General Discussion

General DiscussionMedusa solo offlane is awesome

Medusa solo offlane is awesome in General Discussion

    Fast level, harass enemy carry. Need a well-placed obs and well-casted snakes. Awesome against weak dual safe lane. At 4k7 still works.

    Óðinn H

      fast level :D Medusa Solo offlane



        cant they just... kill you? like super ez? 0-6 lvl 3 cuz you never see a creep without dying for it? she could work mid, but solo off idk.


          Not sure I'd want her solo offline but it is fair say mystic snake is stupidly strong.


            do u get talon


              Rush blink dagger for teamfight


                I don't know, but it works for my 4k7 smurf. I played him 4 times offlane, and I wrecked the enemy safelane all the times.

                I'm the cube

                  Trilane will rape her.


                    lol, i wonder why u even answer a guy shitposting from a dead account?


                      ^ I'm serious, and I'm still actively playing on my smurf.

                      Riguma Borusu

                        Laning is probably less of a problem now that the snake is buffed to hell and back, the better question is, where are you going to find medusa levels of farm if you're simply an offlaner, what if you have a really farm hungry safelane carry?


                          I also it won't work against trilane. But usually what happen to me is the supports feel bored and they leave the lanes with the carry much lower level than me. For example:, I got 320cs at 30 min in the game, even more farm than a trilane Luna carry.

                          Цей коментар був відредагований

                            I think the decisive window with dusa is between her getting a farm item and her first stat item. Think she'd actually do fine so long as she can farm the new offline camp/stack ancients. Once she's got a couple of points in snake, not sure a trilateral can zone her that easily.

                            The point remains though - there isn't enough farm on the map to have her offlane.

                            Dire Wolf

                              I'd only do this vs a super weak spectre + melee support lane like spec Es


                                Honestly I think it is less about whether she get anything out of the lane and more where is she going to find farm and the space to farm after 10mins. What's your safe laner doing now? One of you needs to be buying time for the other one.


                                  actually offensive trilane or mid are the ways to play dusa


                                    i'm not convinced by mid dusa. yes she wins her lane probably but again you are left with a position of being very weak early mid game unless your safelane farmer can come online early.


                                      ^the guy gave an example where he and the carry both got 10 cs/min and you keep saying the same thing.


                                        And it's not like you're gonna have a antimage carry alchemist mid offlane Medusa every game.