General Discussion

General DiscussionSo I had this game....

So I had this game.... in General Discussion

    Where my stats were TERRIBLE

    1-7-9 (MY team had 105 kills) , Almost half the levels of rest of players since I was level 8 (they were all like level 16). Only 2.9k hero damage and 3k HH which for a dazzle that's not great healing. 23 last hits and it goes on. Zeus almost killed me with his refresher ult everytime, Sniper 3 shot me ez at 30 mins. I couldn't even afford mana boots by minute 40, nevermind ever dreaming of getting a mek.

    Yet despite all this I felt like I was super super influential on the game, Am I just biased and got carried big time?


      well you were solo supporting
      slark carried all of you
      and why didn't you buy glimmer?

      Giff me Wingman

        Yes, you are biased and got carried big time.


          105 kills? do u mean level? xd