General Discussion

General DiscussionInvoker got REKT

Invoker got REKT in General Discussion
acc buyers in my team

    * Aether Lens now has a 550 gold recipe instead of a Cloak (no longer grants Magic Resistance)
    * Hand of God cooldown is no longer reduced by Aghanim's Scepter
    * Invoker's base agility reduced from 20 to 14
    * Deafening Blast manacost increased from 200 to 300


    D the Superior
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        A .XXd patch, is this war3 dota all over again? :D


          report icefrog for nerf invoker.

          SO LOYAL I DESERVE 2 GIRL...

            Wow chen got nutsacked.


              good. fuck those two heroes.


                Artour still recking kids with Voker.


                  Still good

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                    Pom Pom 🍕

                      Yeah, that's not much of a Chen nerf. Aether lens recipe should be a little more when they replace it for the cloak though. It's pretty op on some heroes even without the magic res (which just made it ridiculous).


                        i hope that people will stop rushing lens on every support, thanks bluetoad

                        play for fan

                          well i dont think invoker got nerf 6 agility reduce mean he didnt lost 1 armor so he just lost some attack speed
                          defending blast mana cost to 300 is not a big deal since u dont need to use defending blast early game most of times i just farm and push till i get eul + blink + travel and if u think u need mana u can get arcane boot then change it to point booster and then get octarine Core
                          but god damn u frog u should have nerf od 4 sec disable is too much yesterday i just catch an od with 50 hp then i lost him in fog of war of high ground and when i got to high ground i saw he prison himself when he came out he had full hp and rekt me turns out he had regen bottle feels so bad :|\\

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                          Pale Mannie

                            6.87: all previous buffs to Invoker will be reverted i'll guarantee it

                            Pale Mannie


                              Livin' Real Good

                                wow, he wasn't even meta for that long, and people are sick of him? I mean, he's 10x more better to have as meta, than Storm, at least Invoker takes some type of skill, I guess everyone just wants PA meta's, Bloodseeker pub meta, Queen meta's, aka heroes that don't require much thought process or APM.

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                                Welt aus Eis

                                  hes still strong lol.

                                  Livin' Real Good

                                    For sure

                                    Pale Mannie

                                      I'm not sick of him
                                      Just 1k plebs hate him for being in meta instead of PA/Ursa meta


                                        Seriously though fuck chen, and invoker, and LD any nerfs those heroes get are well deserved.

                                        Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                          Chen gets public hate, what a time to be alive.


                                            No hero picks can really stop shit like this


                                              I feel chen agha nerf was a bit harsh though...

                                              Invoker is still strong though....a slight nerf to his summoned spirit would be nice instead of mana cost increase on deafening blast...those spirits are quite pesky and the minus armor is damn annoying.

                                              {|}TNA{|}Black Ninja

                                                they already nerfed invoker, great. the fuck they need to nerf him so fast, now buff again shit right click heroes.

                                                Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                  That was 1 brutal line-up......I stared at the all hero page on dotabuff for a while, and I could not think of any legit counter....


                                                    @Havoc...let me try....

                                                    furion (nc)
                                                    DS (off)
                                                    SF (mid)
                                                    WD (support)
                                                    Luna/(Gyro/TA/Tiny) (safe)

                                                    DS/SF/WD/Luna should have enough fire power to def while furion rat...

                                                    one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                      I like how some people say that a hero should be OP because he "takes skill" xD Invoker, Chen and other "difficult" heroes are only difficult in terms of mechanics and learning curve, after 50 games it makes no difference, and hero understanding >>> mechanics - hero spammers are good on heroes because they have a lot of exp with the hero and know what they are doing not because they know which order of multi-colored balls creates which spell.

                                                      Mary Poppins

                                                        ^ So if I try hard any hero I can be good with it but not good at the game ? No troll here, it's a real question. If i pick ... nature prophet every game for like 2 months with 5 games by days. I'll be strong with him, but what if after that I pick alchemist ? Can I'll be better or back to noob ?

                                                        Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                          You just asked if the knowledge of a certain hero would affect your knowledge with any other hero... Did you even read your post?

                                                          Mary Poppins

                                                            But play with or against a certain hero you will learn anyway ?

