General Discussion

General Discussionwhy is brew on the top 10 lowest played?

why is brew on the top 10 lowest played? in General Discussion
Sexo Meister

    isnt he a decent hero? I mean they buffed boulder stun thingy and the debuff frm the lightning dude.


      because the hero takes more effort to play I'd imagine


        His ult is rather previsible and slow to cast so you just stunlock him to death. Or you just pick slippery hero like slark weaver and get away/kite him during his ult duration. When his ult is down hes pretty much useless.


          He is a strong hero but he requires micro so people don't want to play him

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          Totentanz to The King: M ...

            I don't even think he is bad without his ulti. Drunken Brawler is one of the best standalone abilities in the game and that's why he is a decent fighter even without his ulti.

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              Drunken Brawler got buffed early game and nerfed heavily in the late game...

              Also, laning is an issue with the numerous buffs to other heroes. Dual lane is the only way to go since he could never be a top tier support hero, and that seriously limit his viability.


                he doesnt fit as solo offlaner neither as mid atm just due to the pool of heroes that are in the meta


                  is just like every other hero that requires micro - people like to play bloodseeker and troll - they don't want to know what a control group is.

                  like all of them though - he is easy to use with a bit of preparation. stun one tab cyclone another then most likely ctrl-right click the one you stunned.


                    it doesn't matter what the meta is - the most played list is dominated by normal skill where the meta is everyone pick their favourite hero...


                      he doesnt fit any role mate thats clearly why

                      A waifu a day keeps socie...

                        Maybe cause the hero is mad boring to play


                          brew was still top4 or top5 in respective patch (1.5-2 yrs ago)

                          meow maniac


                            same shit happens in HS & VHS. a lot of people just main their favorite hero

                            Sexo Meister

                              Ok so what kind of buff would allow him to be part of the meta? Like for doom it was a buff on his skill 2 stuff like that

                              I really wanna know cus brew is one of my most fav hero and i am sick of looking at his miserable pickrate


                                brew is pretty strong right now i think
                                if u put him offlane with lich or some shit it works great


                                  Solo offlane hero need either a way to regen (higher base regen for SB/NS/Nyx etc, scorched earth buff for doom, Undying heal etc), a way to escape (WR/POTM/QOP etc), a way to farm (DS/Clock/WR etc). It is the hero design...

                                  Depending on your skill bracket, if you are going dual offlane, then it is not so much of a concern. Or that your opponents are not competent enough.

                                  He can be played mid if enemy mid is weak, i.e. troll, SF etc.

                                  He can be played safe lane and is great strong in that lane. The only issue is there is always going to be a more worthy hero for that lane.


                                    How did drunken brawler got nerfed in the lategame ? I cannot spot 1 change that would make it weaker lategame.

                                    Brewmaster is a hard hero to play and messing up within the ultimate can easily lose you some seconds and therefor even a fight.

                                    He is actually a very strong hero to play and creates a lot of havoc. Even with the addition to Guardians Greaves and some other things he got way stronger than before.

                                    One of my favourite heroes. He suits the meta very well now just that people forget about him (less played => easier forgotten)


                                      Holy shit. I actually remembered the change log wrongly.......I was under the impression that it got reworked to be similar to BH's crit, i.e. cool-down based rather than percentage based......

                                      Re-looking into it, it is actually a very strong skill........and I think it is actually worth it to play him as a safe-lane carry......blink radiance agha AC?


                                        Since aghs ONLY gives the spells aghs got situational on brew now and should be picked up with shivas against a lot of melee heroes.
                                        Safelane works the best if you have a highdamage midlaner, because you are still quiet cd dependant but fast blink of course is nice.
                                        Pre armor and cd nerf I played him offlane and he was just so much harder to kill by then, which was the only big nerf he was hit.
                                        Radiance is potent but generally speaking if you get Vlad, ac, boots, blink, wand, bottle/tp you have a 10k core and you have everything you could ask for and a lot of snowball potential and would suggest as go-to build, if there would be one


                                          He really needs levels and an early blink to be effective so ideally would be in the mid lane.
                                          But being melee with fairly low base armour and no escape, most the popular mids crap all over him at the moment. Then once you're behind no real flash farming ability ensures you stay there.

                                          That's why I stopped playing him anyway.

                                          Dire Wolf

                                            eh I think it's just cus he doesn't have a role, it's a lot like slardar. He can be a legit carry but who's gonna let them safe lane? He's not as good a mid as others and not a great off lane, he's like a semi carry and most str semi carries don't get picked.