General Discussion

General DiscussionHidden pool is definitely real

Hidden pool is definitely real in General Discussion

    My ISP went down when I was leveling my smurf and I received an abandon, afterwards I've had the most awful games imaginable. For four games in a row, every single game follows a pattern: every game is on dire, every game has parties on both sides, and every game has a player with < 1 KDA on my team. Before that whether winning or losing I almost never had < 1 KDA teammates. — intentional feeder on LC, fed slark duel damage every time he respawned — 0-7 offlane anti-mage + jungle LC — spectre got owned by aggressive dual lane and abandoned 5 minutes into the game; 3-14 silencer — 2k/3k earthshaker and CM in party with SF, roamed from lvl1 and fed, I was left solo in the safelane against an aggressive dual-lane

    Except maybe for the last game, every one of those was decided beforehand by the matchmaker and was impossible to win. Also I've had a similar experience on my main account during 6.84 when I had 20+ radiant games in a row. Radiant was favored during 6.84 and Dire is favored in this patch, perhaps matchmaker tries to `balance' out your hidden pool status by placing you on a favored side, but with feeders and griefers?









              it's low pri..... a lot of times if people have 5 low pri matches they will feed / abandon carelessly because they receive no punishment.. because 5 is the max you can have.. If i have 5 low pri matches and my team is being retarded idgaf i will abandon and if they piss me off ill feed to make sure they dont win LMAO...

              anyone can look at me and judge me or whatever,

              but my point is that in low pri, u can expect to have people who give absolutely zero fucks about winning cause they're already in low pri and the ones who have 5 low pri matches couldn't care less about abandoning because there is absolutely no punishment.

              obviously i want to win..

              id only abandon like if i pick spectre and there is a tusk stealing all my last hits who made me buy courier while i have a viper and a clinx right clicking the shit out of me and i have 0 CS and i have 5 low pri matches left, i'd be like : fuck this match.

              Today i was muted and i won 6 games in a row, a lot of those games i had players with 550 - 600 gpm avg while enemy team had 400 GPM

              hidden pool is not real i think

              its dota, its an online game, sometimes people wont give a fuck. it's life . esp in low pri

              waku waku


                House Cat

                  I love playing OD too :D


                    Found a game, surprise, it's dire again. I'm dodging until I get radiant.


                    Pretty sure I'm not in low priority. Games are All Pick and I receive experience trophy levels.


                      whoah another dire match


                        Ok, i won my radiant match. Next dire match I had 2 junglers on my team. You can't make this shit up.


                          And it was a party game again.



                            one syllable anglo-saxon

                              K-L-I-Chris Hemsworth??? How does that make sense?


                                i didnt even know hes actually called chris hemsworth

                                one syllable anglo-saxon

                                  Me too. I just googled "avengers tor actor" to pretend I didn't understand that you meant clitoris.


                                    I thought you had a real эпефани

                                    one syllable anglo-saxon




                                        one syllable anglo-saxon

                                          Your prekol is too hard NotLikeThis


                                            Idk what were first 2 guys going for, but i was obviously going for what Epiphany wrote xD


                                              ok now im banned for 24 hours for dodging. Will I get banned for a week next time or 24 hours is the cap?


                                                i dont know whats about this, but for a long time i only got ~10 dire games for 2-3 radiant, idk what was that shit about.
                                                now i am getting pretty balanced amount of radiant/dire ratio


                                                  ur isp is in hidden pool
                                                  change isp = escape the jail

                                                  Livin' Real Good

                                                    I love hidden pool discussions, i'll post some snap shots if I ever get into it (yes, I am a believer) But i haven't been it for about 6 months, maybe 7.

                                                    When I feel like I've been reported a lot, i'm not in low priority, and my que times go from 30 seconds-3 mins to a suspicious 6-12 mins every search, then leading into the worst games i've had in my life, i'll report back.



                                                      Could be the case. My ISP has several subnets of dynamic IPs, games today didn't seem to be in hidden pool, it might be possible that I'm on a different IP-range than before. I'm going to try and roll for the same subnet as I'm on right now when my ban expires.


                                                        Hidden pool just has bot and cheaters, no?


                                                          i was trolling lol

                                                          shadowpool is the pool with bots and abusers

                                                          but hidden pool doesnt exsist tbh


                                                            ^btw he's right


                                                              Hidden pool is definitely real