General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat do you do to improve your gaming skills?

What do you do to improve your gaming skills? in General Discussion
puni puni butt UWU

    i buy razer gaming gear and gunnars

    @tomia can u link me to the reborn harem pack? i have the regular one but idk hwo it works w reborn. thanks my man

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      I snort creatine up my nose for 100% absorption then scream ALLAHU AKBAR right before queueing, that way my mind and body is 100% prepared for whats gonna come.

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        watch some Pro Games, Re watch your games, use your favorite dota 2 player as your inspiration to play mmr, learn from your mistakes always know what really happend on why u lost or how you lost the game. always remember being a carry is a big responsibility and that responsibility affects your gameplay because when u lose u start to tilt and when u start to tilt you lose mmr you lose mmr u go depressed why you played mmr. so number 1 effective tip is always know how to play any role be prepared for the toxic players if you know they cant carry the game then make something happen that could help your team to win. GL HF on mmr may the dota gods have mercy on your mmr games

        gameplay booster

          i don't masturbate

          Solo Leveling

            this is completely a troll thread

            Wise One

              Wtf its nothing ur hunger for higher mmr always increases . u are 1k u work hard to become 3k u are 3k conrts now u want 4k u are 4k u want 5k . its just shit if 5k u want 6k . u are 6k u want a fucking good team . and rest of ur life is gone in search of good team .

              Wise One

                So Play Happy and enjoy ur fucking life.


                  Just enjoy the game no matter what happens. I'm not pro but recently I started doing pretty okay for myself.
                  A win is good a defeat is also welcome. Its most important to have fun in the game and do your best, dont care about the teammates.
                  This helped me in dota and CSGO both

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                      watch and study how good player play,encourage positive manner in team,anddd..........mute trashtalker.seriously,sometimes TT can distract your mind.


                        I masturbate.

                        gameplay booster

                          i hope this is joke, you want to be good at this game and masturbate? gl with this kid.

                          also do exercises.

                          also good diet, depends on individual needs.