                                                            Riguma Borusu

                                                              Invoker is actually annoting as fuck if shit goes lategame, once you have 5 sec BKBs you have to focus that fucking shitstain because otherwise he'll disarm you, nuke you, slow you down, stun you repeatedly, make you fly up for a while, etc.

                                                              one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                Considering what you put under being good at the game. If that's general game knowledge and great knowledge of a select few(up to a dozen) heroes, then certainly yes. If that's an ability to play of a wide array of heroes at least decently, no.

                                                                the realm's delight

                                                                  what does that nerf even do lolz


                                                                    probably nerf on eul combo? idk tho but i always have to buy a few clarities through the game

                                                                    waku waku

                                                                      aether lens nerf hit pudge the most


                                                                        Invoker has too good of an early game right now, with early alacrity and such. Also..4 int/lvl...come is this?


                                                                          INVOKERS STILL OP BOYS tY FOr MMR OSfrog PogChamp Kreygasm


                                                                            any nerf is a good nerf.

                                                                            Цей коментар був відредагований
                                                                            Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                              Anyone who buys Aether Lens on Pudge deverses to be fucking beheaded because it's the most retarded thing someone could ever do.


                                                                                Aether Lens on Pudge is like lifting the toilet seat when you piss; only necessary for those who cannot aim.

                                                                                Riguma Borusu

                                                                                  ^I'm sure this guy ( sucks @ pudge

                                                                                  Aether Lens is a good pudge item. It increases your range for blink, ethereal blade, hook and ultimate, and it actually increases ulti's range by a huge percentage, allowing you to stand rather far back while blink - disabling someone you can't hook (with/against np/brood mother or there are a ton of lane creeps, or a low priority target is in the way).

                                                                                  Цей коментар був відредагований
                                                                                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                                    No it isn't. It's overrated trash. Yes, that stats are nice, Pudge makes use of them all well. But the extra 200 range on hook is just the most overrated shit ever. Force Staff effectively gives your hook 600 extra range.

                                                                                    Riguma Borusu

                                                                                      Since pudge is all about positioning, you get the best out of all of it if you get blink force and aether lens. Just because there are other good items to help you with it, doesn't mean you should ignore one that just makes your hero overall better for a low cost (except for it takes one slot, which you'll switch out for something else if it goes late).

                                                                                      Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                                                        Lol, I do suck with pudge.

                                                                                        Riguma Borusu

                                                                                          Me too, but I know people who don't, and they get aether lens because it's good for the hero.


                                                                                            Aether Lens on SK is considered nice, but after Agh's and Blink seems kind of pointless. Guess it is all opinion.

                                                                                            Riguma Borusu

                                                                                              Aghs burrowstrike range is just way too massive, you either rush aghs or go for an early blink, unlike pudge, you just don't have a good enough timing to fit it into your build and you really need the arcanes most games. The thing is, it increases pudge's hook/dismember range without endangering him, everything SK does requires him to get into your face pretty much (pudge does the opposite until he gets fat).

                                                                                              Though I really do wonder what pudge players think about the magic resist nerf on AE, it must hurt them.

                                                                                              Цей коментар був відредагований
                                                                                              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                                                For 2k, you can get Vlads, Blademail, Glimmer Cape or even Mek, all of which would be more useful for your team. Or you could have half your Aghs. And now it doesn't grant magic resist anymore either.

                                                                                                Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                                                                  Well, I think Pudge is most dangerous up in your face at all times of the game. Ever wonder why you get this feeling of "Oh I'm fucked" when you see pudge ganking your lane with a haste rune?
                                                                                                  My final opinion; aether lens is situational, not %100 necessary.

                                                                                                  Funny thought:
                                                                                                  Topic = voker gets REKT, we are discussing Pudge and Aether Lens

                                                                                                  Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                                                                    Yeah, but stats dont lie and stats say that when aether lens was introduced, Pudges winrate went up rapidly. Also I think the best thing about the item is the surprise effect it has on your enemies.

                                                                                                    Цей коментар був відредагований
                                                                                                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                                                      Or maybe, you know, the new Aghs is fucking OP and that's why his winrate went up?


                                                                                                        4 seconds for a hook is pretty OP. Then if some pudge really wanted to mess around and got Octarine Core you are looking at a possibility of a hook every 3 seconds.