General Discussion

General DiscussionWinter Wyvern

Winter Wyvern in General Discussion
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    Has anyone played it this patch? it looks like its a dead support (at least in pubs). From OP to nerf-stomp.

    still 22% pick rate in >5k games but <50% wr. overall -5%wr with 6.86.

    convince me that im wrong.


      ww is shit


        Overnerfed, if u ask me. The new ult is just too crappy. Too ez to fuck up entire teamfight with it.

        plz do

          i was actually interested in getting better at ww, but in 6.86 its probably worthless


            People just aren't used to the ulti change yet. Once people catch on and start drafting WW as a way to set up other big ults like blackhole or mag rp, then you'll start seeing her back in the meta, cause she's a strong hero without her ult anyway.


              played a game... batrider lasso's our medusa and pulls him like 2000 units away, so team is like 3500 away or something..... but wyvern curses the SOLO MEDUSA LOOOOL....
              ... and then team catches up and we rape face.


              plz do

                rofl, guess the medusa survived ez. ty ww

                avg mmr 2,4k really no joke kappa elegiggle

                Riguma Borusu

                  Yeah, you can no longer use the ult simply as a disable, that's fucking retarded.


                    no worries WW is gonna get buffed in b/c patch. They are just changing him.


                      no worries WW is gonna get buffed in b/c patch. They are just changing him.


                        the only reason hero was picked was because of his ulti. now thats changed, no reason to pick him, ever.

                        Boundless Strike in Gaben...

                          i dont see why the hero is suddenly proclaimed to be dead or a team fight just use curse wisely now...basically what needs to happen now is that curse has to result in a death since they all become invulnerable

                          so now curse targets need to be the squishy supports instead to get a guaranteed kill plus as the guy above said to provide positioning for say a follow up echo slam

                          additionally curse can still save a team mate from death and also acts as a quick disable to catch up as the other guy above gave an example of


                            its basically aoe duel now. its shit.

                            plz do

                              ur a wise man


                                So her ult its like a slightly better version of naga. And who plays naga anymore?


                                  At least I don't see gay ass wyvern pickers in my games, which is nice.

                                  7Mad About You

                                    omg the winrate drop all the sudden!!!!


                                      4.75s disable


                                        Ayy lmao, one day I was playing against ww and she saved our team from qop ult

                                        Qop got too jelly at that and gave up

                                        7Mad About You

                                          That QOP for sure was piss off when WW fucked up


                                            how does the ult work now? everyone takes 0 damage from other sources?


                                              I'm playing WW again in 2 or 3 months from now. By then, I assume people will have already learned that her ulti prevents WW's teammates damage.


                                                blink > ult
                                                suddenly friendly ES / SF / SK / QoP come and waste their ult

                                                I'm done with WW. Next 1/2/3 months perhaps, people didn't read patch notes, it seems


                                                  it doesn't seem too bad
                                                  it's not like you would dump all your spells into old ult when it still reducted 70% damage, or am I missing something?

                                                  Pale Mannie

                                                    How does the new ult again? I tried to understand but i cant


                                                      ^^ You could still drop single target spells to the main target for full damage, now your only option is buying a Medallion/Solar Crest or having someone in your team who can naturally lower enemy armor.

                                                      Groundcontrol to Major Tom

                                                        Holy shit this hero got dumpstered. Literally ruining every single teamfight with his ultimate.

                                                        7Mad About You

                                                          if i random pick and get WW, i'm gonna skip all the ultimate skill and pick stats instead

                                                          Pom Pom 🍕

                                                            I actually liked this hero, and although she needed nerfs this was not the way.

                                                            @Goethe The new ult makes everyone affected by it (including the frozen target) 100% immune to your team's damage while increasing the taunted heroes' attack speed by +50 (the ones attacking the frozen one).

                                                            Her 3 other skills are still good though, so yeah stats are the way to go probably, or just one point for free tp escapes.

                                                            Цей коментар був відредагований
                                                            Riguma Borusu

                                                              ^stats instead of which spell?


