General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy am i vhs on rank but ns-hs on pubs?

Why am i vhs on rank but ns-hs on pubs? in General Discussion
Sexo Meister

    I dont get it lol, aint our avr mmr is base on ranks?


      Ranked matchmaking system searches players with same rating, normal matchmaking just takes first ten.

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      Farming Simulator

        Not entirely true. It seems that your "unranked MMR" is lower than your ranked one. Also you have a winrate above 50% in your ranked games, which means that you improved your initial MMR by a bit. I guess you are the type who tryhards in ranked and plays so-so in unranked :D

        Sexo Meister



          So there are 2 types of mmr??
          How do you exactly check norm mmrs?

          Also yeah i dont see the reason to tryhard pubs lel


            I am not sure about Ranked, but in Unranked you have a completely separate MMR rating for each hero. All of these MMR's are combined into 1 MMR during matchmaking to try and build a fair 5v5 match. On heroes I play a lot I regularly get matched up with players around my skill level. But every time I try out a new hero, most of the players (on either team) are brand new, some are playing for the first time ever. I am a newish player myself (August).


              gib drawing requests ;_;


                to the topic

                there are 4 kinds of ranks

                solo ranked
                party ranked
                solo unranked
                party unranked

                ranked and unranked separate the moment when you start calibrating


                  @Kuntz thats not correct. The match making system creates the match up before you even pick your hero, so thats just completely false. Also, this theory couldnt possibly even begin to work for party match making.

                  The safest theory is that there are several MMR pools. We know for sure there is a solo unranked pool (hidden MMR), a solo ranked pool, unranked party pool, and ranked party pool. I am also fairly certain that each game mode has its own pool as well.

                  Edit: Damn, ninja'd.

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                    (▀̿̿Ĺ̯̿̿▀̿ ̿)


                      what arin said
                      kuntz is wrong