General Discussion

General DiscussionAlright guys, what went wrong here?

Alright guys, what went wrong here? in General Discussion

    uh.. pipe?

    Giff me Wingman

      phase, pipe, mkb. Holy fucing shit.

      inst:  MissMissclick

        u r a noob thats what

        Riguma Borusu

          your parents' contraception


            u g0t rekt, mVIII



              I go either treads or phase

              Testing out pipe because I've read multiple threads about it + Purge played Spectre with pipe

              MKB because PA/Windranger



                You build pipe to counter Spectre's weakness to magical burst damage, but your enemies deal mostly physical damage.
                WR's main burst is focus fire's physical attacks, not her thunder axe proc.
                PA's burst is mostly physical.
                That morphling's build isn't spell nuker.
                Their CM was terrible anyways; there is no need to build pipe just to counter her.
                I guess pipe could work against Doom, but if he uses blink + ult, it doesn't really matter.

                I think Linken's Sphere is the better choice against the enemy team.

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                  pipe is good item for spec but not this game idk why did u get it
                  manta for spec is like manta for am, you dont skip it ever
                  also your desolate goes through evasion so idk why would you get mkb as a 3rd major item


                    It looks like you spent far to much gold on defense. Spectre does almost all of her damage with illusions. If you are trying to man fight through doom and freezing field and such... why?

                    Pipe is only good against massive nukers, after heart. You never got heart. How much dispersion damage do you think you will do with just a vangaurd? How is pipe or Vangaurd going to do anything against PA and WR?

                    You should use Haunt to kill the supports and take doom's mana away with the diffusal blade you should have instead of mkb. Manta would make avoiding Doom so much easier. Then deal with PA or WR if they are left with a simple, cheap blade mail. PA will always use her bkb right away in a fight or she does nothing. So spectre kills her easily with blade mail at the end.

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                      mkb seems overrated when right clicking isn't entirely your main source of damage. when it is, then yeah you are getting essentially twice the DPS against a PA, but desolate applies even if you miss because its applied when the attack starts, and you've also got damage from radiance + dispersion. if PA BKBs you're still not gonna do shit against her enen with your MKB because your right clicks actually don't hit that hard when you don't have your on-hit effects like diffusal or desolate vs BKB, or right clicking items - compare pipe, vanguard and radiance attack damage to BKB, mask of madness, basher, phantom strike attack speed and a passive crit.

                      pipe seems good in theory but not in this game. their physical damage is way more than their magical. the change to dispersion doesn't make resistance-granting items hands down better than getting raw HP, it just makes it viable in certain situations. that pipe could have been an SNY for example.

                      or if the doom is focusing you, then you could either build diffusal and try to cast haunt before you get doomed - which gives your illusions more DPS since you're not going to do anything when you're doomed, or go manta to cancel the doom's cast animation.

                      besides the HP regen, pipe does nothing because doom deals pure damage.


                        why would you go pipe in the late game after heart. by that time either someone already has pipe or you're better off building a bigger item. if the enemy is so much magic damage to the point where you'd consider getting pipe i.e. they have shitty physical damage, then you've already won as spectre by taking it late game vs a team of magic nukers.


                          I think it would make sense to get pipe on Spectre if the other team was Lina, Lion, Zues, Leshrac, and Invoker. But even then I would get heart first. Adding physical or magic resistance to a small stack of hp does little. Its worth a lot more if you get heart first.

                          Let's consider a level 16 Spectre with treads, radiance, and pipe vs heart.

                          1252 hp with 47.5% magic resist => 2385 EHP

                          2312 hp with 25% magic resist => 3083 EHP

                          It's not even close. However, after you get Heart now Pipe is quite strong.

                          2312 hp with 47.5% magic resist => 4403 EHP

                          Double your magical EHP when there is something there worth doubling.

                          Цей коментар був відредагований

                            but why would you get pipe in the late game as a carry. if I'm against that team I'd just get a bkb instead. blocks more damage, you still disperse the damage taken that gets reduced to 0 from your 100% magic resistance, and you don't get disabled.

                            I could see pipe instead a midgame SNY against huge magic damage, other than that I don't know.

                            Giff me Wingman

                              MKB isn't really good on spec, even if the enemy has PA or WR. You can assign your team to take care of PA or WR and you can concentrate on the rest. Spec isn't really a rightclicker.


                                You can't take magic dmg with bkb on so it won't be refelcted in dispersion. I agree it would be better to let a support get pipe, but maybe they can't because they fed all game.

                                Either way I view Spectre as a carry, not a tank. So I don't think you should be diving into the middle of fights anyway. I reality check in the last second of Haunt if I'm going to do it at all. The illusions kill everything and Spectre keeps pushing and farming like nothing even happened. If I do check into a fight during Haunt late game its because it's a make or break fight and I have buyback with a refresher to do it again - teamwipe them and win the game directly.

                                Otherwise just keep farming.

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                                  @Relentless 6.85 dispersion reflects damage type, so bkb does not block it all anymore


                                    no, it still doesnt go through bkb.