General Discussion

General DiscussionMedusa FTW

Medusa FTW in General Discussion
I Suck at Dota

    I like all these different views. Especially what Eazy said... I am not syaing you guys would lose/do bad at normal skill, but since it is so different you dont have the same team comp and yeah it is different...but its not to say we fully dont understand the other side

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      It was a long time ago about 6.79 or before, they started to picked it way after the patch with buff happend, also saw some topic on reddit where guys asked why the hero wasn't played and people argued that the hero wasn't good when it was just pro not accustom to play the hero.

      I'm not saying Medusa is as strong as DP was but I think it can have impact in some line up.


        I don't play Riki, but I'm not sure why you chose him as a comparison, since he and Medusa has almost nothing in common when it comes to general gameplay. Medusa is about farming hard, avoiding dead and right clicking people while tanking in the lategame, while Riki is all about getting kills early in the and/or creating a lot of space by depraving supports of money by forcing them to buy detection constantly, depending on his style. He's also active pretty much since level 1 and can be played effectively with not too many items or levels, though they certainly help.

        So, yeah all of that sounds a lot more exciting than Medusa. If you wanted to mention a similar hero, they'd be Spectre, Antimage or Naga, who share a similar gameplay early on, but even they can be a bit more active than her.

        I Suck at Dota

          I chose riki as comparison because some brought him up earlier for some reason

          I Suck at Dota

            I know i wasnt talking similarity is was just brought up about "pubstomping" with riki earlier and i do not find that as fun as playing medusa.

            Dire Wolf

              Medusa fun ness will wear off. Every game with her is almost the same. But she is fun at first


                Well , biggest weaknesses of this hero are her 1st 20minutes - basically you need to farm farm farm , after that u have to farm farm farm but can most likely survive a gank or what ever.... You farm farm farm ... Its 40 mins in , ur team has had hard time keepin up with enemy teams farm and agression... you tank everything with medusa but your team ends up dying , and you die aswell ,but just last...
                Thats what usually happens

                Also AM isnt medusa counter ,its slark and even sniper...
                20 mins Slark has shadowblade - u need to stay on ur side of the map , unless you have good vision , + ur tp needs to be up every time.
                ~30 mins in shadowblade basher - theres no escape from him...
                ~40 mins in - You take a fight with a team , u end up dying and giving slark 100 agility.

                Also the fact that he is prolly "the most" tanky hero in this game late game but prolly needs a tank in her team in order to deal damage. Someone needs to tank those disables...And if u Go BKB on dusa , you prolly should have picked gyro.

                Also thre is an item that counters medusa , its only like 3.1k and good on almost any support (even int/str core)- its called rod of Aui 2000 . Its actually so good against medusa , its like 3.1k item that aghs dooms BristleBack.

                One more thing i would like to add is - lets say you are playing "Captains Mode" and you lose draft with Medusa on your team ... -There are no funky plays she can do if you are playing from behinde ... You are going to be farm starved till the rest of the game.

                Medusa -
                Can't fight
                Has no reliable disables
                Can't splitpush
                Needs to farm farm farm -
                and how he scales with farm -
                1st item boots - any other hero
                2nd item Yasha - no damage ,can jungle
                3rd item skadi - tanky but no damage , just ignore her
                4th item slot mjollnir - tanky and can deal some damage , but you dont have to fight her if u dont want to
                5th item slot Butterfly - no damage gained , once you get disabled you dont do any damage
                6th item slot Rapier - this is the point when pushin high ground becomes nightmare but at the same time ihow does Dusa actually push ? Your team has 0 farm ,just medusa

                Once she is finnished farmin she needs her team to be farmed aswelll cus he cant 1 on 5 . Can be Amazing 5on5 but not 1on5.

                I am not hatin ,just sayin how this hero works. I am big fan of hero actually , one of few carrys I like playing but 90% games I play i know i absoulutley cant pick her ...And another 10% of the games I am like ,man if I pick Dusa every1 is going to be hatin on my team , and we will prolly lose cus of all that hate .

                I Suck at Dota

                  I like your input Taftka but Im not sure why she cant split push? She can push fast and hard and is a tank so there is that and the whole "whole team die and i die last" i havent encountered yet but im sure it happens. And a slark with shadowblade and basher? Who honestly can stop that one?

                  ROAD TO HERALD 0

                    Tetka makes some good points.

