General Discussion

General DiscussionAt what MMR does "real" dota start?

At what MMR does "real" dota start? in General Discussion

    Looking at the way hero win rate varies vs MMR, it seems pretty consistent until you hit somewhere in 4k-5k.

    Pretty much the same set of top 20 heroes for <1k, 1-2k, 2-3k, 3-4k and just slightly changing in 4-5k.

    Don't think it is any coincidence that somewhere around 4.5k is where most smurfs can calibrate :D


      normal skill = not dota
      high skill = very bad dota
      4k+ = average dota
      5k = good dota
      6k = pro dota


        pro dota = people make a living off the game, REAL dota

        the rest of us = just a game m8

        also i drank a lot so completely disregard anything i type


          For last 30 days i'm playing in bracket above 4k+.

          I knew it before, but after almost 100 games of games on my smurf in 4.3k+ MMR I dare to say that real dota starts after 4.2-4.3k mmr.

          But I think you just need to know basics and you need to have some decent hero pool to get there.

          Like, a lot of my heroes are really probably in low 3k or 2k range, but my Slark/SF and few others are at least on high 3k and low 4k bracket, so it actually helps me a lot maintaining my 4.3-4.4k MMR on my smurf.

          If I just completly gave up on SF and Slark, I think I would of just droped back in 3k in no time.

          So my point is, if you're good enough with few heroes, even if you don't belong exactly in 4.3k+ range, you can maintain yourself there and learn a lot as long as you can play few heroes properly.

          I think I got at least a bit better from playing on my smurf account, yet, I don't feel confident to start jorney of "road to 4k" once again on my main. :-D

          suc a lil weiner

            ^ Hahahahahahaa ur hilarious


              Holy shit, nice smurf mate. :-D

              play for fan

                smurf dota= real dota
                +8k = real dota
                others = wasting time

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                Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                  "Real" dota is when playing a Lan match where "real" money is at stake. Playing DoTA with 9 complete strangers players are "game" dota


                    nowhere near or below 4k for sure. my guess is 5.5

                    inner corpse

                      5v5 team match making/cups


                        6000 .


                          It certainly doesn't start at 3k.


                            sadbois we all wasting our time here


                              VP.CoventryBoy incoming? you never know.

                              i mean if its fun w/e play 10 games a day.

                              but if you play and it sucks
                              and you flame teamates that feed
                              and shit-talk people with lower MMR
                              and say "fuck this game" every 15 seconds
                              unless you're going pro, why you playin?

                              do w/e you find fun, when you're on your deathbed thinking about life
                              don't be the guy saying "Why the fuck did i play that shitty game?"

                              Miku Plays

                                Real dotka u have fun and enjoy the gameee


                                  Real dota is when you enjoy playing


                                    Nu sho tut ska3at'

                                    the M

                                      Here's the truth, the true truth, now unveiled for you:

                                      - Solo queue: NOT dota, no matter what mmr you got

                                      - Party mmr with 4 friends: REAL dota


                                        i guess everyone has their own interpretation of "real". all i meant was that there is a very clear demarcation somewhere in 4-5k where the hero pool changes and i think that below that it is just a whole bunch of people playing without any coordination whatsoever.


                                          started at 3.6k, now i am 4.7, it feels like the games (esp teamplay, support players, game understanding) got a lot better at 4.3-4.5k


                                            5.5k+.. 4k games surrounded of selfish players who doesnt want to pick support and instead of that picks junglers or just another core


                                              If you are having fun while playing dota, you are doing it wrong.


                                                3.9k nearly at 4k dream, from my experience is that you get some really good games where things just seem to click but there always games where you try your best but it wasn't good enough. I'm guessing real dota starts at 4.1k which puts you in the top 1% according to some really old statistic when MMR first came out.


                                                  After playing around 4.4k I'd have to say around there. Though the games are NOWHERE near the games at 5k+. That's not to say though that games don't stop getting salty. From 4k+ you will always have games where people intentionally throw or just should not be at that level, AKA, account buyers.

                                                  Putins Price Hike

                                                    If youre not playing pro then you are a scrub like the rest of us.

                                                    Black Wolf

                                                      First, there is a MONSTROUS difference between Ranked and Normal in my oppinion. People in normal just try new heroes and don't really care about winning so you often see 5 man carry team. So normal dota is not real dota. I just reached 3k recently and I see a big difference between 3k and 1-2k. I can't tell how it is on higher MMR, never been there.

                                                      Also I think real Dota is when you win a very close game after an heroic comeback. Best satisfaction there is.

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