General Discussion

General Discussionwhy do i need to play slark ever ?

why do i need to play slark ever ? in General Discussion

    why i think hes a bad pick :
    1.very low physical damage hes really bad against tanky heros specially those who can disable him hardly like lc or doom or more durable ones like wk cant get bkb fast becuz he have low damage
    3.shadow pact and pounce is useless late game maybe only good for escape
    4.essence shift cant do anything unless you hit someone like 30 time (u need lots of item to do that most of early game fights end up before slark get more than 10 essence)

    but why i dont like to pick slark is becuz i always ask myself before picking slark do i need to pick him ? isnt any better option ?
    and answer is yes
    i can pick juggernaut he deals more than slark ofc
    wk : more damage + stun + so much durable
    anti mage : more damage + more farm + better carry
    Pl : ofc more damage + better carry late game
    there is still naix and alch to play on safe lane

    so is slark useless hero 6.86 ? give me a reason to play slark


    update :
    **** (((( topic subject changed to nazism )))) *** *** aryans allowed only ***

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      are u 3800 mmr?



        just give a good answer wtf u mean im 3800 ok im 3800 can u just answer now


          hes okay


            1)this post could be easily posted by a 3k judging from these things u mentioned above mr 4600

            2)i dont give Good answers to Invalid Questions

            3) le dotabuff will reply to u soon with some reasons i guess

            waku waku

              his ulti makes him basically immortal and able to be everywhere if you play him correctly as well as pop squishy supports with extreme ease

              Boundless Strike in Gaben...

                you dont need to play slark ever :)

                but you will certainly get raped by a few


                  this hero should be removed from dota

                  Boundless Strike in Gaben...


                    take that back right now and we wont have a problem


                      Lol with with spaming slark every fucking monkey could get to 5k mmr hes so freaking overpowerd. U just cant die with this ulti. And u can stack up tons of dmg with passive. But no need to pick him cuz he makes games way to easy


                        fun hero


                          @gg its over [Again]

                          Now u get it why i called u retarded?

                          Pom Pom 🍕

                            Is shadow pact dark pact or shadow dance? Either way I don't see how they're bad late game when dark pact removes stuns/bashes and shadow dance makes you immune to enemy right-clicks and target spells while healing you for a ton of health (since it's based on your max hp, it's not a static regen like alchemist ultimate). Why do you want BKB so badly on him btw? I always hear slark pickers hating that item, since you have so many ways to avoid being disabled anyway (dark pact + shadow dance).


                              youre joking right? hero can be played at 7k mmr. let alone 4k.

                              dark pact useless late game? lol. one of most broken skills you can have on a hero.

                              Цей коментар був відредагований

                                OK u have 3 games with the hero and u call it shit just coz u lost 2 games
                                1) U need to play more of the hero to realise his strengths
                                2) U dont build a daedalus on slark
                                3) Slark is broken against squishy supports
                                4) I know this hero seems really weak but once u start playing him hes so fun and u snowball faster than tusk so i recommend u try more of this hero instead of calling him shit after three games


                                  one of the best heroes that has always been good in a pub


                                    and idk where have you gotten the idea that hes shit against tanky heroes


                                      and nice daedalus i guess


                                        i played 150 games on him its my smurf account
                                        this is my 2 recent games on him i just played them today

                                        i won them

                                        i got daedalus cuz i was winning the game any way and daedalus is good it hit 900crit just with sny and shadow blade but the problem is low attack speed on slark so daedalus is not good

                                        ( im playing slark right now again but its gg team picked 5 carry and double mid :||) shit happens np

                                        Цей коментар був відредагований

                                          whats the point of this thread again?


                                            whats the point of your life?

                                            No giggities?

                                              You're nowhere near 4600 mmr with the way you play and the way you analyze Slark.

                                              Цей коментар був відредагований
                                              Livin' Real Good

                                                Slark > You.


                                                  yeah whats the point of ur life ???

                                                  damn my support slark didnt work
                                                  after i saw 4 carry trying hard to win and no one just give up i said damn we need a support for this carries so i just support them

                                                  Boundless Strike in Gaben...