                    1. Pubs are not the same as competitive, like the skill and coordination level are so vastly apart we aren't even playing the same game as the pros. That does not mean though we cant break down and understand their specific strategies and actions, just that we cant consistently do it before the fact (i.e execute it in actual games instead of looking at it from hindsight). If we could do that, we could all go pro.

                    2. Medusa would be an extremely situational pick in organized play. It's generally not optimal for her to fight early, and in this meta where carries generally fight early, executing 4-protect-1 strategies is challenging, but not impossible.


                      Medusa threads always get really big , such a controversial hero .

                      Boundless Strike in Gaben...

                        wow the same reasons are just being repeated over and over just in different forms and OP is just coming back with the exact same bull shit...i mean really wtf is going on here?

                        at this point i seriously have no idea if youre 'trolling or just stupid' OP tho im leaning towards the i said please show us your 5k+ mmr dusa games and prove it yourself

                        oh and why exactly are you replying with multiple comments? trying to make the thread as big as possible? someone wants to get noticed?

                        cant some admin just delete this thread it going on in circles since page 1....for every point OP is coming back with some more deluded crap

                        honestly can you just stop man? if you love her so much keep playing her...what because you like a hero everybody should follow suit?

                        let this dumpster thread float off into oblivion where it belongs

                        Riguma Borusu

                          I still think that "I think X should be played more" is pretty much a retard statement though. I mean, yeah, I obviously favor Sven, LC and Venge when picking heroes, and I like playing them, but that does not mean they are good atm or that I should pick them, I pick them because I want to play them. It happens LC is pretty popular right now, but I played her when she had 1/3 this pickrate and before the buffs so there's that. I just don't see how you should say that some strategy should be used more, if you yourself are a low skilled player. It's just mind boggling. Pros do things the best way they can, to win, to get money, and it's obvious why they dictate what the meta is - it's literally their fucking job. Going against what's efficient, what wins games and what simply outright WORKS is not being wise, it's being a dumbass, and trying to argue your idea is right when you obviously don't know what the fuck you're talking about (because it contradicts what actually happens in the game) is just kind of arrogant as fuck.

                          Sure, some pros and ex pros have made guides for medusa, to make her viable in any meta. But do realize that even that's mostly pub play, and even that's not surefire enough. Rapier rush? Way too risky, with pickoff heroes being very popular. I mean, medusa has an escape mechanism that's also her teamfight spell, if you can lock her down and kill before she gets to work with it, she literally just fed a rapier. Tanky build with no damage? Well, good job, now your dusa is kited to all hell while the rest of her team dies and she also kills nobody but pos 5 supports out of position. Tanky with damage? Well, nice, but you just spent the last 40 minutes farming, while the other team took two of your rax and they've actually outfarmed you and farmed items to counter you. By the time you truly do come online, if your team has been losing fights the whole time, it'll simply happen that they have a skadi on their QoP, three hexes and forcestaffs, and just kinda don't give a shit about your medusa because the rest of your team is outfarmed and you can't go 1v5 against people who know what they are doing.

                          She's just shit against heroes who are popular right now, and that's what makes her non viable. If the other team picks exclusively heroes that are bad against her, sure, go pick medusa, but that's not what happens now. You need to depend on what everyone else is picking when you want to focus a hero to pick. I've seen "uber tanky" medusas go down during a fucking shackleshot. It just happens, it's a daedalus mkb desolator aghs windranger who's farmed all those items by farming your fucking team the whole time, now you've built super tanky, only to die in two seconds. You REALLY want to waltz into a fight and pull off your ult, but surprise, LC jumps you and you can't do it, meanwhile you're hitting on blademail, and a smart LC will build to be tanky. Oh, that slark? He will steal the very stats you so depend on, he'll reduce your life to peanuts, so even if you buyback you'll suck ass, also he'll backdoor your fucking ancient with max attack speed and rapier worthy damage. Alchemist? Hahaha, great one. By the time you build your first farming item, he's pushed you all to your tier 3s and is actually threatening your base, because he has BoTs, manta, octarine, radiance, and you have a skadi, and now nowhere to farm because he's taken all map control. Ember? Oh, very nice, a hero who can hit you, but you can't hit him while he's doing that? Yeah, I guess that's what medusa's tanking is all about. Ember's obviously food if caught offguard but a smart ember is gong to chew you bit by bit as you threaten to push. Nightstalker? He can actually dive your tower, he has a 8 sec silence at night. He can also find you in the jungle and fuck you up badly. AM? He'll come online much further and chew your mana up, also splitpush sooner than you're able to do it with any kind of safety and you'll have nowhere to farm since you've lost map control. PL? Oh nice, you can destroy all his illusions with his ult! But how cute. He does not even have to use his fucking manta, he can just wait for you to use your ult, then jump in and create all the illusions he needs if he's equally farmed, and then he can also pop w and manta and eat you alive.

