary.


                                      i didnt say its unfriendly/disrespectful either, cz its not
                                      it is just a stylistic contradiction which makes me feel weird every time i read his posts. his language doesnt fit his in-forum personality.

                                      Цей коментар був відредагований

                                        Just keep quiet. How hard can it be? :D
                                        Nothing is more annoying than having some shitstain sprouting shit all game, and trying to direct everyone with their bullshit. Had two games filled with such obnoxious players today, and you don't want to be put in the same bullshitter division as them.

                                        Bad Intentions

                                          lol triple dats fine man :D im just pumped for dis match up, hype! :D

                                          TWICE WTF

                                            @King Of LP You talk like absolute pro and the way you talk is insulting. So what is your mmr? 4k? 5k? so proud to be 4-5k? even if you are 4k it is still pub. you are an acidic and arrogant prick. You need to learn to respect people. Even if you are higher mmr than me or others then so what? I dont believe you never have bad games nor feed in some cases. Your playstlyle is just selfish (I can see you boost your mmr a lot by being a KS dagon BH). So proud to ks like a pro as bh?

                                            Цей коментар був відредагований
                                            TWICE WTF

                                              ^I can see you blame your teammates a lot without thinking of how you can help the progress of the games.

                                              Цей коментар був відредагований
                                              Bad Intentions

                                                Dammnn yo samp, looks like funk is a good challenge, hes a fellow vhs as well :D nice friendly doto matches in the horizon! :D

                                                King of Low Prio

                                                  I think I got autism reading this retarded Funky kid. You say I am boosting my MMR playing a selfish BH build and then you talk shit about that same build. I would rather carry the game playing selfish than copy pro tournament styles and try and use those in pubs and lose.

                                                  TWICE WTF

                                                    ^yes indeed you are an arrogant, selfish and acidic prick. You think you are very good to be 4k. you can insult people with lower mmr? 4k o 5k is still a pub. Learn some respect kiddo. By the way, dota is a team play not soo play, want to play solo, go play RPG please. And I never see Puppey failed to climb mmr with support, instead he is the 1st support to climb over 7k, just admit you are selfish and arrogant enough not to play support and never play in a team basis.

                                                    Sir Biscuit

                                                      i might be a bit late for the discussion and i am sure many other ppls said it already still i will say something i have faced on my very recent games i hope u will get some idea ur looking for.1st thing if ur the mid player and ur ganking other team or doing good at mid 70% time other player will follow u or at least hear what u have to say (don't over do it) 2. if u having good farm and ur support cant help much with the wards or flying courier u can always buy some wards and give it to them so they will know u mean business(don't be the guy to get ganked n blame the support) 3.if ur the perfect support(at least u think ur) and ur team is doing bad instead of saying bad words to them try to go offensive and get some kills this way ur team will notice ur effor t& join u in future gank on the other hand if the other team targeting ur carry they will focus on u (a support) and ur carry can farm or push lane ( sometime u need to tell to do that). so one thing is for sure u need to be good so ur team follow ur lead.(easier said than done) if anyone read this post i am sorry for my bad english & good luck to ur next match.


                                                        lmao everyone knows 1k > 7k/6k/5k/4k/3k/2k. kwappa


                                                          winning lanes, get good KDA early-midgame, 75% they will listen

                                                          King of Low Prio

                                                            Dota pubs are solo play. You either carry your team or you plateau at your current mmr. If arrogant and selfish play wins the game you play arrogantly and selfishly. If you are stupid enough to rely on 4 random people then that is on you. Competitive dota /= pub dota

                                                            TWICE WTF

                                                              Just 2 question please answer me.

                                                              !st So 1 team should have 5 carries?
                                                              because you can never count on your mates? If you never trust your team , why should they ever trust you. Ultimately, you must remember that you are almost as good or as equally as bad as your team because you belong to the SAME mmr range. so no one should buy wards and support items? if everyone thinks like you then there is no point playing.

                                                              2nd Why you like to flame people in the forum with mmr lower than you? feel over proud to be 4 k? You have no rights to flame people lower mmr than you. You talk and behave like the Boss in "Epic Boss Battle". So 5k and 6 k mmr are free to flame you? your talk are heavily biased and please learn to respect others. You used to flame most of the poepl in other threads with lower mmr than you. This is an universal truth.

                                                              King of Low Prio

                                                                First I flame all idiots of all mmr ranges he is the one who brought up his leet skills. Second yes if you want to increase your mmr as a support you need to transition into a core when you get ahead in the early game.

                                                                King of Low Prio

                                                                  Higher mmr players tend to cry less about blaming the mmr system


                                                                    See how delusional this guy is? I offered the OP advice that skill level didn't even matter in the equation. Then he comes in patronizing me for giving advice because of my MMR. I defended myself at that point by saying I'm actually climbing in MMR at a fast pace... so you know my leet skills at work right? Dude can't even recall things correctly.

                                                                    Цей коментар був відредагований
                                                                    King of Low Prio

                                                                      You gave awful advice I called you out on it, you started crying about how your 4k and begged me for my attention. I told you if what u say works I will grace u with a 1v1. Stop crying and making excuses.

                                                                      King of Low Prio

                                                                        Gains 25 mmr in a day

                                                                        Omg 7k incoming


                                                                          You are legit retarded, i'm surprised you made it past 4k. You probably have played dota for a long time. You are no longer worth my time, maybe I'll grace you with a 1v1 in the future and maybe not as I could not care less about you at this point you are nothing but an elitist prick who is only good at one thing in life and that is being an asshole.


                                                                            ^ Lets see those 1v1s

                                                                            TWICE WTF

                                                                              ^just ignore king of LP. he should just play LP games, no respect to others and always flame others. So 4k mmr can look down on lower mmr people? over proud to be 4 k boosted by playing dagon bh. 50.39% WR in mmr show king of LP does not improve, he deserved to stuck at 4kmmr given he is so arrogant and selfish.

                                                                              King of Low Prio

                                                                                Haha this kid realized he wasn't gunna hit 4k so now he wants a out. Called it just like all the others talking that shit

                                                                                King of Low Prio

                                                                                  How am I boosting my mmr with what you call a shitty build? So if I went gg boots I would be 5k? Naaaaw bro I prefer to handicap myself thanks tho

                                                                                  TWICE WTF

                                                                                    u think only you are 4k? you just suck at dota and personality admit it.

                                                                                    King of Low Prio

                                                                                      4k isnt high at all. You are just pissed that I think ur clueless and that I think 4k is trash making u worse than trash


                                                                                        Popcorn is delicious.

                                                                                        King of Low Prio

                                                                                          BTW bitches love my personality you might wanna try it someday so u stop stressing ur 4k dreams

                                                                                          TWICE WTF

                                                                                            so what. you will always stuck at 4k. only 50.39WR for MMR. continue to be a selfish,arrogant sucker, wp.

                                                                                            King of Low Prio

                                                                                              plz dont forget about us lil people when ur at TI6.


                                                                                                bitches love cz of other reasons

                                                                                                damn i kind find that emoticon for "if u know what i mean" :D
                                                                                                is this racist and will I get banned btw?

                                                                                                Цей коментар був відредагований
                                                                                                Bad Intentions

                                                                                                  Are ya not entertained! :D btw i like saying dat in all chat when something exciting happens :D

                                                                                                  Lets get these one vs one matches upp mannn, lets get it onnn :D