General Discussion

General Discussionreturn my old s1 rmm

return my old s1 rmm in General Discussion

    44hrs players are playing on 5600.
    how that's even possible.

    < blank >

      Hello darkness my old friend

      the realm's delight

        like steam hours mean shit at all. some players can play ranked without trophy lvl 50 for some reason, and if they are 5,6k on that many hours it either means they are relaly good and deserve it (because you can only calibrate 5k maximum) or got boosted


          How its possible? smurfing obviously


            ^I don't think 44h is enough to get to 5.6k. Don't you need like 70-80 games to get lvl 13 ? Maximum calibration is around 5k, so you also need to farm 600 MMR (20 wins in a row).