                                                                Well i guess it can be used now to make the enemy carry waste his bkb too, expecially when it's on 5 sec duration (ww ulti last 4,75 sec if I'm not wrong)


                                                                  Actually his new ult is a better kinda naga ult which is good for setting up blackholes n calldowns n stuff but well, the old one, the new one, i dunno

                                                                  7Mad About You

                                                                    look at my WW skill build (

                                                                    i skip all the ulti skill and build a carry WW (Mjolnir and Maelstorm)

                                                                    well, it works on me.

                                                                    Цей коментар був відредагований
                                                                    7Mad About You

                                                                      Did someone skip the ultimate skill like i do?


                                                                        the hero is 60% based on ulti. lol

                                                                        Riguma Borusu

                                                                          You still managed to have 2nd lowest HD, just don't do that, it sucks. WW is not a carry, will never be one, and should not be played like that, since the hero has literally nothing going for its carry potential.

                                                                          Also I don't know what the fuck you think you're going to do without the ultimate if the game actually depends on you doing shit, because believe me that mjollnir maelstrom build isn't doing crap unless people are completely retarded or underfarmed.

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                                                                            He still works, now his ulti does what it was intended to do, friendly fire (unfortunatly only). I could solo kill Lycan with my ulti alone


                                                                              still havent given it a try but I supposed that used in certain circumstances with the right setup may still prove to be useful


                                                                                You just need Slardar in your team.

                                                                                saving private RTZ

                                                                                  WW is overnerfed, but the nerfed make sense. Winter's Curse was meant to turn enemies against eachother, not to provide a stun. And it was too good as a stun, long range, instant etc

                                                                                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                                    She isn't a braindead hero anymore, the ulti is still definitely useful, most of the time it's an instant kill on a support/offlane, sometimes even the mid.


                                                                                      WW isn't overnerfed. It's just that it felt from GOD ULTRA TIER (yeah the tier of invoker before they finaly nerfed alacrity)
                                                                                      It's no longer the hero that does EVERYTHING, and that is THE BEST even during magic meta.

                                                                                      Add on top of that that her ult is no longer designed to kill a carry, but to kill som1 near a carry (which change by a large portion the gameplay, and that part seems forgotten by most).

                                                                                      That hero still alow insane save + huge lane dominance + make any fight 4v5.
                                                                                      Still great at unpush / nuking.

                                                                                      What you mainly lost with the nerf, is the "i can offer free kill to anyone in my team like a beastmaster but in better". At least now, it's 2 guy + ww to kill som1, and no longer one random underfeed ally + ww to get anyone

                                                                                      Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                                                        Come on, Matrice. When you ult with Winter Wyvern now, the enemy team (not just the target) can't take any damage (neither magical nor physical), from your team. That's just *turns on Singing voice* "We fuck in lost, boys."

                                                                                        Your point of "designed to kill someone near enemy's carry" makes sense, (and with 6.86c) they have upgraded the attack speed with which the target will take hits from its allies, but that enemy carry has to have damage items to kill someone near him/her, hence, taken away the early game potential off WW's ultimate, even mid in some cases.

                                                                                        They should had preserved either physical or magical (at least physical as magical seemed imbalance in many cases) damage to be inflicted on enemy team if your team used WW's ultimate.

                                                                                        It's just soOoOoO weak, now. Kappa level weak.

                                                                                        Pom Pom 🍕

                                                                                          They'll probably keep buffing the attack speed buff until it's almost a reverse troll ultimate.

                                                                                          Wish it gave a little damage too though (or reduced armour), since poor man's shield and aquilla makes your own supports hit you for very little even with +70 attack speed.

                                                                                          Dire Wolf

                                                                                            He's still pretty fucking awesome, maybe just not so imba now.

                                                                                            His nuke is great wave clear, his cold embrace is probably better than dazzle's save, his soar thingy makes zoning easy, and his ult still annhilates people in team fights, you just have to fucking time it now is all.