General Discussion

General DiscussionNeed help.

Need help. in General Discussion

    Hey guys. I'm stuck at 3.2k MMR solo and i cant seem to find a way to raise it at least to 3.7-3.8k. Unfortunatly i only play support and some offlaners. I cant seem to make a difference as a s support or an offlaner if my cores are living in their special world. Any advice ?? Some articles or guides or anything i can read so i will learn more and be more succefull ??? Thanks for your time in advance :)


      Play cores........


        pick pudge and feed


          I have climbed to 3.6k - 3.9k almost entirely hard supporting. There are 4 main thing you need to be doing to play better than the other support and give your team the advantage:

          1. The best way to have impact on your game I find is to sit in safe lane and make sure your carry gets farm and making it as hard as possible for the enemy offlaner to farm, how is this done? By pulling the small camp. I hope you like pulling creeps because this is basically all you should be doing the first 8-10 minutes of the game (Unless you are smoke ganking mid or TPing to other lanes to save people from dying). Keeping the wave under your tower allows your carry to safely farm and puts the enemy Offlaner in a vulnerable spot. You need to either stack before pulling to entirely delete the wave or if you can double pull, which gives you your own source of gold and Xp. Now it is important to tell your carry that you will be out of lane while pulling and that he needs to be careful. A lot of carries will just sit there CSing normally against a dual lane and just instantly die as soon as you leave then blame you for not being there.

          2. Smoke ganking mid. At 3.2k mmr, no one ever expects a smoke gank mid. If you are on a support with enough lock down (Think Lion, ideally) and the enemy mid does not have a good enough escape (Don't waste your time trying to gank QoP) then it may be worth trying to smoke gank mid. Explain to your mid what you are going to do and make sure your mid has enough hp/mana and kill potential before going. Killing the enemy mid means your mid will win the lane 90% of the time and gives your team a huge boost in confidence. Also you should mainly be doing this at night time.

          3. One of the biggest mistakes I see people make at this MMR is team mates not TPing to save someone who is being completely dove under tower. Saving TP for saving people in other lanes. it's very important that you have a TP off cooldown and are watching the other lanes to see if you can TP in and save people. It makes a HUGE difference if you can change what would have been a death on one of your cores into a kill or double kill for that core. Even if you don't save the hero being dove and survive yourself, then an entire lane of farm is not going to waste while your team mate is dead.

          4. Warding techniques. One of the biggest things that helped me was when I learned to watch the enemy supports and check their inventories for wards. This is done to try and see where they ward and hopefully deward them. Anytime you see X's on your minimap at your ward spots, check to see if they are warding. Often you will see the support walk up and a ward empty out of his inventory, then you can easily deward him. Also, don't place wards if you think you are under vision of enemy heroes or wards as they might just deward you right after. If you get dewarded even once, that means the other support or whoever is not retarded, immediately stop placing wards in the most obvious places (IE Bot rune on the radiant cliff with the white eye, don't ever ward here actually). Knowing when to ward offensively or defensively is important too. If you still have all your T1s and are up 5k gold/XP at 25 mintues you don't need to ward your own jungle, you need to ward theirs in order to try and set up kills. Same goes if you are losing, ward and protect your jungle so hopefully your carry can see incoming ganks. Also wards should basically NEVER be in stock, it doesn't matter if you only have brown boots at stick at 20 minutes, buy wards instead.

          Other points:
          - Smokes, smokes, smokes. Smokes are very under used around this mmr and can often win a game easily, you need to be able to coordinate with your team on the mic though.

          -If you see an empty lane, take it, even if it is for only one wave (Fore example your mid is going to base to heal or jungling for a couple camps). You need to get farm where ever you can.

          -Almost always make magic wand, it is +4 all stats and can make all the difference in a fight for only 465 gold.

          -Try getting wards down behind towers that you are pushing, this mainly goes for the T2 mids on both sides, and the T1 bot for dire. Both mid towers have trees that you can somewhat hide in fog while dropping a ward behind the tower, this makes it much easier for your team to push and see incoming initiations/positioning etc. Also dropping a ward on the uber ward spot from the rosh pit is great for pushing the dire T1 bot tower.

          -Download the custom game "Neutral Spawn Boxes" it shows exactly where you can ward to block camps or de ward blocked camps.

          That is all I can think of for now.

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