General Discussion

General DiscussionLycan....

Lycan.... in General Discussion
yung griphook

    how the f*** can i jungle this hero?

    looking for some advice from people who've played their fair share of lycan. I tried out so many different builds and whatnot in bot games, just through the first 10 minutes or so to jungle.

    It seems like i can kill one to two camps at most before im out of mana or dangerously low on health. I feel like if you have to go back to the fountain at the 3 minute mark you're probably doing something wrong, but I cant figure out what it is. Suiciding at that point isn't worth it, is it?

    Can someone walk me through how to jungle this hero?

    on a side note, shout out to mackxten/ esports monies. comeback to lycan strim pls

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        Tried guides? I can't say much myself but I'm going to watch a replay on howto as I'd like to learn the hero too

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          he farms faster if you suicide jungle, you tank with your hero until your wolves are almost expired, then you tank with them (they suck at tanking on early levels but they have good DPS). when you are low on both mana and health, just buy your items and die to jungle creeps. Remember to summon your wolves from fountain to save mana.

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              Lycan need to lv3 to farm jungle faster than anyone else in early game .. But if u reach lv3 without mana for wolves ur farm&lvl would be delay. lv1 jungle with this hero is hard even tho lycan taking the dmg and dog is freehitting usually u can take big camp by summoning 2 wolves in the first minute mark one in the fountain and in jungle with this u can lvup..

              Starting item qblde stout and tango & make sure use ur cour for ur ring of protection/salve as soon as possible as ur mid get his bottle if available then once u get basilus& potion aim for much better farming tool medallion* make sure to disassemble ur basilus to get it faster then make buy the item for vlads. Jungle in dire is better than jungle in radiant after

              Edit: once u finish vlads get boots then kill the ancient by attacking them ?:30 then do if they respawn at ?:00

              Lycan can be the same lv7-8 as ur midlane so u can tell that u are doing good....
              "Sorreh bad eng"

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              Livin' Real Good

                seriously, this is a good question, i suck with Lycan, but really like the hero, I need more answers!

                Even with choke point jungling he seems to not be able to jungle without going back to base, before when I was new to Dota he seemed way stronger and easy to jungle with.

                Sexo Meister

                  I usually try to farm the small camp and kill them be4 mark 54, so i can just get out and let it stack

                  Thats 2 lvl

                  Depending on your luck you can either go to big ones or wait for small one for lvl 3, once ur 3 u can take on any kek

                  Also item would be salve clarity RoP and Quilblade


                    If you dont get centaurs I dont see how's it hard. If you do get them check large camp , if it's satyr or troll camp kill them.

                    Livin' Real Good

                      Well duh, obviously those camps are easy. But my Lycan is a Centaur and hell bear magnet.


                        Well in that case you musy dodge the stomp and just do it. With 2 sets of wolves you can take centaurs with decent amount of hp left for the next camp. You'll most likely manage to reach lvl 3 and get basilius in stash before you run out of regen, then just go suicide to a big camp(damage them but dont kill). Once you reach lvl 3 with basi it gets much easier, by the time your hp drops low you''ll have morbid mask and all problems are solved. Tank with your wolves but dont let them die.

                        Totentanz to The King: M ...

                          Start with QB Stout Tango Clarity. Focus on killing both medium camps. You can do it with just one set of wolves. Then try not to summon your wolves until you reach 3, just do it if you need to though. After you get your basi and some extra gold for tangoes, you suicide and from there you should be able to get Vlads without having to go back to base again. You can do it more simply with bottle too though.


                            why would you jungle lycan? Only reasonable jungle Lycan is a pos1 or 2 that can't farm the lane. You still aim to get lvl 3 before going to jungle though... Why would u jungle lycan lvl 1?

                            so much shit make sno sense

                            yung griphook

                              Alright guys thanks this helps a little

                              before i was skeptical to suicide, because i felt like that draws attention to you, and the enemy team is less likely to forget about you in the jungle if you suicide. Especially compared to NP for example who doesnt have to suicide.

                              I'll try this out more.

                              @back ' alive my bracket is not like a very high skill bracket. I'm not arteezy, so my teammates wont let me go to safe lane, farm solo, zone an offlaner and give me solo exp to lvl 3, then let me go to jungle and bottle crow while i do it. This makes starting in the jungle much more desirable, especially since in my bracket it is a 5 carry lineup more often than not. If i start in the jungle, I can give the safe lane farm and exp to another carry.

                              smol brain

                                @Sam Fuckin' Peckinpah
                                So a basi would do? Doesn't it make more sense to rush mask.?


                                  ^In many cases you won't manage to farm 900 gold before the suicide, but if you do, feel free to go for it.

                                  Dune, the Desert Planet

                                    How about you don't jungle at all? You are not doing your team a favor by taking mid/carries gold and leaving one guy to support.

                                    Play Lycan in safe lane if you're decent or at mid/off if you know what you are doing.

