General Discussion

General DiscussionNormal skill to High skill to Very high skill

Normal skill to High skill to Very high skill in General Discussion
Mid or tiny airlines?

    So hard. I've been playing a lot of unranked matches in my other account, but still I am stuck in normal skill. :3 My KDA/GPM/XPM are good but what the fuck Am I still in normal skill? Or are there any possibilities that I can still go to high skill even if I have bad KDA but always winning?

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      If you don't calibrate your acc and keep doing well you can eventually get high skill and then calibrate or you can keep going and try to get very high skill and then calibrate, up to you.

      Mid or tiny airlines?

        I was checking some of my last games and I saw someone who was actually my opponent he/she was using Lion and after viewing her/his profile I saw some VHS and HS. My account has more good standing than his/her. I got 54% WR while the other dude has 49% only and still I don't get it why I am still in NS help me, btw. Ty


          There are a lot of people who have played some HS or VHS games in parties but are NS players.

          You need to see if they typically win in VHS to know if they belong there. A handful of VHS games on an established account is not likely to be a VHS player, especially if they have a sub-50% winrate.

          It is also possible they smurfed into VHS then lost games until they were back in Normal where they belong.

          If you don't use the first few games of a new account, or calibration ranked games, to gain massive MMR with huge KDA's when that is available then you have to climb the slow way +25 points per game. VHS doesn't start until about 3700 MMR. If you are climbing from 2.3k where most people start, you have to win a net 56 games above 50% to get there.

          ^^^ This one you are posting on is currently only at +4 games above where you started for example.

          If your smurf doesn't have a single HS game yet, it is not close to HS. You may think your KDA is "good", but to jump to HS and VHS you should be getting 20 or 30 KDA. I tried a smurf recently with a normal skill starting account from a beginer player I and had KDA of 55... that jumped to VHS right away. That's the sort of thing the anti-smurf detection is looking for to move you up.

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              Make smurf, play SF or Tinker or some high dmg shit, rekt first game > vhs next one.

              That's all you need to know.


                omg guys like you dont belong to VHS!
                why u are playing with 2 accounts? because you suck maybe?
                learn to play 1 Account and keep going!
                u are close to 10% Abandoned games?!?!?!

                thats so epic sad....
                and you think you belong to VHS.... for guys like you should be an Verry Low Skill bracket honestly...

                you are that kind of players that come one time in VHS and instand leave and throw....

                Watch my history, i was NS with some games in HS.
                i Improved, played sup, offlane, woods, mid, carry... everything and i increased to standard HS and sometimes in VHS.
                and now? only VHS....

                think about...


                  You're shit


                    You are normal skill, cause you belong in normal skill. So stay there and dont ruin games for better players.


                      whats the point of tryharding unranked to get vh skill? LMOA

                      edit: nvm he's a smurf, so he's just trash

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                        Smurfs are cancer.

                        They're bad for the players you're playing against for obvious reasons, because no matter how well they will play in their respective skill level, they still won't win. It creates a false idea of what's needed to win. And they're bad for other players in the smurf's own team, because it also creates a false impression of what it takes to win.

                        No matter whether the smurf is on your team or on the opposite team, you're not learning how to play the game because that game is unbalanced.

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                          smurfing - ur not doing it right..

                          Mid or tiny airlines?

                            Does the abandon games affect your hidden MMR?

                            Miku Plays

                              my smurf is normal skill wtf is this volvo ???

                              Mid or tiny airlines?

                                It depends and Idk how it depends, I created a new account and played Tinker on the first game where it was good 32/3/15 but it was in NS then continued playing but due to noob players I am playing with I lost in a row but even I lost I was placed on VHS then NS then HS then NS again. ISDGI

                                Bad Intentions

                                  ^lmao miku, u crack me up man :D

                                  Yo OP, hey listen man.. At the end of the day its winning, and just continue to win. Skills doesnt matter if u cant win with it.

                                  Although, the team with higher KDAs generally wins games. So just try to be effective and hopefully it gets u more wins.

                                  Add me up as well so i can spy on ur gamez :]]

                                  Mid or tiny airlines?

                                    @Relentless, I viewed your account and checked your matches. You often play support, and have bad XPM/GPM, but when I continued scrolling down I got to the games where your matches were NS you played bad, but I wad shocked when you got place to HS.

                                    Mid or tiny airlines?

                                      @Bad Intentions, most of the guys say that KDA ratio is the root to be in HS.

                                      Mid or tiny airlines?

                               this is my other account been playing unrankef matches, because I am waiting to be in HS so that I can Calibrate in 3k+.

                                        Bad Intentions

                                          Yo OP, hey man just look at ur won and lost gamez, d team with higher KDAs wins, less loses, generally speaking. So just play effective man and ul climb up :]

                                          Mid or tiny airlines?

                                            But I haven't played my 10 calibrations for ranked matches.

                                            Mid or tiny airlines?

                                              I checked some of my games because it made me curious to be in NS even I am having good kda ratio. I saw that most of my team had bad Kills,deaths nd assist but they had good kda ratio after the game. I don't get it, I think this kda is broken.


                                                I have played a lot of games in NS where I had a PC and internet that were dying. I played hundreds of games where the screen froze and skipped, I would see one frame every couple seconds and still might win in Normal Skill.

