General Discussion

General DiscussionRage quits... how do u guys tolerate these fools

Rage quits... how do u guys tolerate these fools in General Discussion

    i think my last two or three games today have been full of rage quitters. Wtf?


      The most healthy way to deal with rage quitters is to understand it is something you can't control and therefore getting angry won't solve anything. Move on to the next game.

      Pale Mannie

        Raise your mmr? I dont even know how to prevent it.

        Riguma Borusu

          I understand people who ragequit, sometimes you are emotionally invested and care about something (like winning a match), so your responses will be in range of emotions your emotional intelligence permits.


            I guess some people don't weigh in the consequences of their actions, or they do full well knowing them. as Naga said, just move on to the next game.