General Discussion

General DiscussionI can't follow the matches physically

I can't follow the matches physically in General Discussion
Riguma Borusu

    Okay, so here's an issue I notice with my playing. Aside from mostly playing with 150+ ping which severely prohibits some reflex actions, I've noticed that I actually figure out when I play bad, and even why, and even when I should be doing something else. Some things "brain lag" behind 5 seconds, sometimes it's a few minutes. When I watch my replays I always have tons upon tons of criticism regarding just about everything I do, it's uncanny. But it seems like, when I played, I was pretty absent and didn't pay attention to the game enough. How does one overcome this?

    Btw, this is not a "I deserve 4-5k MMR" thread, I am just looking for ways to improve my gameplay so that I put theory into practice more rapidly during gameplay, instead of knowing I play like shit, why I play like shit, and not doing anything about it, and often losing focus on the game which results in poor judgement and decision making, even despite me mostly being able to analyze everything in retrospect when I am not pressured by the game itself. Also, it is not always like this, sometimes I am very aware, have very quick reactions and good decision making, feel pretty relaxed and "stressful" decisions are easy to pinpoint and execute, but most of the time I just straight suck like this with some kind of anxiety and absence.

    I know the most obvious response is "git gud", I am just wondering how to overcome a specific issue, getting better generally is obviously always good, and I obviously don't expect top tier psychiatrist responses.

    Ця тема була відредагована

      It appears that you are an ordinary, Normal skill player. This sort of thing actually IS normal. Almost all dota players can't see the map while trying to do anything but just afk and look at the map. Almost all dota players can't understand what they should do in a fight as it happens in real time.

      The way to get closer to doing what you know is right in retrospect is to make it automatic by spamming the same hero over and over. With lots of practice you will begin to automatically recognize what to do in each situation without spending much time thinking about it. You don't play the same heroes enough.

      See how sven and LC do way way better than all your other heroes. You have practiced them so much more. That is why.

      Цей коментар був відредагований

        ^ Agree on that. Sometimes when I watch my brother play I notice how he stops on one spot and thinks about where to go / what else to buy / etc. And I actually think that you can change it just by training.


          I really love how you dare to analise all players just because you aren't able to do something.

          On topic. Since we played few times and I saw how you play, I'll tell you few things.

          You complain WAY to much. You can't stand high ping, you can't stand this shit, that shit, list goes forever.

          Let me tell you something. I'm playing fuckign Dota with dual-core PC with 2 gigs of RAM, AMD HD4650 512MB, my FPS barely gets above 60 even when I'm free farming, and I use wireless Internet(Nanobridge Loco M5).

          My mouse is fucking dying, my Internet is unstable and my average ping can be good and bad, depending on does my WiFi likes me or not.

          And still, most of the times when I do good, i don't even notice bad PC/Internet. However, when I'm doing BAD, I really notice the problems.

          You know man, you aren't fucking playing for some kind of ti5 tournament or 8k MMR. As a matter of fact, you're sub 2k player that's trying to find excuses.

          There is no fucking magical trick how to get better. I know you are a good guy, but let me tell you something.

          Get better, get good, practice, don't be lasy and take advices if someone gives you advices.

          Everytime we played you always said something regarding that game.

          If you're looking to improve, ASK specific questions, not this shit.

          Take one step at the time. I already told you my few cents about your plays.

          You're playign way too passive, you're mising way too much skill-shoots. Like. blink-stun with slardar, duel with Legion if I remember, you're attacking siege-creep while I push alone tower for soem reason... etc.

          And it's all normal to some extent, but try to improve that.

          Hell. I've played with you 4 games I think, out of 4 games, I never felt you actually contributed something for our victory.

          It was just me running around as Shadow Fiend and killing people and trying to win the game.

          Yes we won all our games, but it has nothing to do with you.

          For example, today, I played few maches with TrippleSteal, his party MMR is like 5.4k, and he carried my ass really hard in 4.2k average MMR game both of the times.

          I felt fucking useless, but at least I tried my best, I was aware I suck and I failed to deliver enough impact for that game.

          I did something, I was aware more then you are.

          Dunno if you follow me but im just trying to help.


            Like my point is, in your MMR range, it's possible to win with 150 ping and 30 FPS.

