General Discussion

General DiscussionFeel good to comeback over 30k exp deficit and 2 rax down and my team...

Feel good to comeback over 30k exp deficit and 2 rax down and my team flaming me for not going radiance in General Discussion

    seriously, i think my temate overrated radiance. I have no space to farm early since butcher rekt us with 16min+ dagger and Ursa keep on rs.


      p.s i think the only reason we won is ursa not going bkb.

      Bad Intentions

        Dat aba tho, imho, he won u guys d game.


          spectre getting radiance within 25minutes completely changes the game tbh. smart itemization otherwise. Perhaps linkens would've been better instead of heart (hex dismember duel glimpse). Whoever was jungleing on their team helped you win alot


            @B.Intention Aba was with me at btm, he rarely support me, ks some of my creeps and he do not buy wards for me. I was forced to buy ward myself @ minute 11 and put myself. His meka is only brought after minute 40. The way I contribute late game is just focus on disruptor since he has agh and refresher with my diffusal.

            @Apollo I would like to go radiance if the game is smooth, we are getitng hunted constantly by dagger ursa and butcher and guess what I do not have the AOE skills to compete creeps with my teammates.. You can check my previous game, I go different build every game But this game I was hunted by butcher consecutively and there is no ward for me so it was impossible for me to get rad at reasonable timing. Lina do support but aba rarely support, he even use his 1st skill nuke to ks my creeps. Apollo, actually whole game only my lina on my side and potm on they side are supporting. Both aba and disruptor farm like a champ.

            p.s The main point of my thread is not to flame anyone but to point out dota community overrated radiance and underrated diffusal on spectre

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              @ Apollo 30k deficit means we are losing very badly from the beginning.

              Bad Intentions

                @yo mag, cant deny abas KDA man, without him and his game impact scores, im pretty sure you guys wouldve lost.

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                  dude,sometimes KDA doesn't show that much. I win last few fights by taking care of the disruptor(he is a fat disruptor with ghost,agh and refresher) and aba hero healing isn't that impressive for a 60m+ game. Aba is so fat at the cost of ks my creeps and not supporting at the early stages.

                  By the way, I think the main reason we won is because ursa not having a bkb despite their team having huge advantage

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                    I think the reason u won was because it dragged for more than 40 mins and your team simply have better late game heroes.

                    Bad Intentions

                      @def not ursa man, its all about dat aba had some monster game impact kda. KDA wins games.

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                        ^Lol I disagree, Abba is a tank and tanks will generally have better KDA because they die less and are harder to kill.

                        He had the second lowest hero damage despite having a radiance, his not-so-big hero healing probably helped by vlads (an aura), he doesn't have much stun disable in teamfights so he definitely didn't contribute in that way.

                        PS. Radiance also inflates your assists value, if he's in a teamfight he gets an assist on anyone who dies.

                        It looks like all 5 contributed to that win and were generally always involved in teamfights, I don't think abba did especially better then anyone else from looking at those stats.


                          ^ In the mid games I tank with my blademail plus I do not have aba ss so I definitely die more. @Bad Intention I don't think you can justify him not having bkb at 60min+ as a ursa. Our team can even debuff his ulti(enraged) if he does not have a bkb.