General Discussion

General DiscussionDoes anyone ever feel like Wind Ranger should have been an Agility hero?

Does anyone ever feel like Wind Ranger should have been an Agility hero? in General Discussion
Livin' Real Good

    and how would it change her if Valve decided to give her the switch to Agility. I always thought she was agility when I first started, then to my surprise, there it is, she had intelligence as her main attribute.

    I mean, she's green, just like agility (dumb logic I know) she has focus fire which gives her crazy attack speed, wind run, and escape mechanism kind of like Slark's, PL's, and more, she just has so many similarities to an agility carry. I've ever seen people make diffusal blade on her.

    Sorry if it's a dumb question .-. I just think she has an identity crisis, damn trap.

    Ця тема була відредагована
    Giff me Wingman

      if WR would be agi, we would have a new 'leshrac' hero.


        yeah when i started dota, i too thought that wr is agility and i was pretty suprised to see her under int tab

        Livin' Real Good

          Yeah, had a feeling. hehe'


            agi gives you armor, attack speed and dmg
            you dont need armor
            you dont need attack speed
            you get dmg with other items than agi ones, not to mention that you dont need most items providing agility pverall (due to natural evasion/ms boost spell, and again ur ulty

            Giff me Wingman

              Making WR agi would be the same as making sven agi. Just OP as fuck.

              Pom Pom 🍕

                Nyx feels like int and Ursa/Ogre feel like strength as well (latter heroes even have more strength than their main attribute, while nyx has a slighly higher agi growth, but -1 base agi)

                Iunno it would be that good for her though since null talisman is cheaper than wraith band and butterfly sounds pointless on a hero who has max AS with ult and 100% evasion from windrun. She also doesn't need the MS from yasha items since you alreadt get +50% ms from windrun.

                More AS does make her stronger in the pre-aghs period though and for farming creep camps, since she has a lowered base attack time like anti-mage.

                She also has 4 abilities that cost mana to use, so having a decent int is important.

                Цей коментар був відредагований

                  Don't think it would be OP af to make her agi. In fact it'd be pointless, bc of what TripleSteal- said. Your ult gives you max atk speed, stacking agi, aside from gaining more damage, would almost be futile. Plus, being an INT hero provides her with the flexibility of playing other roles aside from mid/core.

                  Offlane or support WR rely on utility items more often than not, depending on the game. Going something like Arcane Boots, Eul's or even Force Staff at times. Items that are more natural and fitting to int heroes.


                    she would be much weaker if so.

                    if they don't switch stat, she will have much less damage.
                    If they switch int and agi, she will be oom all the time, without doing more damage.


                      it wont do anything except make sny and diffusal decent on her

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                        Riguma Borusu

                          Buying agi items is a waste on her anyway, as she has max attack speed. You build raw damage on her because she has the best possible slot efficient scaling with it during her ult.

                          So basically, you would buy agility items that are expensive as fuck, and do not do shit for you since they are very very inefficient (stats are always much more expensive than raw shit), instead of buying utility and damage. Nobody would do that even if she was agi. The only thing stat change would do is make WR players get a wraithband and aquila would be a good pickup, since basilius is already decent on her, and that is about it. Nothing else would even remotely change. The +int based damage from items she might sometimes buy, like hex, orchid and atos, if you are going more for utility build, are all negligible on somebody who really wants daedalus, deso and mkb as damage items, and that is an overkill most games.

                          Цей коментар був відредагований
                          Livin' Real Good

                            Oh, okay, thanks guys :P

                            Dire Wolf

                              Ursa is agi cus of his old ult adding dmg with hp. If he was strength then heart would be super op. As he is now I don't know, probably doesn't make a difference.

                              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                All the archer heroes are AGI so having one exception is good. Also she wouldn't be able to sustain her 4 active spells and AGI is useless on her because she already has max AS.


                                  Agi is like the worst stat in most cases.I don't think wr is an exception.

                                  Livin' Real Good

                                    Screw you Dog with cool shades, Agility heroes > All O_O

                                    Why join, if abandon?

                                      @what a wonderful life , each str / agi / int has their own compensation for not being the other. Str gains damage and life, agi gains armor and attack speed and damage, int gains spam mana and damage, naturally. Some heroes compensate for lack of natural attack speed, health, or mana, like having low mana cost, or low cool down, or passive or active health increase, or heal, or spell for speed.

                                      Windranger's ult has max attack speed, she has 100% evasion spell, she has a crazy stun, why should she gain more agility and armor? And wouldn't making her strength be too good for her? So int it is. STR and AGI are like the top valued natural stat.

                                      On the other hand ogre magi is melee range, but he has high str and high base armor.

                                      Clinkz has low hp, but can use death pact temporarily for hp boost, has invis and fast movement, has fast attack speed

                                      Pudge has high health, is melee, blah blah



                                        Ursa was Str in Dota 1 days. His ulti was givin him additional dmg based on hp or str (dont remember) for a couple of seconds. He wasnt OP but was different. I dont really know why they decided to change that.