                          Need I go further?

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                          ROAD TO HERALD 0

                            ^ But but...

                            What about the normal skill meta? 0_0

                            I Suck at Dota

                              Retard Magnet youre real hostile for no real reason. I do multiple because i have multiple trains of thought. And everything you just stated is what you are doing also. Same deluded bullshit coming out of your fucking "god dota" complex. And so there are football analysts that are not nearly good enough to be in the NFL yet they dont play they too not understand the game? To say because i am low mmr i dont understand is ignorant and just concludes your "god dota" complex

                              Oscar Meyer Penis

                                Well medusa is probably jewish since she has curly hair or snakes, so that means being a jew she killed, Jesus and she also participated in the framing of Hitler during WW2. So please don't play medusa, Hitler was a good man and was framed by the jews i.e. Medusa.

                                I Suck at Dota

                                  Retard Magnet how the fuck are you gonna talk to me about anything? You too are in normal skill LOL. You com ehere act like youre big shit but in reality you are the same as me you fuck.

                                  I Suck at Dota

                                    @Tetka...metas change all the time. Hell sometimes they even revert to older metas so what the fuck are you saying? The metas dont change because of efficency they change because of preference fucktard

                                    Riguma Borusu

                                      "Tetka...metas change all the time. "

                                      No shit they do, but there are always triggers for that - new patch that buffs a hero or nerfs a popular hero, or somebody has found/made a build that helps you win games, preferably consistently and easily.

                                      "Hell sometimes they even revert to older metas so what the fuck are you saying?"

                                      Well, no shit, if you buff a hero for one patch, and then nerf him heavily in the next, that hero might be out of the pool for a while, heroes he was good against might seep back in. An item might get nerfed, that was preferred by that hero, so that hero again falls out of favor. It's no shit that things change and revert occasionally, it's just that it has fuck all to do with personal preferences.

                                      "The metas dont change because of efficency they change because of preference fucktard"

                                      I think you're literally retarded xD Because it seems that all of sudden, after Doom got his buff, SUDDENLY everyone started PREFERRING that hero. It's not that he's a top pick because he works well, and is effective at winning games. NO. It's because suddenly, overnight, all the people who have NEVER played Doom have started spamming him because of their PREFERENCES. And those 6.83 troll pickers? They STOPPED PREFERRING the troll after he got his nerfs. It's not that he no longer has 15 bonus damage at lvl 1 that lets you fuck people and creeps up, it's not that literally every single ability he has got nerfed, it's because PREFERENCES CHANGE.

                                      You're fucking delusional.

                                      Цей коментар був відредагований
                                      ROAD TO HERALD 0

                                        Medusa normal skill meta boys

                                        Preach it OP ;)

                                        Цей коментар був відредагований
                                        I Suck at Dota

                                          Yeah youre right there my bad, but tekta why the hell are you so hostile you are literally normal skill to why the fuck should i listen to anythign you say

                                          I Suck at Dota

                                            Tetka youre real mad and there is no reason like is this what gets you off dude?

                                            Riguma Borusu

                                              Apparently, his meta is "whatever I prefer" because it seems to boil down to preferences.

                                              In that case, Sven and Venge are super meta guys, I know because I've found ways to win more than 50% games with them in normal skill. They're perfectly viable in a wide array of circumstances, I mean, just look at my Sven and Venge games!

                                              "Yeah youre right there my bad, but tekta why the hell are you so hostile you are literally normal skill to why the fuck should i listen to anythign you say"

                                              You don't have to listen to me, listen to... you know, what actually happens in the world. Or games. And what you're saying is not it. I get mad at people spewing bullshit of all kinds, be it fucking raw vegans, alternative reiki treatment centers or dota pseudo-wisdom that's often contradictory and put in an overly arrogant/stupid manner. When things are pretty damn simple most of the time - raw veganism doesn't work, reiki is a scam and the fact that you believe something works the way it works in dota does not make it so.

