General Discussion

General DiscussionUndying diskussion

Undying diskussion in General Discussion
Giff me Wingman

    So, as far as i can tell, dirge's early game has been nerfed hard. Tombstone dies way to fast but once that fucker gets aghs OH MAY THE LORD HAVE MERCY.

    Lost to aghsrush dirge, fucker stole in a teamfight enough str for 6k+ health. Dazzle + Dirge is hell on earth.


      in the 1 games i have played with undying in my team, he got rekt in 100% of them.

      < blank >

        First blood! They sing the song of death!!

        < blank >

          Ja Ja eine Diskussion

          Riguma Borusu

            I am now seeing people going undying mid for some fucking reason. Also less people play him as a support now.


              I used to play pos 2 Undying on some lans. Really strong and unexpected pick, early tombstone was just so op in fights, and decay kept enemy mid always low on health.

              Giff me Wingman

                holy shit, normal skill games are way 2 interesting.

                Dirge mid Dx

                lm ao

                  Oh my God


                    theres a bug with his tombstone, illusion hits registers as hero hits.
                    enjoy your free win


                      now his tomb is better lategame (the carry cant 2 shot it) and shit early game cause lvl 1 tomb is now a joke, the aghs buff idk man if enemy team is running one of those 5 man shitshow deathball strats sure is great
                      PD: fuck this hero

                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                        If he rushes Aghs, a simple silence allows you to just ignore him the entire fight. So he needs GG for sure. Also his laning is his main power and it's a little weaker now but you can still easily win the lane with a support by your side so it's no big deal.

                        Sexo Meister

                          Tbh undy ags should be a situational, Undying w/ aghs means free ogre club to tarasq for 40s but it doesnt buff your team's survivability. So aiming the damage source then undying would leave him useless. Since he need someone to deal damage.

                          Also LS breaks undying with ags faster than ursa on steroids




                              Undying will be played as a core now because they nerf his early game and improving his mid game. But i cant say for sure he can carry a team in a late game


                                Sure he can. I did it many times. Lowbracket rulez :v . And urn makes wonders.