General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to invoker?

How to invoker? in General Discussion

    Hello. Can someone tell me the most efficient build in this patch for invoker, such as itens, skills, should he gank or just farm... etc.
    I'm not very good at it, but I like the hero a lot, and sometimes I don't know if I should be a quas/wex invoker or exort. And about the itens, i simply don't know the build. Up until now, when I'm playing invoker quas/wex I build malevolence, and exort I build eul's. Then usually I go aghanins, or some utility itens. That's ok?
    Thanks in advance! Cheers.


      don't bother with the 2nd lvl in ulti until later on. the -5s to cooldown doesn't make a difference while another point into your q/w/e does.

      if you look at QE invokers they go 4-1-7-1 at lv 13 (the earliest you can max one ability) as well as have 4 into quas for double forges, and 1 wex for all abilities. if you get another into invoke then your abilities are weaker and the benefit from the cooldown reduction does not make up for it.

      for exort the common build used to be midas + necrobook + blink for pushing / split pushing.


        i think euls is a waste of gold on exort invoker necrobook is rly good i think


          Thanks guys. I will stop levelling up the 2nd lvl ultimate early on and I will try the 4-1-7-1 build. I never really tried the necrobook, I will try it as well.
          I used to purchase Eul's just because the massive Qop and Storm's malevolence this days in pub and i think it is good for the pick off "combo" (ss + deafening + meteor). Because if you just need to counter silence, bkb i think is too expensive sometimes just to counter that.
          With that said, not often it works and with some games it is a bit of waste indeed.

          Do some of you think with the buff on alacrity some right clicking itens its good to try like mjolnir, skadi or desolator?
          Anyway thanks for the advices!


            well, why would you ever listen to a guy who has no invoker in his most favourite heroes and a guy with 39% wr on invoker?


              because 4-1-7-1 is what good QE invokers do. it doesn't take a lot of effort to just check the skill build of a better player or watch competitive matches.