General Discussion

General DiscussionTechies Players, what do we do now?

Techies Players, what do we do now? in General Discussion
Mina Inverse

    Techies has been nerfed badly in 6.85. But for some reason, a handful believes he was also buffed (infinite landmines!). Question is, how do we get back from this? What playstyles do you recommend? I always play techies as a lane pusher. Get first blood at the sound of the horn, Kill the enemy with suicide ( I abuse my suicide early game), mine the lane and its entrances to the jungle to prevent ganks (and kill). Drive away enemy heroes in my lane and push tier 1 tower. I get as much exp as possible. I mine the river and choke points and create space for my carry. Mid game to late game I mine offensively especially after aghs. This usually leads to victory but with the reduction to mines' quality (and buff to quantity) will I still be viable with this playstyle? What would techies do in our darkest times? Thank you.


      stack jungle and ancients a lot. put mines infront of them while stacking. buy rapier. suicide. let your carry take it. win game

        Цей коментар був видалений модератором

          Farm oreinted techies and then become a pushing powerhouse, like how Aui played.

          Let me try that

            In 8 mins (or so )lvl 1 mines can kill roshan ...ez 200 gold plus aegis


              ^ sounds like a fool-proof strategy :horse:

              Pom Pom 🍕

                half damage and can't be stacked makes it much easier to avoid dying to mines. They might as well have reworked land mines entirely instead of making them so awful. They still do good tower damage though and he has good wave clear, so could actually play him as a splitpusher with boots of travel.

                Цей коментар був відредагований

                  Techies is down from 52.34% winrate and 12.62% pick rate in 6.84c to merely 8.47% pickrate and 47.06 winrate in 6.85. It's taken quite a toll.

                  Techies will have to be played differently, but I think the optimum tactics and strategies have yet to be discovered. It will take some time experimenting.

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                      A good techies can still win and isn't that affected. One can't say the same about trash players just rolling with OP heroes like AUI322

                      Dire Wolf

                        hahahahahahahaha yes, techies win rate down 5% since patch, fuck that hero so much, worst thing dota ever did


                          hi, im a techies spammer

                          techies is shit now.
                          i wouldnt play him

                          Mina Inverse

                            I appreciate all your ideas guys. Perhaps we say goodbye to the ecstatic feeling of suddenly BOOM! of kills and direct ourselves to being a split pusher or a defensive support. I am thinking that the nerf he got can be used as an opportunity for his team. Since demining rewards supports with 10 gold, and the existence of cooldown in quelling blades/battle furies, perhaps this could be the opportune moment for Techies' team to gank and land a kill. Mines makes perfect bait and Techies can plant Stasis traps during clash and lob remotes from behind. On paper it sounds promising.

                            In the end he could be still doing his job: Create space for carry and team. XD


                              or you can just feed couriers if you pick techies cuz the end result will be the same.

                              King of Low Prio

                                Teckies pickers should just kill themselves. You guys find that shit fun right? Just do it plz