                                                Once that was fixed it was easy for me to return to HS and then VHS. It took time because the distance is so large. I gained back 1500 MMR the slow way +25 at a time. But with a smurf you can do it in one game on a new account. All that time I was taking this account from 2.35k MMR up to 3.85k MMR the bad players in my games did not recognize that I was winning the game for them. They imagined that whoever had lots of kills was good and whoever did not was bad. But I kept winning and almost NONE of them did. I did several threads showing this in detail. Almost every single NS and HS player I played with for hundreds of games stayed in NS or HS games. They all just stayed where they were at near 50% winrate.

                                                And once I got back close to a correct MMR for me near the bottom of Very High, I also have close to 50% winrate. That's how it works. If you want to advance you really have to become a lot better.

                                                Mid or tiny airlines?

                                                  What's the best option, calibrate my 10 games or play unranked and wait to be in HS then calibrate?

                                                  Anti Christ

                                                    can you predict my mmr?

                                                    Anti Christ

                                                      can you predict my mmr? when im solo im always getting VHS but when party its always NS or HS


                                                        This is my opinion about smurf and goals connected to it.

                                                        In order to make a smurf, you first, yourself, need to be a decent player.

                                                        Now, what comes as a decent player for me or in general, might be just below average for Dotabuff community, however...

                                                        I say everyone with legit 3.5-4000 can call himself to be decent player in my opinion.

                                                        This means you were at some point 4k, and most of your time you're able to maintain yourself above 3600+ MMR.

                                                        In order to make a smurf, I also thing you need to have your main with at least over 1000+ games, play everyhero, try to get alone on your main at VHS(even tho getting to vhs is just 3.7, it could be nice and motivational milestone).

                                                        I'm gonna tell you my story. I made smurf just to try-out new things and see what MMR am I gonna calibrate at.

                                                        At very start I just didn;t give much of a fuck, yet, after first game I was already VHS for next one and never went back to HS, even tho I played very badly and sometimes I just throw the game to get fast levels for ranked.

                                                        But then I also had decent games, where I carried my team and where I showed system( i assume) I can contribute enough not to get kicked from VHS.

                                                        So I lost, and I won some games. After calibration I ended up 4451 MMR for solo and 4496 MMR for party. I played about @ 50 games after my calibration games on my smurf and I'm flat 4400 now.

                                                        What does it mean? Well, let me tell you.

                                                        If you want to get better, you just first need to get decent enough on your main account. Even then, calibrating at 4.4k+ won't make you legit 4.4k+ player, because I don't claim to be legit, but I'm still good enough with few heroes such as Slark, Shadow Fiend and few more to make decent impact when I play them and keep myself at close to my calibration rating.

                                                        Then again, if you're unable to reach VHS in just a few games, don't bother. First few games on your smurf are deciditing factor actually.

                                                        It just means you're not ready yet, because you were never into VHS games on your main, and even if you were, it was just for short period of time.

                                                        About goals: you need to have realistic goals. My goal was to see what MMR am I gonna get, to try slowly to get out of my comfort zone and try to learn as much as I can so I can apply that on my main and get that MMR here aswell.

                                                        Sadly I'm not ready, even after almost @ 200 games on my smurf to crush 3.8k games with great winrate yet, so I don't want to force myself doing it. I just don't feeel confident.

                                                        Last thing I want to tell you is that even if you reach VHS by some accident, it won't make you VHS player or 4k+ player.

                                               - check my smurf.

                                                        I'm having good games in 4.3k+ MMR, but I'm also having bad games. I also lose games I shoudln't because sometimes I just give up or I fail at things I shouldn't.

                                                        So long story short - if you can't get VHS with just few games, you're not good enough. Even if you get it and calibrate 4k+, it won't make you legit VHS player, but if you're realistic and ready to admit you're not there yet, it'll help you improve slowly.

                                                        Цей коментар був відредагований
                                                        Mid or tiny airlines?

                                                          Due to your name you are probably in 500 MMR.


                                                            What is wrong with your smurfs winrate :v Look at this booooyeeee


                                                              sad,you play 1 hero,just tired of you noobs abusing system.hope you do not calibrate near me.
                                                              my account :

                                                              Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                                GPM and XPM are 100% accurate ways to tell if someone is shit or not.

                                                                OP you have 360 average GPM with Slark over 7 games and 411 with Weaver over 4 games with 100% win rate. Do you really think those are even remotely good averages?


                                                                  What about me, @gg?
                                                                  (I've seen worse in pubs.)

                                                                  Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                                    You play only one hero lol. And your GPM with Visage is kinda low but your win rate and KDA sugests that you know what you are doing.


                                                                      Position 5 visage EleGiggle 4Head

                                                                      Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                                        Yeah GPM/XPM doesn't work best for support players but for cores is 100% reliable.


                                                                          Try one of my friends:

                                                                          Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                                            3000 MMR.


                                                                              Nope, 2.5k and heading for 1.9k.

                                                                              Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                                                > My bad


                                                                                  He was not too long ago. And then he started feeding rapiers to the enemy team and switched to League of Lesbians.


                                                                                    Op stop being so shit, fuxking delusionsl!! And excelling at being retarded!!!!

                                                                                    You can play forever, your calibration at this point IS NOT GOIGN TO CHANGE YOU STUPID SHIT!!!

                                                                                    If you're still normal skill it is because you suck, get better then try again! Atop wastinf hour time and ruining tons of gsmes and other people's games


                                                                                      What do you think my current smurf will calibrate at?





                                                                                          If you got normal skill you belong there