General Discussion

General Discussionplayer_behavior_score_last_report

player_behavior_score_last_report in General Discussion

    Execute in console in Doto 2:
    developer 1
    Last string of the output is
    player_behavior_score_last_report: 6557
    Does anybody know what is this and how is this releated to hidden pool? Because my and enemy players often rage and leave very early and i want to know if this is releated.


      idk but i can tell you that having high behavior score is better
      i have a kotl grief account and it drops everytime im sent to low prio, its at 121 atm.


        Just asked my friend who tilts often, he got score of 3837 and is often in lowpriority. Question is does it increases changes of getting in lowpriority and does it try to match people with similar behavior scores?


          whats the input command?

          jus chillen

            developer 1
            dota ccount debug something like that

            jus chillen


              jus chillen

                i have 9087, i just flamed some people in party games and it dropped, used to be higher

                jus chillen

                  got reported mb

                  jus chillen

                    initial_skill: 0


                      player_behavior_seq_num_last_report: 229

                      650 mmr:
                      player_behavior_seq_num_last_report: 239
                      player_behavior_score_last_report: 880

                      300 mmr:
                      player_behavior_seq_num_last_report: 249
                      player_behavior_score_last_report: 587

                      50 mmr:

                      player_behavior_seq_num_last_report: 269
                      player_behavior_score_last_report: 121

                      it feels like every 10 reports = lpp
                      really not sure tho


                        account_id: 126089465
                        wins: 3837
                        losses: 3716
                        xp: 24
                        level: 508
                        initial_skill: 102
                        leaver_count: 68
                        low_priority_until_date: 0
                        prevent_text_chat_until_date: 1448124200
                        prevent_voice_until_date: 1448124200
                        last_abandoned_game_date: 1452341460
                        leaver_penalty_count: 0
                        completed_game_streak: 24
                        teaching: 48
                        leadership: 84
                        friendly: 95
                        forgiving: 10
                        account_disabled_until_date: 0
                        account_disabled_count: 0
                        showcase_hero_id: 74
                        match_disabled_until_date: 1453306399
                        match_disabled_count: 334
                        partner_account_type: PARTNER_NONE
                        low_priority_games_remaining: 0
                        calibration_games_remaining: 0
                        solo_calibration_games_remaining: 0
                        recruitment_level: 709
                        has_new_notifications: true
                        is_league_admin: false
                        secondary_leaver_count: 36
                        last_secondary_abandoned_game_date: 1450875774
                        party_competitive_games_played: 574
                        casual_1v1_games_played: 0
                        competitive_team_games_played: 4
                        curr_all_hero_challenge_id: 92
                        play_time_points: 148
                        account_flags: 1
                        play_time_level: 148
                        player_behavior_seq_num_last_report: 3174
                        player_behavior_score_last_report: 5215

                        Цей коментар був відредагований

                          account_flags HIDDENPOOLCONFIRMED


                            wins: 1874
                            losses: 1169
                            xp: 527
                            level: 287
                            initial_skill: 100
                            leaver_count: 116
                            low_priority_until_date: 0
                            prevent_text_chat_until_date: 1444298994
                            prevent_voice_until_date: 1444298994
                            last_abandoned_game_date: 1453537359
                            leaver_penalty_count: 2
                            completed_game_streak: 25
                            teaching: 5
                            leadership: 15
                            friendly: 6
                            forgiving: 1
                            account_disabled_until_date: 0
                            account_disabled_count: 0
                            showcase_hero_id: 46
                            match_disabled_until_date: 1453459214
                            match_disabled_count: 98
                            partner_account_type: PARTNER_NONE
                            low_priority_games_remaining: 0
                            competitive_rank: 5292
                            calibration_games_remaining: 0
                            solo_competitive_rank: 5010
                            solo_calibration_games_remaining: 0
                            recruitment_level: 13
                            has_new_notifications: true
                            is_league_admin: false
                            secondary_leaver_count: 57
                            last_secondary_abandoned_game_date: 1453577346
                            casual_games_played: 2268
                            solo_competitive_games_played: 181
                            party_competitive_games_played: 175
                            casual_1v1_games_played: 0
                            competitive_team_games_played: 0
                            curr_all_hero_challenge_id: 55
                            play_time_points: 24
                            account_flags: 1
                            play_time_level: 127
                            player_behavior_seq_num_last_report: 2144
                            player_behavior_score_last_report: 7816

                            jus chillen

                              looks like i win, im the most mannered dota player

                              jus chillen

                                player_behavior_score_last_report: 9087





                                    player_behavior_seq_num_last_report: 1537
                                    player_behavior_score_last_report: 8948


                                      btw allison posted nadota thread with this stuff like month ago and nobody cared 4Head


                                        the higher player_behavior_seq_num_last_report: 2144 => the higher the chance to get lp?

