General Discussion

General DiscussionVP.Lil sent back to the fucking stonage

VP.Lil sent back to the fucking stonage in General Discussion




        How come Morph is meta?


          idk how but people lose me party games with him

          Riguma Borusu

            Is rapier muted on bear or can he use it?


              it works. Thank lil for the happy rapier share fund!

              the realm's delight


                Riguma Borusu

                  Holy fucking shit, I didn't know rapier worked on bear. But yeah, I was sure it's a typical warden thrown rapier.


                    Team rapier :D
                    Reason its awesome to play against a warden



                      Retard rapier build

                      This is a real build my boys:


                        ^ so you basically played a meepo keepo

                        one syllable anglo-saxon

                          Why do people even build mass rapiers on him? It forces you to sit in fountain, only being a hero once every 20 sec and have minimal pushing ability. Who cares if you can melt towers and oneshot heroes if you can't even push out a creepwave?


                            ^theres a game i believe miracle played on ember vs eh i forgot who played arc. Just youtube miracle ember base race or smth like that, you can see how retarded zet with rapiers is.


                                Arc is a terrible hero. Needs some buffs.


                                  im sure people are just terrible players, the hero has insane potential

                                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                    Lil is actually stupidly good, but he still can't play the hero to even half its potential. And that's scary.


                                      No the hero does not have some insane potential, it has the potential to be on par with all the other heroes. No matter what you do on the hero it does not change the fact that it has trash base stats, trash stat gain, and trash active skills that are highly situational, making him relatively low impact compared to other heroes.

                                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                        If you are not trolling, then you are just insanely retarded. What if I told you simply doubling the items actually makes the ulti worthwhile, the skills are just the icing on the cake?


                                          Hero is amazing. It'll just take some time until people realise how to itemaze/play him properly. Some of them already did.


                                            hero is great. anyone who thinks its bad obviously doesnt know the hero.