            Few months ago Wagamama played on his smurf, I think avg. MMR was like 4.2k cuz he was stackng with some people from US or I don't know.

            All I know his ping was like 150+, he went mid with OD and destroyed their mid and won game pretty much alone with 150 ping.

            And 4.2k games are like noticable harder even for 6k players then 2k games, even for 4k players.

            Like, if you're good and if you know what are you doing, yes, better conditions and that kind of stuff can help you towards the victory sometimes, but most of the time it's just pretty much you trying to seek for excuses.

            Like, I know this guy "bad intentions", he's playing with 150-200 ping and he's 4.3k I think.

            Should he say something then? Like, my ping is HUGE, blablabla.

            Just accept your ping and try to do best with it.


              when ppl say that having fps at ~60 is bad, i just sit and try in the corner of my small russian KVARTIRA

              King of Low Prio

                Bad intentions plays on SEA so that 4.3k is about 2.7k in NA


                  I rly doubt that 4.3k SEA is 2.7k NA/EU.

                  Like, no fucking way.

                  King of Low Prio

                    I played with Bad I can confirm


                      "Barely above 60"
                      Wtf, are you complaining about it or what


                        @OP it's good that you can reflect back on your actions/games and see your mistakes. that's the hallmark of a player who is going to eventually get better.

                        in terms of putting it into practice, it's all about conditioning yourself to make the right decisions at the right time. more often than not, there's probably a trend in your mistakes, they're not all isolated and they're not all individual. chances are you'll make the same mistake again, but you'll need to realise you are doing so and make the right decision then and there.

                        e.g. common sorts of mistakes
                        - overcommitting: diving into multiple heroes/tower/teamfights when there is no hope. if your teammates run in, do you blindly follow or do you assess the situation? better 1 hero dying than 2
                        - ability/item choices: this should be a no brainer and can be easily improved through theory crafting
                        - efficiency: don't walk around aimlessly, or worse backtrack. make every second of the game clock count whether it be rune securing, stacking, moving to where you predict the next fight/push, flash farming jungle camps along the way etc

                        ED WUNCLER

                          maybe you are not physically feeat to own a computer.

                          Bad Intentions

                            LMAO yo samp cmon mann u busting my chops :D

                            Everyone knows SEA doto is cut throat doto mann :D

                            So ya, OP, hey listen man, you gotta adapt to the high pings with either heroes dat does not require much apms or just totally be 5 seconds in adv when thinking.


                              i need help
                              getting tired playing support but my team dont allow me go other roles :(


                                It is true, Sea Servers are terrible. a SEA player plays on some of the harder servers and they under perform. I have a player on my F L who mains SEA and he is 4.5k when I play with him. I outperform him in just about every way on US EAST. His ping is a little higher but he doesnt complain so it cant be that much worse.


                                  I study Psychology and what you describe is called perception and attention which is limited by resources. Think about your Eyes that see your brain that thinks as a set numbers of potentional. You cannot see everything so your brain and eyes will limit you. What you "pay" attention to will give you more information. To fix or better this maek sure mundain tasks like lasthitting and spells are something you dont have to "look" at. Then your brain and perception and your set of limitations will be put on other things that are "more" imporatant.


                                    When kids talk about "reaction time" they dont know what they are talking about. Its all about what you pay attention to. and very little about your actual physical limitation".



                                      Very well explained my sir!


                                        Btw, I don't complain, I'm just saying low FPS/bad Internet aint excuse for playing badly most of the time.

                                        Cuz you know, it's not like 95% population in 2k/3k MMR runs Dota 2 on i7 CPU's and GTX Titan GPU's.

                                          Цей коментар був видалений модератором

                                            did someone say.... osu?




                                                Practice. Even bot practice is good. Once you automatize as many mechanics as you can, you free up resources for conscious thought about something else. I used to fire up last hit challenge every time before a match, and this really boosted my laning mechanics, especially creep aggroing.


                                                  People complaining about 150 ping LOL. Try playing with variable ping from 400+ to 70ms. That shit is actually unplayable.


                                                    With the internet I have, ping is never less than 650+ ms. Doesn't mean shit to me cause I still don't have a PC though.