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General DiscussionHelp Me Out

Help Me Out in General Discussion
saoirse ronan

    How to play better position one by analyzing my games if anyone could help me out thanks

    i play in a five stack most of the time. Check latest ember game, thats my stack. :D


      1) you die too much
      2) sometimes u go for highly suboptimal items
      3) you hve too low farm, try to be more efficient and not waste time when u could farm stuff somewhere


        well in a stack u will always have supports i guess.
        1)try to get all the cs that is free.
        2)kill the offlaner, harass him but keep in mind that you fuck up your lane the more you harass him (enemy creeps take more damage from your creeps because they are chasing you and not attacking your allied creeps, resulting in pushing the lane), and in this case ask for proper pulls from your supports.
        3)watch the map once in a while in between lasthits (i mean click on it and look around the map, not just glance at minimap)
        4)if u fucked the offlaner and u can push, try to get t1.
        5)itemize according to game (bottle if you have a lane where you get spammed, pms if you get rightclicked, don't be shy to bring more tangoes if you feel like they will help you lane ok).
        6)once you have your core items, go ahead and carry the game ( some heroes do this via oneshotting enemy heroes, others via splitpush, others via fast rosh and fight etc)


          and always be aware of enemy heroes in the back of your head, and don't expose yourself to a gank you won't escape