General Discussion

General DiscussionThe Banter Thread

The Banter Thread in General Discussion
Mos Likely

    Drop your classic one-liner insult when your going ham on the opposing team. Do share so we can spread the hate and all round degenerate behavior

    Mine: Have you considered a career in easy bots?

    Ця тема була відредагована
    Bad Intentions



      And my favorite when im playing veno!

      "HOW DID (HERO) DIE :O"

      Knowing he died of poison :]

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      plz do

        just spam in all chat:
        > Good game, well played
        > Good game, well played
        > Good game, well played
        > Good game, well played


          when someone dies just type


            "Y so ez?"
            And option number 2 is: "Dis fucking [AM/Jug/PA/Sven/...] so pro"
            And there's the ol' el classico: "2ez4rtz booyz"



              Pale Mannie

                Welcome to [insert actual patch] how nerfed are you?


                  i never bully enemy team, besides couple of funny moments, when someone survived with low hp thanks to jukes, typed "AHAHAHA EZ" in all-chat and immediatly died to sunstrike.

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                  Giff me Wingman

                    When i rek enemy team:
                    >Good Game Well Played!
                    Nice account you bought there.
                    Why does your mid suck so much?

                    Start of the game, when i see someone picks AM:
                    That AM will blame someone or everyone at the end of the game but himself.

                    End of the game:
                    See? Told you Dx

                    Riguma Borusu

                      I never taunt people when I am winning, but I do sometimes tell them what they are doing really wrong. I literally had to tell a Lina to stop casting her ult on me because I am good with timing blademail.

                      Mos Likely

                        everytime i see a dual mid, i invoke my ancient barbarian curse. May the fleas of a thousand reindeer nest in your genitals


                          classic chat "?"

                          Pale Mannie

                            ^classic annoying Russian LC pickers


                              Is there anyway to turn up the difficulty of this game?


                                "Do your mom a favor and chop off her dick"


                                  "More a flop than a QOP"

                                  the realm's delight

                                    ye the classic "?" is the best


                                      I say "ez mmr"

                                      Pale Mannie

                                        ez jungle


                                          Is there anyway to turn up the difficulty of this game? < wanna try this.


                                            Ez mode?


                                              Ez game ez life.
                                              If someone being a dick and in a party "just kick this heroname the next game , burden and garbage"

                                              Sexo Meister

                                                How r u fuckboys doing?


                                                Cao ni ma

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                                                  Mos Likely

                                                    LMAO im really feeling the "Is there anyway to turn up the difficulty of this game?" and More a flop than a QOP


                                                      a well timed "shut up" can legitimately throw people into depression