                                        the higher player_behavior_score_last_report: 8948 => the better?


                                          Someone who cares should write down their scores every game, as well as if they flame/even communicate at all or if they think they got reported.

                                          Цей коментар був відредагований

                                            i did lol


                                              player_behavior_seq_num_last_report: 534
                                              player_behavior_score_last_report: 7060

                                              GG today I got like 10 reports and I'm still not in low prio xD

                                              This is my smurf on which I'm having really good quality games tbh.

                                              player_behavior_seq_num_last_report: 73
                                              player_behavior_score_last_report: 4924

                                              Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                keep on going afeect maybe u will get lp, mb seq_num_last_report = lower = higher chance of lp


                                                  player_behavior_score_last_report: 5951
                                                  i thought im around 3k tbh, i behave like shit


                                                    I wonder what happens to these numbers if you abandon a game. Anyone want to test that? xD


                                                      the one who suggests it should do it
                                                      do it for the community

                                                      dookie daddy

                                                        game so shit, weekend dota = -250 mmr time to ruin games elsewhere


                                                          solo_competitive_games_played: 394
                                                          party_competitive_games_played: 301

                                                          You can even see that holy shit.


                                                            whats your rating havoc

                                                            dookie daddy

                                                              5433 this morning 5152 right now. Probably like 50/50 my fault

                                                              account_id: 90503334
                                                              wins: 4595
                                                              losses: 4387
                                                              xp: 372
                                                              level: 832
                                                              initial_skill: 102
                                                              leaver_count: 128
                                                              low_priority_until_date: 0
                                                              prevent_text_chat_until_date: 1444682443
                                                              prevent_voice_until_date: 1444682443
                                                              last_abandoned_game_date: 1452628056
                                                              leaver_penalty_count: 0
                                                              completed_game_streak: 94
                                                              teaching: 175
                                                              leadership: 189
                                                              friendly: 237
                                                              forgiving: 149
                                                              account_disabled_until_date: 0
                                                              account_disabled_count: 0
                                                              showcase_hero_id: 2
                                                              match_disabled_until_date: 1453227689
                                                              match_disabled_count: 243
                                                              partner_account_type: PARTNER_NONE
                                                              low_priority_games_remaining: 0
                                                              competitive_rank: 4210
                                                              calibration_games_remaining: 0
                                                              solo_competitive_rank: 5152
                                                              solo_calibration_games_remaining: 0
                                                              recruitment_level: 937
                                                              has_new_notifications: true
                                                              is_league_admin: true
                                                              secondary_leaver_count: 61
                                                              last_secondary_abandoned_game_date: 1452023917
                                                              casual_games_played: 5520
                                                              solo_competitive_games_played: 1581
                                                              party_competitive_games_played: 1672
                                                              casual_1v1_games_played: 0
                                                              competitive_team_games_played: 8
                                                              curr_all_hero_challenge_id: 26
                                                              play_time_points: 109
                                                              account_flags: 1
                                                              play_time_level: 156
                                                              player_behavior_seq_num_last_report: 2492
                                                              player_behavior_score_last_report: 7991

                                                              Цей коментар був відредагований
                                                              SANITY = ECLIPSED

                                                                What are account flags? Reports?

                                                                dookie daddy

                                                                  account_flags: 1

                                                                  well shit.....


                                                                    everyone has had account_flags: 1 so far so i wouldnt read too much into it
                                                                    havoc is an angel aswell
                                                                    i will play calibration matches now and check the score, wish me luck

                                                                    wins: 53
                                                                    losses: 24
                                                                    xp: 951
                                                                    level: 12
                                                                    initial_skill: 0
                                                                    leaver_count: 4
                                                                    low_priority_until_date: 0
                                                                    prevent_text_chat_until_date: 0
                                                                    prevent_voice_until_date: 0
                                                                    last_abandoned_game_date: 1402253803
                                                                    leaver_penalty_count: 0
                                                                    completed_game_streak: 40
                                                                    teaching: 1
                                                                    leadership: 1
                                                                    friendly: 0
                                                                    forgiving: 0
                                                                    account_disabled_until_date: 0
                                                                    account_disabled_count: 0
                                                                    showcase_hero_id: 0
                                                                    match_disabled_until_date: 0
                                                                    match_disabled_count: 17
                                                                    partner_account_type: PARTNER_NONE
                                                                    low_priority_games_remaining: 0
                                                                    solo_calibration_games_remaining: 8
                                                                    recruitment_level: 0
                                                                    has_new_notifications: true
                                                                    is_league_admin: false
                                                                    secondary_leaver_count: 4
                                                                    last_secondary_abandoned_game_date: 1394474103
                                                                    casual_games_played: 39
                                                                    solo_competitive_games_played: 2
                                                                    party_competitive_games_played: 0
                                                                    casual_1v1_games_played: 0
                                                                    competitive_team_games_played: 0
                                                                    curr_all_hero_challenge_id: 86
                                                                    play_time_points: 0
                                                                    account_flags: 1
                                                                    play_time_level: 0