                                              Цей коментар був відредагований
                                              I Suck at Dota

                                                I said youre right you fuck. And yes i think medusa is viable more than people say and I have given reasons you on the other hand are just being a fuck who is attempting to act like you are somehow better or know more than I

                                                I Suck at Dota

                                                  Thats why its a forum and if you notice i take the info of people who present in a civilized and actual conversation manner a lot more serios than you

                                                  Riguma Borusu

                                                    I didn't see the comment before, you fuck. My bad for that. In a way I am thinking different than you are, though I am not sure it's right, but watching a ton of tournaments does paint a picture that medusa's dogshit right now, along with many other heroes, and my thinking pattern is actually consistent with what happens, whether I like that or not. I mean, sven's dogshit too and he pops up occasionally, usually in some crazy setups. But that still doesn't make those heroes effective/reliable enough. I have yet to really play a lot the majority of meta heroes and it kinda bores me, but is at the same time exciting somewhat too.

                                                    Also, hostile/vulgar is the way I talk, don't really mind it. Take the info, think about it, if it bothers you, ignore the hostility if you're considering the raw idea beyond. I'm abrasive by nature.

                                                    Also, you referring me as "Tetka" is actually pretty fucking hilarious, since it means "Aunt" in my language, but my alias is awkward as it is so it's pretty funny to be called "Aunt".

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                                                      Boundless Strike in Gaben...

                                                        lol and the cycle keeps repeating with the obvious stupidity of the OP.....'god dota' lmao....multiple posts because 'multiple trains of thought' lmao

                                                        so and their fantasies sighhh

                                                        he calls himself sucky at dota yet he tries so hard to validate issues must be....take your own wise words for your nick and stick to it kiddo

                                                        oh and since you've obviously been picked on for your football knowledge seeing your obsession over the NFL and trying to 'understand' so much...that makes 2 things you suck at now :)

                                                        please do continue the dialogue trying in so much vain to see yourself make a good point for once in your sad life...must be really pities be with you good sir and try and stay away from firearms what with all the bullied white kids in america no one knows what they're going to do


                                                          This is my favorite hero.
                                                          You can not be solo kill by ANY hero if you have some starter item(aquila, phase boot, mango) 2 mana shield, 3 stat, 1 gaze at level 6.
                                                          But she can easily be countered with kotl, nyx assasin, sniper, queen of pain. Not to mention her hard counter ANTIMAGE. An average antimage can take down medusa at ease even you get better item.
                                                          And 3k player like you and me don't have enough patient to farm such luxury item like skadi or mkb. Not to mention in laning phase, we only have retard supports who auto attack creep to get their arcane boot.
                                                          That's why medusa isn't popular in 3k

                                                          Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                            btw, medusa is one of the best hero to deal with megacreep

                                                            Riguma Borusu

                                                              "That's why medusa isn't popular in 3k"

                                                              And other reasons are reasons why she's not popular anywhere else either.

                                                              "btw, medusa is one of the best hero to deal with megacreep"

                                                              With the 5 max target cap? How does it compare to melee carries with cleave?

                                                              "slark is a horrible medusa counter"

                                                              Slark's great against dusa @ low levels because people are fucking dumb. At higher levels, he's gonna get punished for trying to jump medusa, usually with her team around.

                                                              Dire Wolf

                                                                it's not really that complicated, in lower brackets you get more space to farm plus the flash farmers who should counter medusa suck more at farming. There's no way in my games an alch is pushing t3s before I get skadi unless my team feeds.

                                                                To back this up look at the new hero meta tab. Medusa is like 51-52% win rate in all the lower brackets, then drops to 49% in 4k and 46% in 5k+. She goes from a top third hero to a bottom third hero.


                                                                  Medusa ? Nyx assasin says hi :)
                                                                  Just one mana burn and say goodbye to that mana

                                                                  Цей коментар був відредагований
                                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                                    Fortunately nyx isn't that popular and doesn't pop into people's heads as a hard counter to medusa.

                                                                    If you pick riki you will get an instant slardar pick on enemy team.

                                                                    If you pick wraith king you will get an instant invoker or am pick on enemy team.

                                                                    If you pick ck or pl you will get an instant eartshaker pick on enemy team.

                                                                    Medusa? You will probably get an am pick but nyx is not likely.

                                                                    I Suck at Dota

                                                                      Retard Magnet I think you yourself have some insecurites but hey that not my problem Mr. Dota God

                                                                      Here i edited a comment is that better you fucking are those 39 ranked games at 43% winrate treating you? Looks like youre the one whos name should be 'I suck at dota'

                                                                      Цей коментар був відредагований
                                                                      I Suck at Dota

                                                                        Thank you everyone else for the actual intellectual comments though


                                                                          Ehh Kuitrak sorry I disagree with slark not being a counter to dusa. Slark applies a lot of pressure to dusa , he can purge off hero ult making it useless be him , he'll steal tons of stats off dusa since she is tanky and slark is way to slippery for dusa to lock down considering she has zero disables besides her ult which slark just purges .


