General Discussion

General DiscussionQuestion regarding Screen Size and map control in Dota.

Question regarding Screen Size and map control in Dota. in General Discussion

    I have few screens next to me, since I do selling used PC parts/PC service for living.

    Now I just wanted to see how Dota would look like with smaller screen, and guess what, I'm kinda having better time playing it on 19 inch 16:9 screen compared to 22 or biger screens.

    Like, I can control map way easier, I can navigate easier, and it helps.

    Is this lonely case or someone else is also fan of small screens for Dota?

    To clear things up, I'm not saying low resoluton might be helpfull, you just run Dota 2 on natural resolution for screen you are using.

    For example, 1440x900 is for this 19 inch wide screen.


      Yea I like playing dota more on my smaller laptop than my desktop too. Easier to look at minimap too

      Miku Plays

        weird i like my 22 inch than my 15 inch laptop


          playing on 23'' 1920/1080 is kinda weird at start.. but i just used dota_minimap_hero_size 1000

          and im gucci atm.. its just about what are u used to


            It's not only about minimap, like, my mouse movment is way more acurate with smaller screen size.

            I don't miss stuff nearly as much as I do with biger screen, I can navigate easier on map, I'm just faster.

            I might end up having this 2nd moniitor for Dota, lolz.


              ^ its the same feeling for me when i played csgo.. on 18'' i could play a lot easier with much wow presision

              merry xmas shreded bish


                Merry xmas bro.


                  I don't get it how can you find it easier to play on smaller or even laptop screen than on the bigger screen.

                  I find it way easier to play on my 19 inch 5:4(or 4:3 not sure) monitor (even thu I miss like one third of my view compared to 16:9 screens) than on my 15 inch 16:9 laptop screen.

                  Like I often missclick on my small laptop screen because of the larger mouse cursor so precise cliicking can sometimes be quite challenging (for example clicking on a creep that is right next to the large catapult will click on catapult like 90% of time)

                  So playing one some big 16:9 screen should be even easier IMO

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                    If I try to play on 5:4(4:3) screen I just can't do it, as you said, third of my view is missing.

                    However, playing on 16:10 or 16:9, IS easier, and I'm not saying it's not.

                    However, I find it easier to navigate with smaller screen with 16:9/16:10 then with biger one.

                    I never claimed it's better to have old 4:3/5:3 screens for Dota.

                    It's shred, I'm just on my smurf.


                      Well I simply don't get it how can it be easier to play on smaller than on bigger screens.

                      Say we're talking just about 16:9, it's way easier to click things on 20+ inch screen than on 15 inch laptop.

                      Maybe the difference is not that big between your 19 inch and 22 inch screens but even in that case if you adjust your distance from the monitor (you should have 22 inch screen futher away from your eyes) and mouse DPI it should be easier to play on 22 inch screen so you're probably doing one of those two things wrong. Also don't forget that 1440x900 is 16x10 so you're also missing a bit of view compared to 16x9

                      So speaking about natural monitor resolutions, I generally don't see any advantages of lower resolutions over higher (For example 1920x1080>1366x768, your mouse pointer is smaller thus you'll have greater mouse precision)

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                        Tbh I'm supposed to wear glasses, and when I'm playing Dota I'm very close to my monitor anyways.

                        If I increase DPI i'm not acurate at all, but if I decrease it, I get problems in terms of reaction - i'm slow then.

                        So I just tried to play on smaller screen and realised I'm actually way more confident and I have way easier time controling the map and rest of the usual things you do during the game..

                        Anyways, that's about it I guess.


                          I play on 27" 2560x1440 Asus monitor with my mouse set to 3k dpi. I wouldnt go back to a smaller screen, ever. When I try to play on my 14" laptop I miss click a lot more, and it doesn't look 'right' so cant play for more than one game like that. On the 27" everything on screen is larger and clearer, and Im convinced this makes for easier cs than on a smaller screen. But as others have mentioned it really comes down to what you are used to.

                          LIL KASALANAN

                            I play on a 15" laptop with dota_minimap_hero_size 1000 hahahaha ;_;

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