General Discussion

General DiscussionCustom item builds

Custom item builds in General Discussion

    Hey, i wanna make recommended item section actually be useful.

    So i was thinking, instead of a hero based section, it could be global. Like, consumables, wards, utility, etc. Is there an automatic way to copy a hero build to all of them to make it like that? Cause i'm not doing this one by one. Theres no way.


      what's the point


        what do you mean whats the point the point is convenience


          Same question. I buy courier, fly courier, magic wand, obs and sentry wards every time, no matter which hero I play.


            Wouldn't it be great for there to be a consumables and wards tab?

            the realm's delight

              u mean make a new "tab" or whatever like the recommended item one and put items there? i dont think thats possible. if u want to change recommended item section have the same items for every hero i think that is possible by changing files in dota folders, not sure. i do it for every hero i play manually tho, not so hard. i only play like 10-15 heroes anyways


                No, i mean use the tab for recommended items to do that. And yeah, by changing files in dota folders it is possible. But there's no way in hell i'm editing one by one.

                Riguma Borusu

                  Or you can remember where items are and find them every time.