General Discussion

General DiscussionI dont know if this is allowed but can anyone give me gift me a plus ...

I dont know if this is allowed but can anyone give me gift me a plus account ? in General Discussion
got 18 rampages be careful.

    Guys I'm not that kind of a guy that begs and shit but I want to improve my skill as a player. I really love dotabuff, but unfortunately I can't pay for online stuff because i'm still a student :(
    If anyone wants to gift me one I will really appreciate it!


      just a suggestion - you can trade it for some in-game items so that you wouldnt actually look like a begger.


        Also you should check yasp
        It has most of the dotabuff plus features for free - It's just not so user friendly

        got 18 rampages be careful.

          Ty guys! Triple steal It's hard to trust people lol


            if you want to improve your skill, play games. thats all.

            got 18 rampages be careful.

              Yasp is so slow :(

              got 18 rampages be careful.

                But really guys if you can do it i would appreciate it!


                  thats the only way to improve. reading numbers wont do shit for you.


                    Pretty sure its only $6 a month man.

                    Step 1: Go to bank, open up saver account
                    Step 2: deposit your lives savings
                    Step 3: Profit?

                    If you cant do this then get a weekend job man, seriously. 6$ an hour is like half of minimum wage at least, so really I have no sympathy for item/account etc. beggars.



                      He lives in Africa
                      We are poor here :

                      There is no such thing as mininum wage
                      Getting a weekend job isn't so simple either as you're competing with millions of others who would love to have a job and income...

                      got 18 rampages be careful.

                        I can offer 6 $ in items?


                          Crudude, believe it or not Im from SA myself. Lived there my whole life till the age of 21 and moved to the states for a year, and shortly after to Australia and Ive been here 5 years now. I used to work at Spur when I was 16 man, so dont need the whole 'we would love to have a job' speech. Besides, ~ R60 a month for DB+ is the equivalent of what, 4 or 5 beers at the pub?


                            ^you seem like a rich person. id love to boost you for money.


                              ^i can boost you cheaper than xan, promise
                              summoning havoc bader
                              but srsly db+ wont help u improve, it's a nice thing to have but nothing that will make u better lol


                                Haha, as much as I want a better MMR, boosting would only help me wreck others games and I'll just eventually drop straight back down to the 2k bracket. I need to get good on my own, but I doubt I have the time to ever get really good. Im not rich either btw, Ive just been part of the work force for longer than 10 years now, and unless you have a family to look after, that generally means you can afford to do the things you want to do. Idk, I must be a little older than the average forum user here.


                                  i bet one of those things u love is giving stranges money via interwebs
                                  luckily i love receiving money

                                  A waifu a day keeps socie...

                                    Skip dinner for 2 days and you have enough for a month of Plus