                                                    'slow attack speed'

                                                    get a moon the rape commence...i get it after i get my sny, blink or sb, basher....maybe after bkb if i absolutely need it tho that comment on top is kind of right i hate making bkb on slark

                                                    by this time itself i can take down almost all the heroes in the game with the full slark treatment

                                                    you need to choose your targets well as a slark...make sure the aoe damage dealers / stuns are out of your way or your're dead

                                                    try to remember that shadow dance last only 4 seconds unconditionally you need to use it to kill off a target while keeping some spare time to get away too

                                                    if you get locked down you're dead 100% kind of like ember

                                                    oh and yea needing to explain why slark is as good as he is? you definitely dont sound like a 4.6k that time you should have a good understanding of every hero

                                                    and even if you suck with it...dont tell me youve never gone up against a rampaging happens all the time

                                                    so i really have no idea why you;re just stating plainly what a shit hero he is..thats really weird and kinda retarded

                                                    Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                      @live your life

                                                      for jesus sake can u stop playing slark if 400 games on slark couldent raise ur mmr up to 3k you should stop picking it
                                                      just learn something idiot
                                                      45% invoker winrate last played 2 month ago thank god at least ur learned u should stop picking him cuz its not 3k hero


                                                        im talking about slark in competitive scene try hard not 2k or 3k mmr

                                                        Boundless Strike in Gaben...

                                                          well you said 'why should 'I' ever pick slark' you play dota competitively?


                                                            the point of my life is to read threads that have no point, like this one.


                                                              and yeah you asked why would you pick it, and now talking about competitive.
                                                              so you are a competitive player?

                                                              Pale Mannie

                                                                Midas is good on Slark as a farming item
                                                                And he is a fun hero when you can pounce and dark pact properly


                                                                  didn't you folks realise that 4k is competitive

                                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                                    he's actually really good vs tanky heroes cus he steals all their stats over a prolonged fight.

                                                                    Цей коментар був відредагований
                                                                    Electric Mexican
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                                                                          Цей коментар був видалений модератором

                                                                            dark pact late game is useful to remove debuffs, stuns and stuff...


                                                                              @gg its over [Again]
                                                                              Glimmer must be core item on support Slark, I guess.


                                                                                matrice plays glimmer slark all the time, afair, but its pos.1 slark.

                                                                                No giggities?

                                                                                  Don't mind this guy, he is digging up is own shame hole faster than i thought.


                                                                                    14780 kills and 1300+ games with slark and counting.
                                                                                    Cant play complicated heroes due to my age restriction (slow reaction etc etc)
                                                                                    Tbh slark is very fragile early levels, can snowball mid game if everything goes well. Basically slark is a support raper, also he can use his essence swift on tanky targets to earn many stack so he can take care the rest. he is very weak vs pl or am and whoever drain his mana. Also in most case he is useless vs 5 man on late game if everyone gets fat.

                                                                                      Цей коментар був видалений модератором

                                                                                        tbh most of the people play slark as a roaming support with shadow blade rush so it's fucking easy to kill the 700 hp retard that is always alone in your jungle trying to find kills
                                                                                        unless your supports are retarded and have no awareness


                                                                                          Glimmer is better for teamfights with lots of AOE nukes flying around while SB is better for solo pickoffs and is overall better item and Glimmer is kinda situational cause it's big manacost.

                                                                                          And idk if this is some kind of a bait thread or what, only place where Slark has limited success is competitive, and that may also be cause most of them still build Midas for god know what reason.

                                                                                          This hero is kinda perfect for pubs, be it 2k 4k or 7k pubs, a good Slark can win any game and there are lot of 7k Slark pickers that are having lots of success with the hero.

                                                                                          It is true that he may not be that good like before when you could firstpick him and win any game, but he's still among strongest pub heroes.

                                                                                          Pale Mannie

                                                                                            His turnrate is shitty tbh

                                                                                              Цей коментар був видалений модератором

                                                                                                Hes really only good if you snowball and start 3/4-shotting people, which he can definately do against some teams. Obviously he is shit against someone like anti-mage who wont care about leap or getting away from you when you ult, but slark, like every hero in dota can be the perfect pick for some games. I dont think spamming him will result in a good winrate.


                                                                                                  ROFL, I can't believe what most of you writing here : ) Slark bad late game carry??? Dark pact and pounce worthless spells? essence shift useless? Slark only good if you snowball ? glimmer must have item? Slark bad vs tanky heroes? lol
                                                                                                  Honestly, OP is just tr0ll.

                                                                                                  @ konops

                                                                                                  +1300 games and you still don't know how to beat Am and PL with slark? How about :

                                                                                                  vs AM : PT> S&Y >skull basher > moonshard >abbysal >mkb + sb/blink (but first farm 2-3 core items)

                                                                                                  vs PL : PT > S&Y > Mjollnir > Skadi > MKB + sb/blink


                                                                                                  P.S. Btw, essence shift one of the best passives in dota.

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                                                                                                      With similar amount of farm and proper items, Slark will rape Am and PL, fact.

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                                                                                                        We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!