General Discussion

General DiscussionAdvice on how I can imrove? (:

Advice on how I can imrove? (: in General Discussion

    Recently I took a look at myself, I'm by no means good at this game but I'm open to criticism and advice. If you have any tips on what to do for getting better I'd really appreciate it thanks. :D

    King of Low Prio

      aghs is pretty shit on zeus swap it for octarine core.


        or refresher
        aghs gives you stats but way less dmg than refresher (ez to calculate), and if you go for BS, you certainly do not need early aghs.


          thanks guys (:


            veil > agah

            cheaper, almost same purpose for tanking

            Цей коментар був відредагований

              Skill build wise, perhaps you shouldn't learn static field at level 2. You probably wont use bolt lightning at level 2, but it can be used to detect obs ward. According to YASP, they warded a lot at predictable place, but you never dewarded them using your bolt lightning. You should try to deward more, it gives your team a lot of advantage.

              Item build wise, dagger is good. You can blink away while getting mana leak. Eul won't save you because there is pudge. He can book eul-ing hero. Veil is needed, it is cheap and good.


                @king, I know but do you have any advice for things other than skill or items?


                  If you want to get better then there are a few things you can do:
                  1) expand your hero pool to cover several different roles. Learning how to support well can improve how you carry and vice versa.
                  2) get to know what every hero does. I'm not saying you need to play every single hero, but know if they have a stun, silence, escape, etc.
                  3) Similar to 2, Know what every single item does. Also make a habit of checking you opponents and teammates regularly to see what they have and call out important items such as blink dagger and MKB to your team
                  4) Communicate with your team. Call missing, warn them about danger and tell them if youre close to completing a major item. if your team knows youre 100 gold away from your ags for example they will wait a little bit before starting the fight. otherwise they might start a fight early, you might die and suddenly youre 500 gold away from ags.
                  5) Keep up to date on patches and which heros are buffed and nerfed. Its nice to know that an ability now does more damage before they blow you up with it.
                  6) Learn to farm efficiently. If you have more items then your opponents you usually win.
                  7) Know what items will be most useful each game. If you need a BKB then get it sooner then you normally would for example. Or skip bkb altogether if they have very few important spells that it blocks. This is a lot down to game experience and comes over time but remember not to get stuck into one build for a hero and never deviate from it. Items such as MKB, Pipe, Linkens and Scythe of Vyse aren't things you should get every game but are amazing in the right games.
                  8) Have fun. If you're enjoying yourself then you generally play better.

                  Good Luck!


                    aghs is pretty shit on zeus swap it for octarine core. = Classic retarded tips.


                      aghs is really bad lol.

                      King of Low Prio


                        you are dumb beyond measure

                        King of Low Prio


                          I will rarely get lightning bolt at lv 2 because even if I know there is a ward there I will not have my bottle til about 2 1/2 - 3 and I need the mana to secure last hits so using a lightning bolt can throw off your early game items a bit so its not even really worth dewarding it fast.


                            isn't agh refresher viable against squishy lineups?

                            King of Low Prio

                              no really after they introduced glimmer capes

                              Old Man

                                ALWAYS READ PATCH NOTES

                                Old Man

                                  ALWAYS READ PATCH NOTES!