General Discussion

General Discussionoct on doom

oct on doom in General Discussion
Sexo Meister

    LOL i just wanna know if this is a good idea


      tried it, seems overrated. would rather have refresher for 2 dooms. if you don't need a bkb you could put it in the slot where you'd normally have bkb. even if you only doom 1 target if you immediately refresh, the *threat* of the doom still exists, unlike with octarine.

      most end game is travels, aghs, blink / shadow blade, refresher and shivas, which only leaves 1 slot and most times you're gonna get a bkb, enemies are eventually gonna wise up to a doom steamrolling everyone and get disables for him, so eventually you'll need bkb. if not, there's also hex which is better than going octarine when you have refresher imo.


        Is that game before the buff to scorched earth?

        Sexo Meister

          after kek


            Mastadoom said "If you ever build oct core in a game we haven't already won I will reported you " when I asked him if I should make oct on doom.