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                                    Dire Wolf

                                      Just run back to base or suicide as much as needed. Lycan has to go back at least once maybe twice. He farms a little slow til lvl 3 or 4 but then he's blazing fast after so you make up for it. You can go stout and quelling blade and tangos or buy no items and rush mask. Both should work try it in a bit match. If you kill the easy camp twice naked you'll be close to morbid mask. I think it can be done don't remember it's been a while.

                                      Edit: Just tried a bot match on radiant side and yes, you can get morbid mask just off easy camp. Don't buy any items, at 10 seconds spawn wolves and send them to attack the easy camp, theyll arrive right around 30 seconds first spawn (make sure you don't block it by accident). Recharge your mana to full (takes like 3 seconds) and head towards camp as well, let first group of wolves die cus they'll expire soon anyway, then spawn second wolves and tank the camp yourself cus wolves too weak. Make sure to stack it at 53, most easy camps will give you lvl 2, but some youll need to stack. After both camps youll have 900g, run to get your mask and then smooth sailing.

                                      Alternatively you can go feral impulse at lvl 1, get stout, tango, quelling blade. Take out the easy camp, make sure to stack it if you aren't going to kill it in time. Two easys, then you'll have wolves, go to a medium with them and tank as needed. You'll get mask a little later but be around the same level.

                                      Both ways are almost identical, second way you get levels a little sooner staying in jungle with tangoes, but first way you get mask sooner. Both you'll end up with vlads around 7 or 8 mins and be like level 6 or 7. I guess first way you can skip quelling blade and stout shield, though qb really helps lycans farm since his base dmg is so high.

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                                        better you should trying Necco. Build item to be a Titan

                                        yung griphook

                                          @gg jungling a hero is so detrimental to the team kappa...

                                          i tried to suicide thing out in a normal game and it worked pretty well. I feel like dire is much easier.

                                          I try not to jungle the small camp so I'm not taking away a potential pull from the lane, but i guess they shouldnt really need to pull the first wave anyway


                                            i think radiant is easier to jungle on lycan. pretty much all my lycan games are from level 1 jungling and ill tell u how i do it.

                                            buy qb stout and tangoes, wait in fountain, at the like :17-:20 second mark spawn your wolves and send them towards the hard camp, wait until your mana full enough to be refilled from the residual fountain regen and run towards the hard camp. if its a hellbear or bird camp go to the next hard camp (assuming ur radiant, if ur dire just go to the medium) if its hellbear/bird camp again just go to medium camps. eat a tango then start attacking the camp, the most important thing to do when jungling lycan is to keep your wolves alive the FULL duration. if 1 wolf dies then ur fucked and youre going to fall behind so you basically just want to tank the creeps and take all the aggro onto your hero. keep an eye out for empty lanes you can go in to get last hits/xp. like if ur mid goes off to get a rune/dies and youre right there just go steal a wave from him, same with ur safelane carry. buy a morbid mask first item as soon as u can, that will give u basically all the sustain u need to stay in the jungle. some people suicide immediately after getting a morbid mask because ur generally pretty low on hp and mana but i prefer to try and find a lane i can go to if possible or farm the easy camp and soak xp from the safelane. u want to aim for level 7 and vlads by 9 minutes (skip boots) then u go rosh and that basically ends staying in the jungle because u should be trying to push/farm ancients

                                            Цей коментар був відредагований

                                              Okay we got wreck early game hehe but we make it with -2kfriends whaha
                                              Srly don't go for morbid mask early game BTW i never tried it
                                              Lycan team will suffer in early fight cuz he can't gank and no impact in the 8-10 min

                                              -loseEarly game so hard i guess with 2blink on enemy team lycan fang can't reach its target -Disable plz


                                                I actually like going BF on Lycan... so I start QB/Stout & just choke jungle until lvl 3 with lvl 1 aura -- it's 15% attack speed & around 7 damage lvl 1.
                                                But on a more serious note just play a core Lycan & don't let some poor guy solo sup...

                                                yung griphook

                                                  thanks get fucked that helps.

                                                  @yotty like i said before in this post, my mmr is almost typically 5 carry lineups. if we have dual supports on my team, we will lose at 50 minutes. It's hard to kill a retard if he has 2 more items than you do and is playing a hard carry. It's easier to fight fire with fire.

                                                  Trying to get your team to collectively do something (push down a tower, gather to smoke into rosh) is one of the hardest things to do in my bracket. It's nearly impossible. We could play early game with 2 supports and have a 20 kill advantage and we will still lose because people dont understand that you should take advantage of your advantage and push or force fights.

                                                  I would rather be able to push effectively, win games, and then play that second support when im in a higher mmr.

                                                  I hardly play lycan because I dont feel confident in my early jungling ability, so it's not like I spam him and ignore my team and go farm or something. I just want to learn how to jungle him better first.

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