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General DiscussionCountering DP Mid

Countering DP Mid in General Discussion
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    Lina, Viper can win mid vs DP. Pretty sure TA losses, just like every melee hero coz of syphon. I also laugh at the guy who thinks she fells of after 30min+. She scales amazingly with items & her lifesteal is BKB piercing...Her late game is actually stronger than her mid game. I think Lina in general is the best hero vs her, coz of instant burst.

    Riguma Borusu

      ^she falls off lategame if the enemy carries start being capable of bursting her down, and her damage doesn't improve aside from building up tons of -armor on the team, while the reality is, he other team is also building vlads/ac as well



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            Digital Chaos just played Infamous.

            |SPOILER ALERT|

            DC had the Death Prophet, who laned against Puck. Thing is, the DP did not "control" the lane. Also, it seemed that Infamous's Terrorblade made quite a difference against DP. Infamous won in 25 minutes BTW.
            I think I'll try one of these two heroes next time I have to play against a DP.

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              pick QOP , basically a good lane counter .
              try to nuke her down as soon as you get ultimate , DP is very squishy so you wont have problem nuking her down . during early laning phase i let dp push tower until she pops her ult . as soon as she do it wait blink in nuke her down . be careful tho make sure you have creeps nearby you so you wont take full damage of exorcism . always have magic stick for she will be spamming his 1st on creeps to ensure last hits

              Dire Wolf

                I wouldn't pick puck, hero might control and win mid but puck basically sucks vs everything else. She is decent if your team has a ton of dmg and just needs her to drop ult and silence and gg, but she sucks as a nuker or carry, all she really has is that ult.


                  I agree. The only reason she is played at competitive level is to initiate. But if you have all of the other bases covered as far as damage and such, then I see no reason not too. When I play Puck (and when I play her in the future) it is usually as more of a support pos. 4.


                    Viper is also good and less susceptible to ganks. Also, viper can easily punish failed ganks.


                      Go mid with Lich and fuck her


                        Well maybe Lich as support can camp in mid. But if you pick Lich and go solo mid, you probably get "Fuck You" from your teammate.

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                          Riguma Borusu

                            puck is "it", guise

                            Also to add to what kitrak said, don't forget viper is one of the slowest fucking heroes in the game.

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                              Nikosh Adhar

                                DP so weak against TA.
                                And in your bracket.. DP is super easy if you pick Drow or SF.

                                [RR53] RR

                                  That's before the Syphon spell. Now TA gets demolished versus DP. Literally unplayable lane.


                                    does it remove shield instances

                                    [RR53] RR

                                      It eats them in less than a second. And on level 5 DP can Syphon you 3 times in a row which will kill you 100%.


                                        rip TA

                                        [RR53] RR

                                          RIP TA

                                          Few patches ago when DP was heavily in meta I was so happy when enemies picked her because I would take Lanaya and shit on kids. Now playing versus DP is like versus Viper, you can own the lane if you play perfectly, but make one mistake and you are out.

                                          We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!