General Discussion

General DiscussionInvo help

Invo help in General Discussion

    Can some good invo player provide us tips regarding invoker's spell hotkeys? Invoker is good this patch and I want to practice him. Thanks :)

    Livin' Real Good

      There's one good Invoker player I know of, but sadly..... Sigh*

      Anyways, there's nothing too complicated about Invoker, honestly he's not as hard as people think, most of it is just memorization.

      There's no tricky/secret control scheme to mastering him, just use whatever's comfortable for YOU.

      I use QWER
      DF (for spells) Which is probably the most common of all. As far as control groups, maybe watch a tutorial, make sure you got a button for all units, all other units, and that you learn to set Forge spirit 1 to it's own control key, as well as Forge Spirit 2, simple enough.

      He's not hard at all to learn, just hard to master.

      Oh, a good tip for Quas Wex Invoker is when you're ghost walking, and you found someone you can possibly solo kill, make sure you WALK CLOSE ENOUGH to effect them with ghost walk, THEN Orchid them, so that way they're affected by the slow for an extra 1.5 seconds (or whatever the time is) making it that much harder for them to escape.

      (no i'm not a good Invoker player, don't really play him anymore, but I have lots of good Invoker playing friends. :L

      Цей коментар був відредагований

        Thanks for the tips, yorkey! :D I'll try to use your hotkeys and hopefully I could get control of him. Could you have any suggestions for his item hotkeys? My hotkeys for any other hero is asdzxc which I know is a noob set but that was the one I got used to :D


          I use QWER and DF for spells, and Z, X, C, V, B, SPACE for items. And I always put refresher in V slot. Don't know why, it feels more comfortable for me.

          Цей коментар був відредагований

            Most of all use QWER and DF for spell
            I think there is nothing special about using hotkeys for invo
            Just use hotkeys that usually you are enjoy to play

            And do a lot practice


              QWER and TU for spells.

              If you want to learn to ''easy'' invoker (maybe it's easy for me idk) then play quas wex, easy to learn and understand.
              After you're somewhat experienced and don't miss invoke 5 times in team fights you could play QE.


                Thanks guys I appreciate your help :3