General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy does my 5k player lose against a 3.8k player?

Why does my 5k player lose against a 3.8k player? in General Discussion

    No seriously but sometimes this happens. My 5k player mid gets rekt by a 3.8k player and we lose the match. Just a bad day or wtf?


      Bad day, tilt, match up, rune, ganks, 3.8k good at mid bad at other things (e.g. closing out game), etc etc

      Many possible reasons, shouldn't happen regularly but probably more often than one might expect

      i for one have lost several games in matchups i shouldnt have had, in particular my friends have never let down the time when i was pooled a bottle mid as TA and went 0-3 against a pudge (generally I am a good TA player)

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        Match reference?

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          the realm's delight

            hwo does a 5k player get matched with a 3k


              5k should (almost) never lose to 3.8k 1v1.

              The only case where he might reasonably lose is if he keeps getting ganked. In which case you should have bought him wards to defend his middle.

              If you are playing with a 5k and he is vs. 3.8k, the game has very obviously skewed MMR. Defend your high mmr player. Buy him wards. Stack his camps. Doing this puts you in close range of him, if he gets ganked, counter gank them. I'm sure your 5k will be able to work with you and probably pull off a double kill. A single disable does wonders, especially when they are diving tower.

              Mind Games

                Zenoth coach me


                  Several months ago i played on my friend's acc in solo. At that point I was at 5.4 and he was 3.1k. I literally ruined that game for my 3k teammates, and it was not on purpose.


                    I never was 5k, but 4.9k at the highest point. Sometimes I lose mid vs players around 4k, it's pretty rare, but it happens. Everyone can have a bad day or bad luck or shit allies (they triple mid u & ur party members do nothing). I also always play like dogshit in 5 stacks. In 2-3 stacks I play decent/well, but in 5 stacks I always suck really hard.

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                      i have lost mid against cm and rubick

                      but im trash so whatever ecks dee


                        sometimes ppl tilt, such as the match that i went 0/5 i think against a jugg as bloodseeker


                          im 5k and ive lost mid to 2ks and won mid against 6ks so im not sure what so surprising is this, everyone has bad games, make mistakes tilt etc


                            good to know that i'm not a total trashcan when i'm occassionally losing games in normal skill bracket


                              Maybe the 5k got hit by a well-executed ganked? Maybe the 3.8k got a really good rune at the right time? These are the only reasons I can think of. If the 5k is really a 5k (and not an account-buyer), then his mechanics, cs, game-sense, etc. should be a lot better than the 3.8k


                                1v1 is different thing than win rate. or mid can be at wrong place to wrong time and lose advantage than get raped by another ganks at bad day ( example : invis / haste runes )

                                still there is tons of good mid player than 5k 6k players fsure. but they are not good at mid or late game or positioning or game logic etc.


                                  shit happens. sometimes u win, sometimes u lose. 4k mid can win 5k mid but 4k team cant win 5k team

                                    Цей коментар був видалений модератором

                                      "5k should (almost) never lose to 3.8k 1v1.
                                      The only case where he might reasonably lose is if he keeps getting ganked. In which case you should have bought him wards to defend his middle.
                                      If you are playing with a 5k and he is vs. 3.8k, the game has very obviously skewed MMR. Defend your high mmr player. Buy him wards. Stack his camps. Doing this puts you in close range of him, if he gets ganked, counter gank them. I'm sure your 5k will be able to work with you and probably pull off a double kill. A single disable does wonders, especially when they are diving tower."

                                      So I guess you call few 5ks i managed to destroy on mid as SF fake 5ks?

                                      As Zenoth stated, some players are good at something but bad at something else, doesnt mean 5k players aren't better, but gap between low 4k and low 5k or high 3k(same shit), ain't that big in terms of mechanical skills if low 4k play his best hero and he's in comfort zone.


                                        Actually, if you really belive 3.8-4k can't beat 1v1 low 5k at all, I'm free to accept a challange.

                                        Let's play 1v1 SF few times, let's see how much time I'm gonna need to finally win against you.

                                        By all means, I'm not telling I'm better player, I'm just saying sometimes it's possible that you get beaten by lower-rated player.

                                        Not cuz he's better, but cuz you're not that better to claim easy victory 24/7.

                                        Ofc, if I get out of my comfort zone, which is sadly, just my Shadow Fiend on mid, I'll lose against you probably more and more.

                                        Howard Donald

                                          I tend to get cocky and careless if i'm against someone who's visibly a lower rated player because you know/think you can get away with shit. The reverse is true if I'm up against a better player, I work harder, so this situation doesn't surprise me at all, even though it's not very often.

                                          plz do

                                            superior player tend to underestimate the inferior players and overextend.


                                              Sometimes you had a beer or two and your reaction times suffer. It's just a game mate

                                              calm and focus

                                                Duh you guys just don't get it, it's a 5k+ player playing 3.8k account


                                                  that 5k player could just specialise in non-mid roles like safe lane or whatever but because he was the highest he may have felt pressured to play mid with a hero and matchup he is unfamiliar with.

                                                  this 3.8k could just be a mid specialist and knows how to lane well (there are plenty of people around this level that play the mid lane well enough to be mid 4.5k but lack in other areas).

                                                  Player 124137522

                                                    3.8k could of been someone who climbed a shit tonne of mmr making him an experienced Dota player whereas 5k player might of just been someone who just got calibrated into 5k.

                                                    When you play lots and learn from mistakes you've made in the past you can really be more than your mmr tells you. Played with 4k players and they were bad as hell even though I'm just 2.5k who started in low 1k. People who climb mmr tend to know more about the game than the players who don't gain at all.

                                                    Since most of the other reasons have been given above this could also be another so just leaving it out there.

                                                    Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                      ^if some1 doesnt climb neither drop, then he belongs to this bracket (let's say 4k)
                                                      if are 2.5k and consistently climb with good winrate, you are obviously better than 2.5k

                                                      however, the rate of your climbing directly correlates with how far ur real mmr is from ur current one. if you are truly a 3k player, u probably wont have more than 55% winrate. If you are a 4k player in 2.5k body, your winrate will be close to 70%. If you are 5k, you probably gonna win more than 80% of your solo matches.

                                                      so if you grind with 55% winrate, you cant say u r better than ppl 1.5k mmr above you, even if you ocasionally beat them. mmr shows how u perform on average, but obviously there is a huge deviation which can assume to be "random". On average a 5k player plays as a 5k, but in 10% of his matches he might play worse than a 4k or better than a 6k. The longer the distance, the smaller the chance.
                                                      P.S It is actually a normal distribution of a random variable with mean equal to ur mmr.

                                                      Bad Intentions

                                                        Well technically they are both very high skilled playes ya know :) its like dat in non pro pubs


                                                          who'd have thunk it? mmr is just a number

                                                          Ooyyaa [0_o]

                                                            0,9k mmr but cares , only lose because of mynteamate