                                                                            slark cant purge stone gaze, but you can get a better understanding of dark pact when using it trying to dodge duza's ult: in case you didnt notice it when dodging stuns, dark pact is not continous, it works periodically but with very small pauses.
                                                                            so you purge stone gaze for a microsecond and then u r stoned again, and it repeats untill dark pact duration ends. and then u r still stoned.

                                                                            slark doesnt counter duza overall, but its like the only carry that is able to fight her when 6both are 6-slotted, cz even am is losing at this point.

                                                                            Цей коментар був відредагований
                                                                            Dire Wolf

                                                                              Idk I think there are many carries that can man fight medusa but none of them have the same team presence. I mean even sniper 6 slotted can probably take her but his whole team dies in the process.

                                                                              ΙγrιΙΙνεmροs crιsτεναηιsh...

                                                                                note the big difference between void spect pl and medusa
                                                                                medusa is the only late game hard carry that does not focus/rely heavily/excel on single target takeout. That means medusa does not punish lineups that has weak links. It punishes lineups that even each other out with nobody standing out. You need people who stand out to take out medusa, and of course that's at the cost of some weak links but since medusa does not exploit weak links, it weakens medusa team's exploit as well by at least 1/5. But when your team don't have people taking out medusa you won't likely lose a guy either, but overall teamfight will favor medusa because she wants you to have more targets so the split shot get to its max worth.

                                                                                in reality how many lineups would seriously go all in as 5? how many have people dividing roles, do that math and go figure

                                                                                Boundless Strike in Gaben...

                                                                                  and again 2 comments consecutively by dear OP....sighhh sighhhh

                                                                                  i never mentioned anywhere that i was a pro :).....that only thing that ive been stating all along is how stupid you are :) that's all

                                                                                  actually my nick could be 'i suck at dota' could then change yours to 'I basically suck at everything'

                                                                                  looking forward to the next 3 successive comments

                                                                                  I Suck at Dota

                                                                                    lol lol

                                                                                    [F]unky Panda

                                                                                      I like women who can turn me to stones with just her gaze.

                                                                                      ROAD TO HERALD 0

                                                                                        I also like women whose hair can bite my face off.


                                                                                          Four in the mornin', and I'm zonin' they say I'm possessed, it's an omen i keep it 300, like the romans 300 bitches, where the trojans? baby we livin' in the moment i've been a menace for the longest but I ain't finished, I'm devoted and you know it, and you know it

                                                                                          Han Solo

                                                                                            I read the entire thread, and even though im in the normal skill bracket, i do have keen observation. And to be honest, people who say the damage on the hero is shit, there is always the glass cannon build on medusa, like its already been mentioned, the mana shield itself provides a lot of tank. The way i usually build on the hero, is like any sensible player would do, depending on the game. If there arent many ganks on you, and your game is going well, i just skip the linkens completely, and go for a maelstorm first, yasha and complete the mjolnir and then go for skadi if needed. Mostly, if the game is as well as i said for the above items, i just go get a butterfly and that evasion not only provides more tankiness, its simply more dps and as. Also, the flutter makes for a much more mobile hero than you usually expect of a medusa combined with phase boots.

                                                                                            Dire Wolf

                                                                                              It's not even glass cannon, every point of hp medusa adds get's multiplied by like 1.6 or whatever cus of her shield (until you go oom) so just adding a s&y or manta can make you tanky. Glass cannon would be like maelstrom, mkb, daedulus with zero hp items. Skadi and either s&y or manta are still core, but it depends on order you make them. Get at very least yasha first to improve farm speed before rushing skadi.

                                                                                                Цей коментар був видалений модератором

                                                                                                  Dusa ultimate goes through bkb while copter ultimate doesn't. Could work better in certain situations.

                                                                                                    Цей коментар був видалений модератором

                                                                                                      Dusa ultimate is a guarantee the enemy has to turn back with or without bkb. Copter ultimate is not effective when enemy has bkb. Dusa shot has no downtime and doesn't use mana while copter flak cannon does.
                                                                                                      As I said it depends on situation and what you want and what you value.

                                                                                                      We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!