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General DiscussionShare your recent matches where you think you did pretty good.

Share your recent matches where you think you did pretty good. in General Discussion

    Tho it's just only 3.6k MMR my last match really explains why patience/execution and "never give up attidude" can get out of 3k and especially 2k MMR so easily.

    Long story short:

    It all started very poorly for us. Dazzle/Troll lost their hard lane so hard. Alchemist got bullied by Invoker on mid really, really.

    I managed to get some decent farm on safelane, I really tried not to make mistakes I know I do make casualy on daily daily basis.

    Oh god, it feels so good.

    I know that this kind of treads probably exists, but you know, I just feel good about winning this game alone.

    Miku Plays

      We had no chance winning late game but their midgame is strong as well, feels good winning against dusa and pl.

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        What if we do good every game? Link to 3000 matches? Kappa


          Hatsune, that was amazing game. :=) At least by looking at stats.

          I had an easy game against TA as SF now. Guess finally I'm coming back to 3.7k very, very soon.

          It's been a great ride, here, in 3.4k-3.6k MMR, but I guess it's time to leave it once again, and hopefully never-ever comeback to it. D:

          Seriously, games in 3.4-3.6k are canserous just because people's attidude brings your mood/performance so much down.

          As I already previously said, as soon as I leave 3.599 MMR I'm farming the MMR very very fast until I hit something like 3.9-4.1k, then.. well.

          I guess from that point I'll need to get better.

          But you know, fresh mind, good attidude, never give up and so on, really can do wonders sometimes.


            Can't remember what game it was, but all I remember was, my shy friend who likes to play mid was wondering why our team was doing nothing while only he and I were pushing. I told him to "you once told me to relax, and we won the game". We ended up winning and he recopied that message to me after we won.

            He once told me that when I was getting tilted in a match a month before, we won the game too. I told him that the 5 stacks we play with are never the same game, our team needed a few more items, so with us two creating space, the other 3 became relevant.

            I just know, that playing with my 5 stacks, 60% of the time we are always coming from behind to win the game. That's just how our games usually are. I also knew the potential we had, we just needed the right items to win.

            Yeh I guess lol

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              Tell me where i didnt do good lately, except that slark game :)


                Slark game. :D Why do you play ranked/CM?



                  Outplayed all of them easily and destroyed them but they were 3 russians 1 belarus and 1 ukranian L0L

                  So it didn't really feel like an accomplishment.

                  gameplay booster

                    i really like my tower damage for some reason


                      Calibrated my first two ranked games...tilted so hard..i feel sad...i dont want to be kicked out of 3k mmr :(
                      I have 8 more to go. Must be positive.

                      Bad Intentions

                        Yo shred, I feel ya man i feel ya, its really tough to get out of the purgatory of doto which is high skill, but i know your calibre man! You can get back here to 4k soon! Just keep on grinding man! :D

                        Bad Intentions

                          Yo Ebola epeen :D gotta find d root cause of the tilt and correct it and always stay positive and just keep on playing your high impact heroes man!


                            I have a good one. look at this match as Bloodseeker.
                            Please help me understand what I did wrong here. Why am I stuck in this trench. I was so close to 1.7k and just dropped.
                            On a side note:
                            I don't understand how my spectre did not get fed. how i destroyed them for the first 20 minutes and yet my teammates managed to screw it up. I told them many times, not to go alone, but as a team. Prophet muted me right away because he was farmed and wanted to push lanes when i told him to help push mid or something. Drow and vengeful kept roaming into the enemy side of the map alone. Spectre was underfarmed. We had so many chances to just win before void got farmed and my teammates blew it. I can't solo towers and barracks. Maybe i could have split pushed but I doubt it. I knew we *needed* to push mid as a team and just take the racks but I guess not.

                            I did do well in the laning phase. I'm not the best ganker, but i try. we had so much space and farm early on, i just knew we had the advantage. I notice that I can't carry with teammates who don't know what they're doing.



                              i think it is fair to say i carried this match.


                                Hey I would like to share a secret with you people.

                                Nobody cares about your recent match where u did good.

                                To gain mmr u have to do good in every match, no matter role u play.


                                  I'll try to help. Tho Keep in mind this is my point of view and I'm not 6k mmr.

                                  1. Please help me understand what I did wrong here. Why am I stuck in this trench. I was so close to 1.7k and just dropped.

                                  Your item build. Why buter? Why you don't have blademail? If you went buter, why you have no basher? Why heart over Skadi? Skadi is just way better for that game.

                                  For 1:10 min game, your farm is LOW. And your items are wrong. It reflects your hero dmg aswell.

                                  You may have 17 kills and few deaths, but how you got em, is a different story however.

                                  You can't tell me you did good if I see you have 17k HD in 1 hour game as BS. Not to mention your quite low CS aswell.

                                  Top 3 reasons why you lost:

                                  1. You think it's your team-mates, when it's not.
                                  2. Your farm/items/item progresions/HD/TD/CS/etc is bad for that game, esp. in 1.7k MMR if you play BS.
                                  3. You think that BS ain't good ganker, and you probably don't understand the hero.

                                  If you rly need help, add me. I may download replay and watch it, just to point out mistakes.

                                  That's what I'm going to do now for my Slark game, just wanna see if I could do any better..


                                    (13 - 0 - 11) with Abba out carried their LC :D

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                                      my last tinker game
                                      ayy lmao


                                        my last 5 or so games

                                        Dire Wolf

                                          Comeback win. Those always feel good even if you played like shit most of the game.


                                          I got ganked a bunch of times bottom, WR get fed up and abandoned but he was shit so we came out better. I kept telling them don't give up guys, TA and gyro aren't farming, cus they weren't they just kept trying to dive our highground. Eventually me and naix could manfight any of them and we wiped em and throne rushed. Took us wiping them 3 or 4 times to get to that point though.


                                            i play well in every match, when i lose its my teams fault period

                                            Low Expectations

                                              when i lose its usually because my throne fell

                                              OpenAI (Human)


                                                but that's probably cause I have 600 games with brood


                                                  @Shred - we play a lot of captains cause picks are usually a lot better and games more enjoyable. Also you have more time to pick and people dont just random some shitstain hero and then be useless whole game :D Since i play a lot with 3k's lately it reduces chance to get some shit games you guys probably know. I also want my safelane most of the time so i can carry the shit out of games - 90%+ winrate.

                                                  plz do

                                                    i do my worst in all my games. here was worse:



                                                      tried my best as support due to having spec in team,

                                                      what i get, pinoy spec who still farming nc when enemy is end the mid itself -.-


                                                        owned 5300 trash , was offlane with a fucker clock who alledged that if my mmr is 4900 i'm noob wtf


                                                          @Shred you to bits shut a fuck up 4k trash)



                                                            Saved our alch so many times and allowed him to pop his ult and rape kids. helped him take huge jungle stacks with my ice blast and just watched the eenmy team cry when axe initiates on us only for me to turn it around by ulting their faces