General Discussion

General DiscussionAttack moving

Attack moving in General Discussion
yung griphook

    This i something that I see nearly every high skill player do, however being a low skill retard, I never learned how to do it and dont see it discussed much in videos. So i'll be the hero all 2k players need but dont deserve, and ask..

    How do you attack move?



      It's just a matter of practice. If you're familiar with your hero's attack animation, you'll know when to click towards enemy hero.


        hit then once the damage is done(for melee) or projectile comes out (ranged) move to the next position, then repeat.


          you press "A" then left click a spot



            the attack and nearly every spells have two animations - cast animation and backswing animation

            cast animation is the time you need to cast the spell or attack
            backswing animation is after casting/attacking

            it goes like cast->action->backswing
            so what you want to do, is immediately issuing other command like moving on a position after hitting or casting something so you interrupt the useless backswing animation and spend time more efficiently
            e.g. this can mean difference between killing someone or not when you're chasing someone


              Attack moving requires practice, and you have to practice each hero for it because they are all different. I do not believe average skill players are cabable of attack moving, or orb walking because they are not capable of seeing the difference in the timing between corrrect and incorrect attempts to attack walk.

              I have observed low MMR (below 2k players) fail at attack walking so badly that they do literally zero attacks. I once analysed a game for someone on who as sniper did 84 missclicks during a 10 second bkb so that he did not complete even one single attack during his bkb time in the fight. Generally people doing a bad job of attack walking will lower their dps substantially below what is possible autoattacking. Doing a single correct attack click and then letting the hero autoattack is usually better if you are not a Very High skill player.

              However, since you have noticed that the best players do attack clicks maybe you are capable of doing them. You can at least try it out. I recommend practicing first on jungle creeps, then on bots in a bot game... then try real players and watch your replay. Open the log. See what the timing between your attacks really was. Compare to the timing if you autoattack and let the hero chase. Find out if you are good enough at it that trying to do it helps you.

              I see players who spend the whole fight walking around missclicking at 3k MMR commonly. I lost a game just last night at 3.2k because the spectre player on my team did very few attacks, instead mostly walking near his target and missclicking it. The guy has a 38% winrate on spectre because he tries to attack walk, but can't do it.

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              yung griphook

                yeah i see it a lot when people farm or take towers and wanted to know how it works.

                good info renlentless, thanks

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                  you just need to "feel" how much it takes to turn at 180 degrees and attack for the hero you are playing.
                  the only thing you need to do to improve here is practice. just play.

                  Dire Wolf

                    I don't get what you mean attack moving while chasing. If someone's running from me I right click them, then after my guy attacks I move click past them, and right click them again so instead of attacking and stopping you attack, move forward, attack again. If you are ranged and someone's running from you they'll run up hill out of line of sight or just out of range if you don't issue move commands between attacks. But I don't get how you work in attack move commands in there, is that essentially the same thing?

                    The hardest part is when they fucking juke between trees like in the tp spots by side shops for example. Maybe hitting A move to those locations stops that?


                      yup, a + click ground mean your heroes will move where you clicked, but will start attacking anyone in aggro range (~500) that you see.
                      That's very efficient versus juke, especially the basic one in which the enemy run uphill and then downhill to juke you.

                      And also help to see at which point valve's fog is broken, as your hero will sometime attack the juker even if you don't see him xD
                      The fog of war isn't updating as fast for you as for your heroes xD

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                        Dire Wolf

                          but if you hit attack walk on a point past the target, doesn't your hero sometimes walk there before hitting? I've had that happen on neutral camps where I queue several attack walk commands and instead of walking to the edge of the camp and hitting the closest creep my hero or illusions walk to the middle, where the command was set and then attacks closest creep.

                          "it's called orbwalking.
                          click on the target, wait for the animation to come(w/ dmg ofc), then suddenly move towards the enemy => repeat."

                          This I do, that's what I was describing. Hitting attack move I haven't done to chase people don't see how it would work.

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                          Farming Simulator

                            Once you hit a certain attackspeed orbwalking becomes useless though, or lets say not worth the effort. For you will never see someone try to orbwalk windrunners ultimate... Unless its me, because me, i can do that!


                              I thinks moving attack is only for performance and get more sight range.. practice with razor can improve and may be auto attack on.

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                              bum farto

                                Sniper is the easiest hero to attack walk with because he command time to attack is basically zero.


                                  Attack moving is likegaining 1 2 extra atttack while ur enemy also moving than staying ur hero move on it's own...usually u need orb or other disable to make this work, U need to right click ground then hit then right click again, Creepings u will get more creeps by doing this. But much better if u do the S style whahha.....

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                                    May be 1/2 extra attack if u have fast ms.. but that make lost ur attack range when u got fog.

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                                        Relax , ur doing find some trash.


                                          Another huge thing not talked about here with stutter stepping / attack moving (this is a huge mechanic for starcraft especially terran players with marines) asides from the marginal attack speed gain, is that you get to cover distance WHILE attacking at the same rate.

                                          Constantly moving / zig zagging / being unpredictable while still getting your last hits in is really important. Makes mirana arrows, initiations, pudge hooks etc way harder to land. You should never be standing still just attacking away at something, ESPECIALLY if you are a ranged hero.


                                            U supp attack moving in clash ??
                                            Moving attack only nice in night time or darkness jungle bcoz its can see more angle of sight.


                                              Admiralbulldog explains how to do it here: