General Discussion

General DiscussionHidden MMR system and climbing to high skill bracket on dotabuff

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Hidden MMR system and climbing to high skill bracket on dotabuff in General Discussion

    HELP GUYSSS. Can someone who have done quite abit of research on hidden mmr calibration and skill brackets PLEASE explain how they work?
    And what does it depend on? I heard it's KDA, GPM and XPM is it true?
    You all can check out my games and maybe give me PRODUCTIVE criticism?
    Thanks guys


      it is based on the factors you listed, but not them only. overall, your hidden mmr calibration result depends on (guess what?) how good you play. the more skilled you are, the higher you calibrate.
      it should be a shock for you, isnt it?


        tip - dont go for the same build (armlet/blink/ac/basher) over and over again; adjust your itemization for each match separately. you should think about what will be optimal given the enemy teams' picks, your allies' picks, etc.


          @TripleSteal Thanks for the feedback but WHAT depends on how good i play ??


            Your winrate, overall contribution in game such as hero damage, tower damage, etc etc. You are in normal skill with a 50% win rate, i think you pretty much belong there and will only be able to get to high skill if u can have a high impact in game. I started out in this account with normal skil but i just played heroes like earthspirit and shaker and got to high skill when i solo. My normal skill games are when i play with my friends who are 1k and 2k mmr


              @yur Mum's Bum if its by win rate then this was my previous account my win rate was 63%. i didnt gaive a shit about my kda and always helped to let the team win. Winning was the priority. and in the end i ended up having a mmr of 2.1k... so how does this thing work anyway??????

              Elo - Hell

                if you arent going 20-0-20 every 'normal' skill game, then you deserve to be there.

                Its by game impact, buy lots of wards get lots of assists. do lots of hero damage, do lots of hero healing, do lots of tower pushing, get lots of kills, get very few deaths, win lots of games. If you lose a game make sure you still had the best performance overall.

                ED WUNCLER

                  i hate account buyers some 3.5k players are better then 4.4k mmr players and some didnt even buy account but they prob used or use ensage hacks and the other shit

                  ED WUNCLER

                    but overall 3.5k players are mostly terrible. but some buy dusts level 1 and rape brood

                    ED WUNCLER

                      dota 2 is so boring when you lose


                        TLDR....getting a higher hidden MMR is all about your game impact. make a decent game impact win or lose when you first make an account and you'll be placed with higher skill opponents next game.

                        all about having a lot of farm, levels, hero damage, tower damage, and ultimately a win.

                        ED WUNCLER

                          tally why you so ugly


                            cause i'm the furthest way from looking like donald trump duh

                            ED WUNCLER

                              why you hating on trump ?

                              ED WUNCLER

                                tell me reasons...

                                ED WUNCLER

                                  you prob vote bush or hilary ... hilarious


                                    i'm not hating on trump i love trump i hope he makes america proud kappa

                                    ED WUNCLER

                                      you are from AUSTRALIA ofc you dont udnerstand. the fartest country on earth


                                        let's not bring race into this. i just wanted to have a civil discussion about how much we both loved trump

                                        ED WUNCLER

                                          i do love trump and i am voting for him. and you will too


                                            if i get american citizenship....sure will ^_^

                                            ED WUNCLER

                                              you cant come if your mexican

                                              ED WUNCLER

                                                we do have enough murders , rape , drug dealers here...

                                                ED WUNCLER

                                                  i know sea people are close to pinoys and your mentality is probably already affected by it

                                                  ED WUNCLER

                                                    do you like drinking a whisky in the morning?

                                                    do you think about making love to your own mother everyday?

                                                    do you like to smell your fingers after you take a shit and put them in your butt?

                                                    do you like underage porn and ?

                                                    if one of the criterea match yourself then your a mexican and you cant enter here


                                                      i was just having some friendly banter and you go ahead firing shots at all these different ethnicities (no pun intended). not cool man. this will be my last comment on this topic.


                                                        wtf u two