                                                                    Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                                      player_behavior_score_last_report: 9340

                                                                      O_O I guess I flame too much


                                                                        jussi high number is good


                                                                          wins: 1422
                                                                          losses: 1387
                                                                          xp: 389
                                                                          level: 153
                                                                          initial_skill: 100
                                                                          leaver_count: 43
                                                                          low_priority_until_date: 0
                                                                          prevent_text_chat_until_date: 0
                                                                          prevent_voice_until_date: 0
                                                                          last_abandoned_game_date: 1450769881
                                                                          leaver_penalty_count: 0
                                                                          completed_game_streak: 206
                                                                          teaching: 18
                                                                          leadership: 20
                                                                          friendly: 33
                                                                          forgiving: 9
                                                                          account_disabled_until_date: 0
                                                                          account_disabled_count: 0
                                                                          showcase_hero_id: 14
                                                                          match_disabled_until_date: 1450595962
                                                                          match_disabled_count: 154
                                                                          partner_account_type: PARTNER_NONE
                                                                          low_priority_games_remaining: 0
                                                                          solo_competitive_rank: 4336
                                                                          solo_calibration_games_remaining: 0
                                                                          recruitment_level: 0
                                                                          has_new_notifications: true
                                                                          is_league_admin: false
                                                                          secondary_leaver_count: 0
                                                                          last_secondary_abandoned_game_date: 0
                                                                          casual_games_played: 2614
                                                                          solo_competitive_games_played: 135
                                                                          party_competitive_games_played: 0
                                                                          casual_1v1_games_played: 0
                                                                          competitive_team_games_played: 0
                                                                          curr_all_hero_challenge_id: 43
                                                                          play_time_points: 81
                                                                          account_flags: 1
                                                                          play_time_level: 80
                                                                          player_behavior_seq_num_last_report: 1015
                                                                          player_behavior_score_last_report: 8729


                                                                            account_id: 146582953
                                                                            wins: 1211
                                                                            losses: 1124
                                                                            xp: 933
                                                                            level: 141
                                                                            initial_skill: 0
                                                                            leaver_count: 15
                                                                            low_priority_until_date: 0
                                                                            prevent_text_chat_until_date: 0
                                                                            prevent_voice_until_date: 0
                                                                            last_abandoned_game_date: 1444407739
                                                                            leaver_penalty_count: 0
                                                                            completed_game_streak: 300
                                                                            teaching: 14
                                                                            leadership: 14
                                                                            friendly: 37
                                                                            forgiving: 9
                                                                            account_disabled_until_date: 0
                                                                            account_disabled_count: 0
                                                                            showcase_hero_id: 5
                                                                            match_disabled_until_date: 1443798272
                                                                            match_disabled_count: 6
                                                                            partner_account_type: PARTNER_NONE
                                                                            low_priority_games_remaining: 0
                                                                            competitive_rank: 3281
                                                                            calibration_games_remaining: 0
                                                                            solo_competitive_rank: 4546
                                                                            solo_calibration_games_remaining: 0
                                                                            recruitment_level: 0
                                                                            has_new_notifications: true
                                                                            is_league_admin: false
                                                                            secondary_leaver_count: 1
                                                                            last_secondary_abandoned_game_date: 1422892186
                                                                            casual_games_played: 422
                                                                            solo_competitive_games_played: 1866
                                                                            party_competitive_games_played: 30
                                                                            casual_1v1_games_played: 0
                                                                            competitive_team_games_played: 0
                                                                            curr_all_hero_challenge_id: 106
                                                                            play_time_points: 168
                                                                            account_flags: 1
                                                                            play_time_level: 86
                                                                            player_behavior_seq_num_last_report: 1215
                                                                            player_behavior_score_last_report: 9001


                                                                              I have

                                                                              is_icefrog: 1

                                                                              is that why I never get lpq?


                                                                                completed_game_streak: 300

                                                                                Means that I finished 300 matches in a row without single abandon?

                                                                                Wow! Nerves of steel! =)))

                                                                                inner corpse

                                                                                  7809, it may have something to do with it honestly, i got reported severely lately and now i am stuck with weirdos, and people which give up regularly in last 2 days


                                                                                    Guess it's bad if my number is low "player_behavior_seq_num_last_report: 873"

                                                                                    account_id: 78410961
                                                                                    wins: 2242
                                                                                    losses: 2100
                                                                                    xp: 844
                                                                                    level: 390
                                                                                    initial_skill: 102
                                                                                    leaver_count: 66
                                                                                    low_priority_until_date: 0
                                                                                    prevent_text_chat_until_date: 1447165251
                                                                                    prevent_voice_until_date: 1447165251
                                                                                    last_abandoned_game_date: 1450879470
                                                                                    leaver_penalty_count: 2
                                                                                    completed_game_streak: 18
                                                                                    teaching: 46
                                                                                    leadership: 52
                                                                                    friendly: 63
                                                                                    forgiving: 30
                                                                                    account_disabled_until_date: 0
                                                                                    account_disabled_count: 0
                                                                                    showcase_hero_id: 6
                                                                                    match_disabled_until_date: 1442545653
                                                                                    match_disabled_count: 68
                                                                                    partner_account_type: PARTNER_NONE
                                                                                    low_priority_games_remaining: 0
                                                                                    competitive_rank: 4233
                                                                                    calibration_games_remaining: 0
                                                                                    solo_competitive_rank: 4697
                                                                                    solo_calibration_games_remaining: 0
                                                                                    recruitment_level: 0
                                                                                    has_new_notifications: true
                                                                                    is_league_admin: false
                                                                                    secondary_leaver_count: 4
                                                                                    last_secondary_abandoned_game_date: 1395024441
                                                                                    casual_games_played: 1750
                                                                                    solo_competitive_games_played: 2268
                                                                                    party_competitive_games_played: 121
                                                                                    casual_1v1_games_played: 0
                                                                                    competitive_team_games_played: 0
                                                                                    curr_all_hero_challenge_id: 45
                                                                                    play_time_points: 170
                                                                                    account_flags: 1
                                                                                    play_time_level: 43
                                                                                    player_behavior_seq_num_last_report: 873
                                                                                    player_behavior_score_last_report: 3995


                                                                                      account_id: 313768413
                                                                                      wins: 41
                                                                                      losses: 21
                                                                                      xp: 0
                                                                                      level: 1
                                                                                      initial_skill: 102
                                                                                      leaver_count: 0
                                                                                      low_priority_until_date: 0
                                                                                      prevent_text_chat_until_date: 0
                                                                                      prevent_voice_until_date: 0
                                                                                      last_abandoned_game_date: 0
                                                                                      leaver_penalty_count: 0
                                                                                      completed_game_streak: 82
                                                                                      teaching: 24
                                                                                      leadership: 38
                                                                                      friendly: 17
                                                                                      forgiving: 9
                                                                                      account_disabled_until_date: 0
                                                                                      account_disabled_count: 0
                                                                                      showcase_hero_id: 0
                                                                                      match_disabled_until_date: 0
                                                                                      match_disabled_count: 0
                                                                                      partner_account_type: PARTNER_NONE
                                                                                      low_priority_games_remaining: 0
                                                                                      recruitment_level: 0
                                                                                      has_new_notifications: true
                                                                                      is_league_admin: false
                                                                                      secondary_leaver_count: 0
                                                                                      last_secondary_abandoned_game_date: 0
                                                                                      casual_games_played: 59
                                                                                      solo_competitive_games_played: 0
                                                                                      party_competitive_games_played: 0
                                                                                      casual_1v1_games_played: 0
                                                                                      competitive_team_games_played: 0
                                                                                      curr_all_hero_challenge_id: 93
                                                                                      play_time_points: 121
                                                                                      account_flags: 0
                                                                                      play_time_level: 28
                                                                                      player_behavior_seq_num_last_report: 50
                                                                                      player_behavior_score_last_report: 9732

                                                                                      jus chillen

                                                                                        benao 4head

                                                                                        jus chillen

                                                                                          ya btw i used to have this shit at ~9800 last time i checked, i flamed some retards in party games after i raped them, probably got reported


                                                                                            It is a smurf probably gonna drip




                                                                                                match_disabled_count: 70

                                                                                                account_flags: 1
                                                                                                player_behavior_seq_num_last_report: 1459
                                                                                                player_behavior_score_last_report: 9400

                                                                                                i'm interested on this, what's the meaning of "flags"? I have 1, and 70 "match disabled"

                                                                                                SANITY = ECLIPSED

                                                                                                  ^ Match_disabled_count are times when you dodged games. Also what is player_behavior_seq_num_last_report? Any ideas?

                                                                                                  jus chillen

                                                                                                    the time from last report i would think